Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 143: Zero's New Home

? Chapter 143 Zero's New Home


Half a month later, in a base located in a certain mountain deep in the Qinling Mountains, Wu Hao finally completed the core part of manufacturing this quantum computer after nearly half a month of research and development and experiments in the laboratory.

"Now that the core is done, the rest of the work will be much easier." Wu Hao said with emotion.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Hao gave instructions to the laboratory's intelligent core "Zero" to start manufacturing various parts according to the designed drawings. This work must be very cumbersome, but fortunately, Wu Hao base is now Already equipped with very advanced manufacturing technology, it is no exaggeration to say that the manufacturing capacity of Wu Hao's base is far from those of the current high-tech manufacturing R\u0026D centers in the world in terms of output, quantity and site. Its independent manufacturing of a small amount of any kind of high-tech products is a complete blow to these R\u0026D centers.

After all, Wu Hao's base is the product of his explosion of black technology, and it must not be comparable to those traditional scientific research centers.

In this way, it took Wu Hao another week or so to complete the manufacture of this huge quantum computer. The area occupied by this quantum computer is almost the same as those of the current supercomputers in the world. A huge room was opened, which was divided into many separate areas.

The moment Wu Hao finished building this quantum computer and started testing it, the energy system of the entire base issued an alarm to remind him that the energy supply of the base was insufficient. However, after temporarily stopping part of the expansion work of the base, the energy aspect was stabilized. .

"It seems that we have to build a fusion power unit for the base, otherwise, once this quantum computer is in operation, other aspects of the base's work will be suspended." The energy consumption of quantum computing must be higher than that of the traditional Supercomputers are many times larger. After all, their internal structures are completely different, and because the quantum computer designed by Wu Hao is still a super-large model of this level, the difference is like an ordinary computer and a supercomputer.

From this we can see how big the gap is. At present, the calculation speed of traditional supercomputers in the world is hundreds of millions of calculations per second. For example, the highest calculation speed of Tianhe-2 has reached 549 million calculations. This quantum-class supercomputer has a calculation speed thousands of times that of these ordinary supercomputers.

Possessing such a perverted computer means that if Wu Hao wants to continue to explode black technology in the future. It is countless times faster than before, because with such a computer, it must have the ability to create real artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence plus this super quantum computer. Not to mention that Wu Hao wants to explode the black technology on the earth, even making spaceships is completely feasible.


It is completely different to be able to design it and actually manufacture it. After all, it involves various materials and site issues. The current mineral resources on the earth are definitely not enough to build a large spaceship in the true sense. There is still no problem in making some small spaceships to fly to the moon and Mars.

But it seems a little premature to talk about this issue now. After all, Wu Hao has only just solved the super quantum computer. The specific artificial intelligence has not yet been fully formed, and after the artificial intelligence is formed, it needs continuous learning and growth.

Immediately after Wu Hao confirmed that all aspects of the computer were operating normally, he suddenly said to the intelligent program "Zero" that manages the base: "Zero, this is your new home, how do you feel?"

"Home?" The intelligent program Zero seemed to think for a moment when he heard Wu Hao's question before answering to Wu Hao: "This is my new home?" Thinking, although it is still far from the perfect thinking ability possessed by real artificial intelligence, it can still roughly understand the concept of home.

Because during this period of time, Wu Hao has been constructing various projects in his hometown. All of this revolves around his home, and the intelligent program 'Zero' has been helping Wu Hao deal with the base and other things, so although it doesn't have a particularly deep understanding of home, it still understands Wu Hao's inquiry now. After thinking for a while, he answered, but the answer was not very affirmative, but a little questionable.

"Yes, this will be your home from now on." Wu Hao said to it with certainty. Wu Hao is still very clear about the intelligent Wu Hao shown by Zero at present, because this was originally guided by him deliberately.

"I understand, this will be my new home from now on." With Wu Hao's further guidance. This time, Zero's answer seemed a lot more positive.

In fact, logically speaking, this super quantum computer center is not so much the home of the intelligent program in a certain sense, but rather its body. After all, it exists as an intelligent program and wants to exist in this world. There must be a carrier, and now, the carrier of 'zero' is this super quantum computer.

And the huge online world is its home, or the place where it operates.

Of course, if Zero wants to really live in this super quantum computer and become a real artificial intelligence, Wu Hao needs to further improve it.

And this improvement is actually to re-write the core of "Zero". The main reason is that after it becomes a real artificial intelligence, it can completely obey Wu Hao's words. After all, in the online world, artificial intelligence is the master of this world. It is no exaggeration to say that once a real artificial intelligence is born in this super quantum computer Smart, then all the network databases in the world, whether they are the military or famous networks of various countries, as long as they are connected to the network, they can go around as they want.

Wu Hao knew this well for a long time, so because of the characteristics of artificial intelligence, he had to consider the issue of artificial intelligence's loyalty to him.

If this problem is not solved, it will be difficult to deal with it if it causes a big mess in the Internet world. After all, all aspects of modern society are related to the Internet, especially the financial industry, as well as modern high-tech military weapons, such as Those advanced intelligent weapon systems of the United States.

If there is a God of the Internet who is countless times stronger than the current Internet world, then if it loses control, the world will be in chaos. After all, although Wu Haoxian's ability is very strong, he is definitely not artificial in the Internet world. Smart opponent.

After all, the computing power of Wu Hao's brain is only equivalent to that of ordinary supercomputers, and it is completely incomparable with this super quantum computer. Moreover, he cannot directly connect to the online world, and cannot directly swim in the online world.

... (To be continued.)

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