Super Chief

Chapter 359: Human pox vaccination

Major Adrian Fogg, who was immersed in worry, inadvertently saw the guardian with the same solemn face.

"Master Guardian, do you also know smallpox?" Major Fogg was a little curious. In his opinion, the native Indians on the New World, especially the native Indians in the New World of North America, shouldn't be aware of this malignant infectious disease.

"Well, of course I know this kind of malignant infectious disease." Shi Xiong nodded, but he is a soul wearer, with countless various information and technologies from later generations in his mind, but he can face this kind of horror. He still had some scalp numbness when he was suffering from a malignant infectious disease.

This kind of malignant infectious disease that can be infected through droplets or direct contact with the human body is really overbearing. In contrast, SARS, which has brought a huge panic to China Land in later generations, is almost like a child's house. .

Although the fatality rate of smallpox is not as terrible as the Black Death, the fatality rate of this malignant infectious disease is also as high as 40%. The most important thing is that this disease is more lethal to children and women. It is really worthy of being called. "Women and Children Killers".

"Master Guardian, do you have any way to deal with this disease?" Major Fogg asked after hesitating. Major Fogg also knew a lot about the tall man of this man. He even knew that the guardian who was once a fool but now seems to be all-knowing had been guided by the highest deity believed by the Indians.

Although Major Fogg didn't really believe this, as a devout believer, at this time, he couldn't help but believe it.

Shi Xiong hesitated slightly. Although smallpox is an incurable disease in this era, how could he not know how to treat smallpox from later generations? Well, it seems to be more accurate to use the term smallpox prevention.

But for a malignant infectious disease such as smallpox, prevention is actually equal to treatment...

But the question is, how to effectively prevent smallpox, do you really want to tell this Major Fogg?

Although maintaining limited cooperation with the British is a big guiding ideology, this method of preventing smallpox is an absolute "strategic-level" weapon. Shouldn't the method of preventing smallpox be mentioned now, to be honest, Shi Xiong is really uncertain.

If you consider it from a personal perspective, Shi Xiong absolutely doesn't mind taking out this method. After all, once this method is taken out, it will save thousands of women and children. But the problem is that the stone bear does not represent an individual now. There are millions of North American Indians standing behind him.

And now this is a relatively delicate time. Once Europeans, especially the British, have now mastered the method to prevent smallpox, will the independent war that break out in a few years' time continue as scheduled? Will the British who were defeated in a single-handed war still fail?

Although it was not the smallpox virus that helped the Americans defeat the British in the single-handed war, it was malaria transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. But at the most critical moment of the single-handed war, the most serious smallpox broke out on the European continent, and most of the British soldiers’ families were in the UK. At home, these fighters cared about their families and had no intention of fighting, which was also an important reason why Britain lost the war.

"Master Guardian, do you have any way to prevent smallpox?" Major Fogg is a personal spirit, Shi Xiong hesitated, he immediately realized something, and asked excitedly.

Shixiong sighed slightly, then asked after biting his molars, "Adrian, do you know how to inoculate human pox?"

"Humanpox? The kind of prevention of smallpox spread from the ancient East?" Major Fogg was taken aback, and then asked back.

"Yes, it was the kind of acne vaccination that was spread to the United Kingdom through your wife Montagu, the ambassador of the British Empire in Turkey, more than forty years ago." Shi Xiong stared at Major Fogg with his eyes firmly on him. Said.

Fogg hesitated a little, "I have heard of that kind of human pox vaccination method, but it is said that that method does not seem to be safe, and there is a chance of being infected, and it seems that the probability is not low. If a healthy person is vaccinated That kind of human pox and infected with smallpox, this..."

Major Fogg's worry is not unreasonable.

At the beginning of the 18th century, China’s vaccinations spread to Turkey, and after hearing the news, Montagu, the wife of the British ambassador to Turkey, decided to inoculate his son with this type of acne.

Because Madame Montagu’s brother died of smallpox and she herself had contracted the disease, so she was very afraid of smallpox. She was afraid that her son would also be infected with smallpox, so she asked her son to be vaccinated with this kind of human pox under the care of the embassy surgeon. Fortunately, the vaccination was successful!

After Mrs. Montagu returned to England, she strongly advocated vaccination. But she was met by people from the social and religious circles

Oppose and resist. Under heavy resistance, Mrs. Montague had to use herself and the Princess of Wales Caroline Anspard’s

Personal friendship, ask her to persuade the king to implement human pox vaccination. With the support of King George I, a technology lacking theoretical support

The technique began to spread in rational Britain. However, although human pox vaccination protects the lives of many people, the vaccinated

People still have a 2% death rate.

After Mrs. Montagu returned to England, she strongly advocated vaccination. But she was met by people from the social and religious circles

Oppose and resist. Under heavy resistance, Mrs. Montague had to use herself and the Princess of Wales Caroline Anspard’s

Personal friendship, ask her to persuade the king to implement human pox vaccination.

After Mrs. Montagu returned to England, she strongly advocated vaccination. But she was met by people from the social and religious circles

Oppose and resist. Under heavy resistance,

Later, after Mrs. Montagu returned to the UK, she began to vigorously promote vaccination in China, but she encountered opposition and resistance from the social and religious circles. Under heavy resistance, the human pox vaccination method did not progress smoothly in the United Kingdom at the beginning. As a last resort, she used her personal friendship with Princess Caroline Anspard of Wales to ask the princess to persuade the king to promote someone. Acne vaccination.

At that time, King George I of England became interested in this kind of pox vaccination, so with the support of the this vaccination technique, which lacked theoretical support, began to spread rationally from the UK.

However, there is no theoretical support for human pox vaccination, so although this kind of human pox vaccination saves and protects the lives of many British people, it still has a 2% to 5% casualty rate.

This is why Major Fogg is worried.

But now that he has decided not to spread the news of vaccinia for the time being, Shi Xiong can only find a way on this kind of vaccinia.

"Adrian, I know your concerns, but human pox vaccination is currently the only vaccination that can prevent smallpox. Although there is a certain fatality rate, it is better than doing nothing? Compared to that The mortality rate of a few percent, and the mortality rate of nearly half after smallpox infection is undoubtedly even more terrifying. I think you should be able to make a wise choice."

Major Adrian Fogg stunned again when he heard the words, and then fell into entanglement with a wry smile.

Didn't he know that what Shi Xiong said is very reasonable? But it involves their own family members. Everyone wants vaccination to be a 100% successful method, rather than a mortality rate of a few%...

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