Super Card System

Chapter 457 Heaven's Wrath

Obviously, this masked Shandia person surprised Nami, because she was attracted by Ian just now, and she didn't know why there was suddenly another person behind her.

So she was so frightened that she quickly dropped Weiba, climbed onto the island, and ran towards Ian.

Ian was afraid that this Shandia man would attack Nami, so he kept staring at him closely, but until Nami hid behind Ian, the other party showed no sign of making a move.

"Who are you?" Ian watched him stay still, so he had to take the initiative to ask him.

"He...they are guerrillas!" The pirate who was hiding behind Ian to seek shelter couldn't help but answer for the other side first.

Of course Ian knows what a guerrilla is. This is the name of the Shandia resistance organization. What Ian is curious about now is whether the other party is the leader of the guerrilla, the descendant of the great warrior, Wayipa!

So Ian asked, "Can you take the mask off?"

However, this man ignored Ian's question at all, and instead pointed to the pirate behind Ian and said, "Lan Hairen, you are indeed very powerful, but if you don't want to die, you'd better leave that guy behind! All Those who try to escape will be hunted down by the priests, but now that the priests have been defeated by you, then Enilu will attack!"

"No... no!" When the pirate heard this, he immediately knelt on the ground and grabbed Ian's clothes, begging: "Please, don't leave me! For the sake of my compatriots, bring I'm getting out of here!"

In fact, it is not necessary for him to say, Ian can't leave him alone. Although this person is a pirate, and he may be a heinous pirate, but if the guess is correct, this pirate is likely to be caught. One of the people who came to build the Ark of El Nilu... Ian still has something to ask him, of course it is impossible to let him die.

So Ian Ian planned to comfort him a few words and make him relax.

However, at this moment, a sense of danger suddenly came from above, and Ian didn't have time to think about it. He held Nami in one hand and the pirate in the other, and quickly moved to the side.

In the next second, a huge lightning that illuminated the sky fell from the sky. This lightning was so huge that it struck directly where Ian was standing.

Nami's eyes were temporarily blinded by this dazzling light, so that they didn't know what happened at all.

Thunder and lightning come and disappear quickly. After hitting the ground in an instant, it disappeared without a trace, leaving only a huge pit on the ground and the carbonized tree branches in the pit.

It took Nami a while to regain her sight. She asked Ian stupidly, "Just... what happened just now?"

Ian did not answer her, but raised his head and looked into the sky. He knew that the lightning strike just now was sent by Anilu, but he did not appear here. The lightning strike was sent from a super long distance. of.

It seems that this guy's so-called "heart net" that can cover the entire island is true!

The so-called Xinwang is the unique name given to the domineering and domineering by the people in the sky, but this guy Anilu is a bit different. The characteristics of it have become a kind of domineering and domineering similar to telepathy.

He can "hear" the voices of everyone on the entire island, and it still contains emotional voices, whether the other party is fear, joy or anger, he can hear it.

This is already somewhat similar to the ability to read minds... Of course, it does not mean that the other party can know everything clearly, but the general intention of the other party can be judged closely.

And the reason why he attacked Ian's location was because he was aware of Ian and the others' voices, and he might have heard the voices of the three priests disappear...

However... Ian couldn't help but glanced at the pirate who was in his hands, and thought that it might be this guy that Anilu wanted to attack.

Obliterate those who tried to escape.

It's a pity that Ian also turned on the psychic field, so when the danger came, he took Nami and the pirate to avoid the attack.

The energy contained in the lightning strike just now was quite huge, but it was useless, so Ian didn't know if Anilu would do it again after realizing that his attack had failed.

Looked at Nami, looked at the pirate again, and thought about it, Ian decided to let Nami go back first.

Ian is not very familiar with the situation of the forbidden area of ​​the empty island. Although he killed three priests here, if Anilu doesn't plan to show up, he is really difficult to find him. If this guy uses this from time to time If a long-distance lightning strike attacks them, it is difficult for Ian to guarantee that he can protect Nami every time.

Therefore, Ian intends to let Nami go back first. As for this pirate, Ian intends to take him first. After all, this guy was able to escape to the edge of the forbidden area with his own strength, which shows that he is definitely not interested in the forbidden area. The topography of the map is familiar to him, and when he draws the map he knows, he won't have to wander around so laboriously.

Nami's face was pale with fright at this time. The lightning bolt just now came too fast. If it wasn't for Ian's presence, she felt that she might have been hacked. Looking at the charred pit, I'm afraid it is not as good as Ian. How weak is the hole created by the fire wave just now, if he is hit, he may die directly!

This feeling of passing by the edge of death is really not very good, so Nami is still shaking a little.

The same is true for that pirate. He understands even more what the lightning just now means. That is God Anilu's shot!

So at this moment, this pirate is shaking more than Nami...

Seeing this situation, Ian had no choice but to carry Nami on his shoulders, jumped off the edge of the forbidden area, landed on the parked Weiba, and then put Nami down.

The masked man from Shandia has disappeared. He doesn't know when he left. Maybe it was when the lightning of Anilu was shot down. Ian didn't bother to care so much. Mei Dao: "You have seen it too, this place looks more dangerous than I thought, you go back first, tell them, let them wait for me on the island, if I find gold, I will come back. "

Nami was still in shock, and she knew that staying here was a burden, so she nodded and said, "Okay... Brother Ian, be careful."

Although she was still trembling, she still didn't forget her instinct to operate Weiba. In addition, she wanted to escape from here, so Nami drove the Weiba with the maximum horsepower and left in a hurry.

Ian returned to the forbidden area, raised his head and stared at the sky above, guarding against possible lightning strikes.

But strangely, the second lightning strike that was imagined did not come.

It seems that this guy, Anilu, wants to let him move on...

In fact, for Ian, he and Anilu have never been masked, so naturally there is no grudge. He came to this empty island just to try and see if he could find the gold, but Aini The appearance of Lu and his priests, as well as the pirate who escaped and was hunted down, made Ian suddenly remember, Nima, this time seems to be a little bad, the ark of Anilu seems to be It's almost done, and once his ark is done, this guy will destroy the entire island!

Ian is now on this empty island, which means that once the empty island is destroyed, he will also fall from the height of 10,000 meters!

Although Ian can fly, it is not necessarily dangerous to fall, but Matthew Dorothy, Robin, and the Straw Hat Pirates can't, they will fall to their death.

Because of this reason, Ian found that he couldn't let this guy run away after pretending to be forced, at least, he couldn't let him destroy the island...

It seems that it is really necessary to fight with Anilu once...


At the same time as Nami returned to the voyage, Luffy and Zoro were also in trouble on Angel Island.

Because there was no payment at the gate of the kingdom of heaven, Bai Bailey, the security force of Angel Island, came to the door and planned to arrest Luffy and the others on the charge of illegal entry.

As accomplices, Reiju and Robin were naturally among the arrested.

But at this time, Nami came back.

When she heard that Bai Bailey's people actually asked everyone to increase the fine, Nami, who was dazed with anger, actually rode the Weiba directly and knocked over the captain of Bai Bailey's army.

This time, everyone's crime was even more serious. Because of the attack on public servants, Captain Bai Bei Lei directly announced to everyone that they would be sentenced to Floating Clouds.

And then...then the entire White Bailey unit was overthrown by Leiju alone!

She really didn't want to hear Bai Bailey's noise here, because she noticed that Nami came back alone, but Ian was gone.

After beating Bai Bailey's people severely, she asked what happened to Nami.

Nami was a little flustered and told what happened at that time, but after this talk, Luffy's eyes suddenly lit up!

Forbidden! ? gold! ? Treasure! ? There are also unknown enemies! ?

For a time, Luffy suddenly felt that he smelled the taste of adventure...


Not only Nami and the others, but at the same time, on the other side of the sky island, in Yunyin Village, a tribe settled by Shandia, the masked Shandia who had met Ian in the forbidden area before, also appeared here.

At this time, he had taken off his mask after entering the village. After he took out a cigarette and lit it, he carried his rocket launcher and walked towards the depths of the village.

He has complex tattoos on his face and arms, and his whole body is full of powerful aura. Ian guessed that this person is really a warrior of Shandia, Wayipa, known as the ghost of war.

The Shandia people in the village greeted him when they saw him, but Wayipa walked forward with an indifferent expression and did not respond much.

When he arrived at the tent in the middle of the village, he walked in and said to an old man in the tent wearing a wolf head hat, "Elder, I think our chance has come..."

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