Super Anti-war System

Chapter 537: Unlucky Captain

The gate of the airport compound is a key defense area.

There are not only two circular fortifications on the ground, but also two bunkers.

There are three anti-aircraft machine guns on the ring fortifications and the shooting holes of the bunker.

In addition, there are many Type 92 heavy machine guns and crooked handle light machine guns.

Obviously, if you want to attack here, without a heavy weapon like a cannon, you won't have enough lives.

I had already figured out the situation here, Ye Tian couldn't directly hit the iron plate.

So Ye Tian had been lurking, waiting for the team leader to leave the gate.

Of course, Ye Tian said that if the team leader does not leave the gate, he will start the backup plan.

Also, there are always more solutions than difficulties, how can a big living person suffocate the bird to death! ?

Under Ye Tian's gaze, the 54 devils were all patrolling in four teams, all carrying 38 large covers.

Ye Tian discovered that the areas that these devils patrolled were all inside the barbed wire fence.

Ye Tian understood this situation.

Those devils outside the barbed wire should be responsible for the outside of the airport.

And this team is responsible for the area inside the barbed wire.

Ten minutes later, a devil squad came over to Ye Tian.

The eyeballs rolled around a few times. In order to prevent them from screaming, Ye Tian didn't deal with them, and quietly moved more than ten meters, avoiding their patrol line.

After the devil squad passed, Ye Tian continued to pay attention to the team leader.

Soon, a miracle occurred, and the backup plan that Ye Tian had prepared had no chance to start.

Accompanied by a sound of cursing, the squad leader threw away his cigarette **** and hurriedly left the gate.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that it might be the reason for the darkness under the lights. Without seeing clearly under his feet, the team leader tripped over and fell into a dog's shit.

Trying to control the ecstasy and realizing that the opportunity to do it has arrived, Ye Tian continued to stare at him.


Ye Tian didn't laugh, but the devils at the gate of the compound all laughed, and they all laughed forward and backward.

He fell a dog and gnawed shit, so embarrassed, he was in a stomach fire, unexpectedly was ridiculed by other people, the team leader broke out.

Turning his head violently, pulling out the command knife, shaking violently, the team leader roared hoarsely.


"All of them, there are dead dead!!"

Upon seeing this, all the devils did not dare to breathe.

Moreover, they all observe the nose with their eyes, their noses with their hearts, their minds with the four phenomena, and they are too imaginary.

Not catching the devil who laughed at him, thinking of the truth that the law does not blame the public, the team leader turned angrily and continued to walk outside.

Relying on his excellent night vision ability, Ye Tian suddenly discovered that the squad leader just turned around, and the devils began to cover their mouths and laugh.

Also, it takes too long to be on duty at night, and it is very boring.

Because the discipline is too strict, you can't whisper at will, and you are not allowed to smoke.

With such a happy scene, these devils are indeed very excited and have a lot of energy.


Swearing, slapping the dirt on his body, the team leader continued to walk to the outside.

While staring at him stubbornly, while deliberately avoiding the sweep of searchlights and the attention of the surrounding devil patrol posts, Ye Tian quickly approached him.

After the team leader had walked more than 100 meters, he turned his head and cursed a few words back, feeling that the other devils could not see him anymore, so he untied his belt.

In this situation, Ye Tian suddenly realized.

It turned out that this guy came over and wanted to pee!

With a weird smile on his face, Ye Tian suddenly rushed to the devil and patted his shoulder.

"Nani? Baga!"

It was interrupted before it even started, and the team leader was very angry.

Unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to express his anger.

After finally catching a suitable target, Ye Tian planned to interrogate it carefully so as to find out the situation of the airport.

Therefore, while patting his shoulder, Ye Tian moved his mind and directly took him to the second area of ​​the prisoner area in the storage space, which is also the arsenal area.

In doing so, Ye Tian had a deep intention and took the road of killing two birds with one stone.

In the arsenal area, Nakamura's father, Toshio Nakamura, with 18 other devil weapon manufacturing experts, is developing sand submachine guns and mg42 dual-purpose machine guns.

Because Ye Tian's points are getting more and more, now, spending a day in the storage space is equivalent to spending three days outside.

That's not a big deal, because in the storage space, heaven and earth are full of aura, and working in it doesn't feel tired at all.

Although Nakamura Xingfang has already been overthrown, and Nakamura Xingfang is still very gentle to herself, every time he takes care of him comfortably, but Ye Tian said that family affection is family affection, and work is work and should not be confused.

In order to urge Toshi Nakamura and them to do their work well, Ye Tian planned to let them appreciate how he played Lingchi.

Ye Tian is convinced that when they see their cruelty again, their work enthusiasm will definitely improve a lot.


When I came to the storage space for the first time, I saw that it was as bright as day, but there was no sun or light, and there were some devils working nearby. This devils team leader was puzzled.

Looking at the stranger in night clothes standing beside him, there are even more question marks on the head of the devil squad leader.

"Baga, who are you!? What is this place?!"

Subconsciously, he expressed the doubt in his heart.

This team leader's question, because the voice was relatively loud and natural, attracted the attention of Toshio Nakamura and others.

Seeing Ye Tian's arrival, Nakamura and the others were very good at coming. After an exclamation, they all ran towards Ye Tian.

"Hello Master!!"

He automatically ignored the stunned team leader, Ye Tian looked at Toshio Nakamura and the others with a smile.

"Hello Master!"

What made Ye Tian quite useful was that they all came to bow down.

That's not the case, their faces are full of piety, and there is a lot of fear.

In this situation, as a melon-eating crowd, this team leader is even more puzzled.


What's all this and what?

And They all seem to be from island nations, shouldn't they be hostile to them?

Also, why am I here?

What do they do?

Nodded, Ye Tian smiled and said, "Haha, get up all!"

Hearing this, the handsome Nakamura and the others did not dare to neglect, they all stood up hurriedly and looked at Ye Tian timidly, waiting for Ye Tian to give instructions.

Toshio Nakamura is very good at coming, knowing that Ye Tian is very addicted to cigarettes, so he was extremely flattering and gave him a cigarette.

After taking a sip of cigarettes, Ye Tian asked casually: "Toshio Nakamura, how about the development of the sand submachine gun and mg42 dual-purpose machine gun?"

"Also, this seat allows you to find time to make some high-strength bicycles. How is the progress?"

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