Super Cookery System

Chapter 89: Win over

After beating the eggs, Yang Song grasped the tail of the fish and gently held it on top of the oil pan. The fish was gently put into the oil temperature. The oil temperature was just right, no more, no less! I have to say that Yang Song's grasp of his knife skills is really beyond people's reach.

"Beautiful, the fish handling method is just like a performance, fast speed, just right to grasp the time, after the paste is wrapped, the oil is just 70% hot, and the time for frying the fish is just right!"

The middle-aged man in the Tang suit seemed to understand what Ye Lao said at this moment. Yang Song is really not an ordinary person. With this hand-cutting skill, it can be said that he has never seen other chefs able to do this!

At this time, Wang Shuhuan has already started to cook the gorgon. A fish has been neatly placed on the plate. Yang Song has just fried the fish and placed it on the plate. Yang Song also placed the fish head on it. Yang Song's fish heads are still one by one, which shows how fast Yang Song handles the fish!

The thickening work is very fast. When re-frying, Yang Song has already placed the pot on another stove. After placing the mandarin fish, the wok is just heating up, and Yang Song will use the previously prepared sauce with Pour all the ketchup in, start sliding the frying spoon, top with the gorgon, and the savory gorgon juice is ready.

Yang Song unexpectedly raised the wok at the same time as the opposite Wang Shuhuan, and began to pour the juice on the mandarin fish. At the same time, he put down the wok and raised his hands!

game! End! !

This series of operations made everyone hold their breath. After all, Yang Song’s operation is not too gorgeous. It looks messy. In fact, the expression on Yang Song’s face has not fluctuated a bit. Everything is Everything is so orderly in his calculations and the like!

What about Wang Shuhuan? Although everything is done in a hurry or slow, it looks like a performance, but everything is quite satisfactory. First of all, it takes longer than Yang Song to choose fish, then process the fish, and finally to frying. A lot more.

"Okay, hurry up and rate it! I'm so sleepy and want to go back to sleep!"

When Yang Song said this, he just yawned. It seemed that his face was listless, which made Wang Shuhuan's heart angry. Although he has not yet started grading, Yang Song's attitude seemed to have lost.

Both dishes were served in front of the judges. The first thing I tasted was Wang Shuhuan's. This dish looked full of color and fragrance, and the aroma gradually diffused.

The five judges all took a bite of Wang Shuheng's squirrel mandarin fish! Then he closed his eyes and began to taste slowly. After a long time, Ye Laocai waved his hand and motioned to bring Yang Song over.

One end of Yang Song's squirrel mandarin fish came up, and a tempting aroma filled it, which was mixed with the sweet and sour tomato sauce aroma, and you knew it was a handmade aroma.

"It's delicious. Get it quickly. I want to try it!" Ye Lao couldn't help it now. Squirrel mandarin fish also eats a lot. There are various versions, but this kind of squirrel mandarin fish is still the first. Smell it times.

In fact, not only Ye Lao, but also the other four judges could not help it. When Yang Song's dishes came up, five people unanimously stretched out the chopsticks, then took a piece and put it in their mouths.

At this moment, the eyes of the five people suddenly opened. The taste, crisp, tender, and sour taste of handmade tomato sauce is not simple, and it makes people appetite. Now they want a bowl of white rice to match such a delicious squirrel. mandarin fish!

But now is not the time to do this kind of thing. The five judges quickly resisted the impulse, and unwillingly put down their chopsticks, let out a long sigh of relief, then got together and started the discussion.

At this moment, Wang Shuhuan was the most nervous. Other opponents were not as pressured by Yang Song, but I don’t know why. At this moment, he was very nervous and couldn’t help but glance at Yang Song, wanting to know his expression. .

I only saw Yang Song scratching his head and yawning boredly, looking really tired!

With such an attitude, Wang Shuhuan felt that he was despising himself, and couldn't help clenching his hands tightly, making a skeletal sound.

"Okay! The five judges have already got the results, please let Ye Lao announce the results!"

Ye Lao stood up, waved to everyone, and smiled. Everyone knew Ye Lao. As the most prestigious gourmet in the gourmet capital, everyone knew him.

"After discussions with the five of us, I will now announce the results. The five of us agreed that the winner of this competition is Yang Song!"

"Why is it Yang Song? First of all, when Yang Song is processing the fish, the temperature of the hands is reduced to the lowest, and the umami taste of the fish is preserved to the greatest extent!"

"The ketchup cooked on site is the finishing touch to this dish. The just right sweet and sour taste fully arouses the deliciousness of the whole dish!"

"There is also the characteristic of deep-frying. Firstly, it is deep-fried at low temperature, and then the surface is quickly fried and crispy at high temperature. It is perfect!

"The most important thing is that the speed of cooking is done while the fish is still fresh, which is better than what Wang Shuhuan handles!"

After a series of characteristics were said, Wang Shuhuan's face became darker and darker, and finally couldn't help but took two steps forward, and said angrily: "Impossible, how can I be defeated by such a bastard?"

"Enough!" At this time, a person walked out not far away, it was the elder Wang who often came to Yang Song to eat.

Seeing Mr. Wang coming over, Wang Shuhuan, who had wanted to continue the attack, immediately turned off his flames. He stood there a little nervously and whispered: "Grandpa!"

"Follow me if you lose, don't be embarrassed here!" Wang Lao coldly dropped these words, turned around and walked to Yang Song's side, smiled slightly: "I hope I can taste the squirrel made by the boss in two days. mandarin fish!"

"Have a chance!"

Yang Song nodded, without a trace of emotional fluctuations. This result is an inevitable result in his heart. He directly shouted at the host: "The game is over, I should go back, too sleepy, goodbye!"

Seeing that Yang Song was leaving, everyone began to leave their seats and walked outside.

Boss Liu: "Brother Yang's craftsmanship is getting better and better. I can smell this smell when I sit behind! I don't know when I can taste it!"

Koyanagi: "The boss really didn't disappoint us. There is no suspense about winning!"

Su Meng: "Of course! Who can match the craftsmanship of Big Brother? It's too easy!"

Zheng Ping: "The boss soaks his hands in ice water for ten minutes. With this endurance, who will succeed if he fails?"

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