Super Chief

Chapter 678: Xie Si Uprising

On January 25, 1787, at the Palace of Versailles in Paris, France, representatives from the American Continental Congress, representatives of the United Kingdom, Spain, and the Netherlands signed their respective names in a treaty. The Anglo-American Paris Peace Treaty was finally signed in this time and space.

   But for this contract to come into effect, it needs to be signed by the British and American parliaments.

   As for the content of the contract and the content of the original historical time and space, it is all nonsense.

   In fact, last year, in March 1786, after the British army abandoned New York, peace talks about the war began.

The war has been fought for a full eleven years, and the British and Americans who participated in the war have no strength to fight again. After France declared war on Britain in 1778, it also fought fiercely with the British navy for eight full years. The French also Can't move.

   As for the Dutch, it is pure soy sauce. The Netherlands today is not the "sea coachman" of more than a hundred years ago. The Netherlands is now a second-rate country in Europe.

   The only one who does not want to end the war is Spain. Even though the offensive and defensive battle for the Gibraltar Fortress has been fought for a full seven years, even if the Spaniards have also been exhausted, they still do not want to give up the Gibraltar Fortress.

   It was only in this war that was originally a civil war, but later developed into a melee between Britain, France, Holland and the United States. In the end, it became a bear-like war. Apart from Spain, no one wants to fight like this anymore.

  Especially the military mobilization of the Yanhuang tribe on the North American continent has also made the United States terrified. They are very eager to end this war and obtain the result of the European powers' recognition of their independence.

   Therefore, four of the five countries participating in the war are reluctant to fight anymore. Spain has no choice but to hold its nose and participate in the peace negotiations.

   peace talks are actually a process of dividing fruits and fruits. Since there is no clear loser in the war, the meaning of splitting fruit is very strong.

During the eight-month negotiation period, it was really an intrigue between the five countries, especially between the United States, France, and Holland. They were originally allies. As a result, when the fruits were divided for their own interests, I would like to be arrogant. Adult dog brain.

   But in any case, after eight months of arduous negotiations, a result that was reluctantly accepted by all parties was finally formed.

   So, the "Paris Peace Treaty" in this time and space was signed on January 25, 1787.

   It is worth mentioning that in the original historical time and space, January 25, 1787, was also a big day for the already independent United States, because the famous Chesi uprising ended on this day.

In the original historical time and space, Daniel Shays, a farmer born in Massachusetts, resolutely joined the Continental Army when the Independence War broke out in 1775, and with his fierce fighting, he became a major player in just one year. A captain officer in the army.

   But when the War of Independence was about to win in 1780, Daniel Shelley retired bravely, chose to retire before becoming famous, and returned to his hometown in Hopkinto, Massachusetts.

  As a fighting hero who made great contributions to the independence of the United States, Xie Si imagined that after returning to his hometown, he could be warmly greeted by the people of his hometown and could live a free and happy life without oppression with his family. But often the better the hope, the cruel reality is. Xie Si, who returned home from the army, soon discovered that everything was completely different from what he had imagined.

   Although the War of Independence was finally victorious, the entire United States was a mess. Many farmers and small handicraftsmen have to pay more exorbitant taxes and taxes to the government. Xie Si is no exception. Therefore, many American farmers and small handicraftsmen are burdened with heavy debts.

  Especially in August 1786, in order to force poor farmers in eastern Massachusetts to repay their debts, local capitalists took these debtors to court. This action angered the local people at the bottom. In order to force the court to stop the trial of the farmer debt case, a farmer uprising led by Shattuck broke out in eastern Massachusetts.

   News of the Shattuk uprising soon reached Hopkinto, and the local people, who had been oppressed by capitalists and landlords for a long time, decided to respond to the Shattuk uprising by means of an uprising. They found Xie Si, who made great achievements in the War of Independence, and elected him as the leader of the uprising. As the most famous battle hero in the area, Xie Siyi accepted the people's recommendation and led them on the road of uprising in pursuit of freedom and equality.

   At the call of Xie Si, a large number of young people from the bottom of society enthusiastically joined the uprising army. By the beginning of the month, Xie Si's uprising army had grown to 15,000 people. The insurgents attacked the city all the way and established a revolutionary regime in the occupied area. Facing the strong offensive of the insurgents, the Massachusetts government forces were completely passive.

   If Xie Si and the rebel army have more experience in the uprising, perhaps the United States, which has just been independent for a short time, will fall again. However, it is a pity that this group of insurgents composed of farmers has no experience in uprising struggles. Coupled with the scam of credulity in peace talks with American politicians, the original uprising lasted only a few months.

   On January 25, 1787, this short and fierce uprising was finally suppressed by American government forces.

   Although the Xie Si uprising was short, it has an irreplaceable role for the United States.

The Xie Si Uprising made the rulers of the United States realize that a loose confederate country can hardly cope with anti-government activities like the Xie Si Since the founding of the United States, the loose confederation has been tried out for 13 consecutive years. There are no national leaders. The United States at that time was not so much a country as it was a political and economic union, similar to the European Union in later generations.

   So after the Chess Uprising, Watsonton, who had stepped down as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, returned to serve as the first President of the United States and revised the constitution to change the loose confederate government into a powerful federal government that tried centralized power.

   At the same time, the government’s handling of Shelley also shows the mutual tolerance of various political forces in the United States. This tolerance eases social conflicts and accelerates the formation of the American nation. It was precisely with this inclusive political atmosphere that the United States was able to quickly recover from the ashes of the Civil War and rise to become a world power.

   As many people say, "The War of Independence completed the independence of the United States, and the Chess Uprising created the United States today."

   This very important day for the United States in the original historical time and space is still important in this time and space, and the "Paris Peace Treaty" was signed in this way.

   For Shixiong and Yanhuang tribes, the content of the contract is mostly nonsense. The only thing Shixiong hopes to see is that the European powers recognize the independence of the United States, and the United States as a country is recognized by the European powers!

   The signing of the contract is an out-and-out good thing for the Americans and Europeans, but it is not a good thing for the Yanhuang tribe.

The only advantage of    is that after waiting and preparing for 23 years, Shi Xiong can finally use this contract to go crazy!

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