Super Anti-war System

Chapter 511: Knock on the mountain


It turned out that two planes flew from the sky.

The plane does not fly high, which is about 1,000 meters, so the plaster mark on the fuselage is obvious.

This is not a devil plane, what kind of one is it?

Perhaps it was to show off their strength to the Chinese people. The two planes were still doing various tricky tricks and were about to fly overhead.

With his vision beyond ordinary people, Ye Tian looked intently and suddenly discovered that it was a reconnaissance plane.

Ye Tian knew that while holding the nose of the 29th Army and playing fake negotiations, but in fact secretly mobilizing troops, Guizi had been closely monitoring the movements of the 29th Army.

In fact, at this time, the more than 100,000 29 troops distributed in a large area have not gathered much in the Pingjin area.

I didn't notice the abnormal mobilization of the 29th Army. I was idle and bored. It was natural and natural for the two devil reconnaissance planes to play a little bit of work.

In response, Ye Tian chuckled.

What a special thing!

This seat is standing here, you still dare to pretend to be forced, who gives you the confidence?

If you don’t die, you won’t die. Haven’t you heard of this sentence?

Pretending to be struck by lightning!

Haha, prepare to be unlucky!

Yin Xiaotao hadn't finished the role of stepping stone and guide, Ye Tian didn't want her to see her secrets.

So, when Tojo Tojo was looking at him, Ye Tian hurriedly gave him a few gestures.

In fact, Ye Tian spent most of his time training the special team Fujiwara Kumiko and the first team led by Chikawa Shiro.

However, for the members of the reserve team, especially officers like Tojo Tojo, Ye Tian didn't mention anything less.

Among them, a variety of simple and practical gestures is a very important homework, and it is a content that Ye Tian has universally popularized.

Through these few gestures, Ye Tian told Tojo Toshio that he wanted to do something and didn't want Yin Xiaotao to find out.

In addition, Tojo Tojo's task is to hold Yin Xiaotao first and not let her turn her head back.

To Ye Tian's happiness, seeing his gesture, Tojo Tojo quickly understood, and immediately responded with an "ok" gesture.

Immediately, Tojo Tojo continued to order Yin Xiaotao to wash her face for a while.

And, in order to successfully complete the task, Tojo Tojo also signaled Yin Xiaotao to squat down.

Acting is to perform a full set!

At the same time, in order to continue to take advantage, Tojo Tojo also hugged Yin Xiaotao and helped her wash.

Although he was unwilling to be pulled by such an uncle, Yin Xiaotao did not dare to disobey his intentions when he thought of his identity.

In addition, considering that his body was suspected to have been played by him anyway, and it seemed that more than once, Yin Xiaotao simply broke the jar.

On the other side, Ye Tian was very happy to see Tojo Tojo's coming up like this.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian urgently ordered Fujiwara Kumiko and others to disperse and do a good job of guarding against strangers, especially devil and traitor approaching.

Ye Tian was very interested in packing up the two Devil's planes and going to the airport to do things.

Not to mention the semi-independent 29th Army, even the Central Army in Nanjing did not have many planes.

The reason is simple. In the local war of resistance before the full-scale war of resistance, most of the planes were shot down by devils taking advantage of numbers.

In addition, as a third-party force, although the 29th Army occupies the rich northern China, the best places to collect taxes are in the hands of devils.

In other words, there is not much taxation, the 29th Army is seriously lacking in military expenditure, and even the food problem is not guaranteed.

It's all mixed up to this point. How can the 29th Army have excess funds to develop the air force?

In this asymmetrical situation, one can imagine how passive the 29th Army will be once a large-scale battle is fought.

In addition, Ye Tian knew very well about Guizi's tactics.

The artillery blows, the infantry blows!

After the infantry shock was frustrated, the artillery played another wave of bombing!

When encountering a tough stubble with amazing combat effectiveness, if it is not enough, the devils call for plane bombing.

Relying on the extremely asymmetrical air force advantage and the tried-and-tested two-wing outflank tactics, especially artillery, etc., in the early stages of the full-scale war of resistance, when fighting with the Chinese army, especially in large-scale battles, most of the people who had the last laugh were devils.

In fact, not to mention that airplanes are incomparable with devils. Even the number of cannons and even heavy machine guns, the vast majority of the Chinese army, is far behind devils.

With so few airplanes, heavy weapons are incomparable, and the military literacy of soldiers is still very different!

As a result, when encountering the Devil Army, the Huaxia Army had no good way to fill it with human lives.

Make bricks without straw.

Nowadays, it is not the age of cold weapons. When a large number of troops are fighting with the enemy, it is difficult to have a great possibility of victory like in ancient times.

Relying on filling in with human lives, although it is song and tear, but it does not have much impact on the situation of the battle.

In other words, the battle is based on comprehensive strength, especially heavy weapons such as aircraft and artillery.

Therefore, some troops with poor strength, because of lack of money in their hands, dare not play with the navy and air force that burn money, and focus on developing the army.

In fact, China’s various units, including the 29th Army that developed independently, are typical of this.

Whenever they have a surplus of money in their hands, they want to buy more heavy machine guns and so on.

Don't even dare to think about cannons, how can you dare to think about planes?


Ye Tian believed that if the two devil reconnaissance planes were shot down, it would have a certain deterrent effect.

In other words, if other devil reconnaissance planes want to detect the movement of China's troops, they have to weigh in their hearts whether they are dangerous.

Of course, it would be even better if the airport was ruined tonight after dealing with the traitor Yin Rugeng.

Losing so many planes, although it has nothing to do with the overall situation of this incident, to Guizi can also be called a wound.

Although there are many levels of island countries, there are not enough aircraft in North China, and they can rush to the three northeastern provinces that have been fully occupied by them long ago, or even mobilize from the mainland.

But airplanes are high-tech products and expensive. Whenever one is dropped, the big devil will suffer severe pain.

In addition, it was discovered that the air defense capability of the Huaxia Army was so strong that even the heavily defended airfields could be breached. The devils would definitely not dare to be as wretched as in history.

In fact, in the real history of the War of Resistance against Japan, rifles and even pistols have shot down Devil’s planes.

Also, the Huaxia army lacks anti-aircraft machine guns, but when encountering a devil plane, it can only avoid its edge in depression.

In this case, in order to pursue the accuracy of the bombing, the Devil aircraft often fly at ultra-low altitudes.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian wanted to play with it.

So, staring at the two planes, Ye Tian quickly turned on the silent sniper rifle function of the fn57 pistol.

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