Super Card System

Chapter 837: The Great Copy of Ouranos

Let's turn our attention to Ian's side of the battle that took place in Marijoa.

Standing on the bow of the boat, looking at the waves of the sea that were split on both sides, Ian felt that he was afraid that he would be helpless in this life. He had been sitting on the boat all the time. This time is better, Or the ancient weapon Pluto...

About 2.3 kilometers long and 1 kilometer wide, the size of the 'Pluto' Dawn is much smaller than that of the Golden City Tezoro, but compared to the average pirate ship, it is a behemoth. I have never seen the admiral of the Jotalia Grand Fleet who was Luffy's younger brother in history, but I think the ships of this Jotalia Grand Fleet should not be as big as Hades.

The restoration work of Hades was done by Bergabank and Valudo, and it took a long time. I have to say that Kaido is crazy, but this time he finally did a good thing. In the battle of Uranos, although he was killed by Uranos, Uranos was also severely injured. After transforming into the Orochi, Kaido bit Uranos with countless scars. As a result, Uranos has not appeared in front of the world since this period of time. It is estimated that he was hiding and recuperating. Ian and the others also took advantage of this time to complete the restoration of Hades.

Pluto is Bucky's, which Ian has said a long time ago, because he is very clear that since he wants to hold Bucky as the fourth emperor, then Bucky must at least have a little high-end combat power, and Pluto is Best for Bucky.

It's fun to say, and it's precisely because Ian has no intention to snatch Pluto with Bucky, but Bucky is very motivated, and he actually made a cannonball suitable for Pluto's artillery, which is what Bucky said before, super super. Super Special Bucky Cannonball!

Pluto without cannonballs is not an ancient weapon, and Bucky is a slapper, and he is very talented...

Now, Pluto is driving on the sea, next to the ships of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princess White Star swimming in the sea, Ian and their purpose, of course, needless to say.

They have to take the initiative to find trouble with Uranus!

Uranos hid and recuperates after being injured, but its location has long been discovered by the personnel sent by the Whitebeard Pirates to investigate. After all, with Uranos' huge size, unless it flies above the clouds, it will not be on the ground. It's hard to hide.

After discovering the hiding place of Ouranos, the Dragon Hunter Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Red-haired Pirates made arrangements for this. Under the circumstances, the three pirate groups secretly evacuated the people on about a dozen islands near the hideout of Ouranos.

The people on these twelve islands have now settled in the ten thousand kingdoms of Ian, leaving only uninhabited islands. The area covered by these uninhabited islands is about more than 2,000 square kilometers. range.

And the reason for this is to free up a battlefield, so that they can focus on fighting Uranus without any distractions...

"Do you understand your mission, Bucky?" Ian was explaining to Bucky what he should do after the war, and said, "After forcing out Uranos, take advantage of me to contain Uranos. You and your men must clear these islands as soon as possible! No place for Uranus!"

"Don't worry! As long as you don't fight Uranus head-on!" Bucky patted his chest and laughed.

Listening to this, Ian was a little speechless, it seems that this guy is still a little self-aware.

This time, the main force of the battle is naturally Ian. After all, he is the only one who can fly in the battle with Uranos, who is going to fly. However, during the battle with Uranos, Ian is also worried that Uranos will fly. Find a chance to land.

Bergabank said that Uranus will instinctively dissipate heat after using its devil fruit power, and once it finds that its body heat is too high, it will find a way to land on the ground and drink a lot of water. The way to lower your body temperature is the same as that of people. When you have a fever, you will unconsciously want to drink water.

If Uranos completes the landing and successfully cools down by drinking water, then it means that Uranos' ability to continue fighting has improved. Ian may be sure to withstand several Uranos nuclear explosions, but it does not mean that he It can withstand more, so limiting the ability of Uranus to continue the battle is a task that must be completed.

After restricting its landing, Ian had to find a way to put the forced cooling device made by Bergabank into the body of Uranos. This forced cooling device would not help Uranos to dissipate heat, but would kill Uranos. When it was Uranos, it prevented its huge body from dissolving and exploding due to the loss of conscious control. That is to say, before the cooling device penetrated into Uranos' body, even if Ian had a chance to kill Uranos, he would still be able to kill him. cannot be done.

Now, this nail-like cooling device is carried on Ace's shoulder. He is the second one to fly after Ian, so his task is to find an opportunity to enter the arena, cooperate with Ian, and fly Cooling unit...well, tucked in!

As for the Straw Hat Pirates and Princess White Star, their tasks are relatively simple. After Bucky has leveled the places where Uranus can settle down, it is not ruled out that Uranos will fly close to the sea to drink water. Make such an action, then Princess White Star will order those sea kings under the sea to attack Uranus! Although these sea kings cannot reach the position too high in the sky, there is no problem near the sea. Their huge size and ferocious habits are also a huge threat to Uranus. If Uranos If you don't want to be dragged to the bottom of the sea by these sea kings, then it has to fly again.

The combat steps are actually very simple. Bucky takes Pluto to clear the mobs, Ian the main T to stabilize the boss Uranos, Ace Assassin attacked Uranos, and Princess Baixing played support. Although it seems that there is less milk, this battle plan , is still named by Ian as...

As for Daddy Whitebeard and Red-haired Shanks, they have other arrangements...

The pirate brother in charge of the live broadcast of the Bucky Pirates has been holding the phone bug dutifully, and the picture of the battle with Ouranos will be broadcast to the world without reservation...

It didn't take long for the outline of an island ahead to appear in everyone's field of vision. On the Sonny, Nami confirmed the chart and shouted to Ian and the others: "Hey! Brother Ian, the island in front of you. It is the hiding place of Uranus, and we have entered the combat range!"

After hearing this, Ian nodded to her, then turned back to Bucky and said, "Let's start! Let me see how powerful your special super Bucky cannonball is!"

"It's a super super special Bucky cannonball!" Bucky corrected Ian angrily, then made a move and shouted at his men: "Prepare to shell!"

"Hey - hey -" came the sound of shouting, about three hundred pirates of the Bucky Pirates, divided into three groups, each group of 100 people, each carrying a A huge cannonball never seen before, walking towards Hades' artillery!

These three cannonballs are not the common round cannonballs, but bullet-shaped, which are no different from the modern cannonballs Ian has seen, but the top of the cannonballs is also painted with the logo of Bucky's red-nosed skull.

Ian didn't know how heavy the shell was, but it was a bit of an exaggeration for a shell to be carried by 100 people on both sides. It should be no different from what the ancients used before, so Ian didn't ask much.

After stuffing the three shells into the triple barrel, Bucky's men quickly moved away from the artillery position, while Bucky returned to the cabin and began to control the angle of the artillery in the control room.

Yes, Pluto's artillery turned out to be automated...

Ian and the others also all moved away from the position of the artillery, watching the muzzle of the artillery turn slightly, aiming at the island in front.

Moments later, Bucky laughed smugly under the cabin and pressed the launch button!

boom! There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and a column of fire that was more than one meter long spewed out from the muzzle of the Pluto Artillery. At the moment when the cannonball was fired, a huge wave of air erupted on the deck, and many of them did not run enough. The pirates of the far-off Bucky Pirates were directly blown away by the air waves more than 100 meters away, and the rest of the people, even if they were far enough away, were still affected by the loud noise that was enough to break the eardrums. The sound shook his head.

At the same time, at the moment when the cannonball was fired, the entire hull of the Pluto was shaken back by the huge recoil...

Ian was already prepared. When he saw the volume of the cannonball before, he had already expected what kind of movement there would be, so he flew into the sky early and looked at the distant island.

Under Ian's gaze, a huge fireball erupted in the center of the island where Uranos was hiding in front of him. The flames quickly spread to the entire island, and the trees on the island burned.

The entire island vibrated in the explosion, and as countless gravels were blown away, a large amount of smoke and dust rose up in the flames, which looked quite spectacular.

The affected area is quite large, but Ian frowned slightly. Although this kind of power is far more powerful than ordinary artillery, it seems that it is not too right to say that it can destroy an island with one shot!

No way, the cannonballs originally used by Hades are long gone, and Ian and the others can't replicate the real Hades cannonballs, and Bucky's special cannonballs are just a substitute.

Fortunately, this guy Bucky also estimated this situation, so after the first shot hit the island, the second and third shots were also fired by him!

This time, it was finally possible to destroy the island. Ian in the air saw that as the shells continued to explode on the island, some of the edges of the island had already begun to collapse.

And as the island began to gradually collapse, a huge dragon roar came from the island, and a huge figure flew up from the island.

Ian was refreshed, and Uranus appeared!

So he entered the Super Saiyan state, burst into supersonic speed, and flew towards the figure of Ouranos...

The battle to kill Ouranos is about to begin...

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