Super Anti-war System

Chapter 2137: Tianjin Railway Station

Seeing them from Kawashang Kiyoshi, after arriving at Okamoto Airport, the most important thing to do is to put out the fire.

   After putting out all the fires, then try to rescue some useful things as much as possible.

   Do it if you think of it!

   For this reason, I just rushed here in a hurry, and then, thousands of devils got busy.

   Piles of fire have been burning for more than two hours, and the fire has already begun to decrease.

   For this reason, it is not very difficult to put out the fire.

   Many people are powerful, and many people have thick hands!

   Seeing piles of fires being extinguished one after another, Kawashang Kiyomi's mood eased a lot.

   What made He Shangqing feel depressed is that some of the subordinates who participated in the sorting of useful items were almost nothing.

  Even, due to accidents such as the collapse of walls and explosions, devils continue to suffer deaths and injuries.

   Seeing all this dumbfounded, Kawasami Kiyomi's face was very ugly.

   Suddenly, Kashang Kiyoshi's brows frowned suddenly.

   At the same time, He Shangqing showed a frightened expression on his face.

   It turned out that among the various complex smells of so much gunpowder and fire, He Shangqing saw a strange pungent smell.

   "Cough cough cough..."

  Subconsciously, Kawashang Kiyoshi coughed violently.

   And, after realizing that something was wrong, that is, after realizing that the surrounding area was full of toxic gases, Kawashang Qingjian immediately covered his mouth and nose tightly.

   See you in the river, if you continue to stay here for a few minutes, you are very likely to die!

   Realizing this, it was too late to inform the subordinates to evacuate. Then, Kiyoshi Kasami ran back suddenly when he saw it.

   Actually, there are many devils who have similar ideas with Kawasami Kiyoshi.

   Under the strong **** of survival, more and more devils ran backwards like crazy.

   At the same time, the devils did not forget to cover their mouths and noses tightly.

   What makes the devils depressed is that the surrounding temperature is too high, and even hot wind blows through it again and again.

   The most important thing is that under the urge of hot wind, this pungent smell continues to spread in all directions.

  The point is that with the passage of time, more and more devils have fallen to the ground.

   In the mouth and nose, black blood is constantly coming out.

   His eyes were round and his face flushed...

   Obviously, this is a big scene of poisonous death.

   shot himself in the foot!

   The words used to describe the devils couldn't be more appropriate.

   It's this time, watching one after another of the same kind being poisoned to death, and there is no devil to fight the fire.

   Every devil made the same choice, and that is to stay away from this place of right and wrong as much as possible.

   Some of the devil's movements were slow, so the devils who could not escape in the first time had to lie on the ground forever.

   half an hour later.

   Realizing that he had finally appeared at a safe distance, Kawasami Kiyoshi was finally relieved to see.

   It's been a long time since he breathed well. He Shangqing saw that he was just like his subordinates. They opened their mouths and breathed fresh air greedily.

   Waiting to come out of the threat of death, that is, after the mood is completely stabilized, Kawashang Qing saw an important thing in mind.

   Immediately speed up, the statistician loses!

   Obtained the order from Kiyomizu Kashang, some devil officers immediately got busy.

   roared, letting the subordinates quickly gather together.

   After waiting for their subordinates to assemble, the devil officers immediately began to roll their names.

   Ten minutes later, the chaotic team finally looked like a troop.

  The loss of personnel was quickly summarized.

   After removing the subordinates who had mild symptoms and simply coughed, Kawashang Qingmi had lost more than 300 devils.

   And He Shangqing sees the Ministry, it is a standard Devil Infantry Brigade.

When    was full, the total force was 1,100!

   It is obvious that Kawashang Kiyomibu suffered a great loss when he came to rescue this assault.

   Actually, the losses of the other Devil Troops were similar to those of Kawashang Kiyomibu.

   Look at the ruined Okamoto Airport again, and look at the potholes everywhere. Kiyomi Kawashang is in a bad mood.

   However, no matter how bad the mood is, Kawasami Kiyoshi must immediately report the situation to the higher authorities.

   After a while, Risa Yokoo and Shuichi Terauchi received detailed reports.

   Very natural, the two big devils almost vomited blood in anger.

   realized that Okamoto Airport had no rescue value, there was no way, the two big devils had to emphasize one thing again and again.

   Immediately speed up and search for loyalty rescue in the surroundings.

   Once the loyalty is found to be rescued, report it immediately, so as to concentrate the troops to annihilate it.

   So, in a large area centered on Okamoto Airport, there are search forces of devils and traitors everywhere.

   At the same time, more and more devil troops and traitor troops have also poured in from all directions, looking for loyalty and rescue together.

  Although there is always no clue, the military orders are like a mountain, so the Japanese and puppet coalition forces have to continue their efforts.

   What the devils and traitors didn't know was that at this time, Ye Tian had long been far away from this place of right and wrong.

   Moreover, Ye Tian left very quickly.

  The flying speed of the Eagle King, although not comparable to that of an airplane, is almost the same as that of a car.

   Sitting on the broad back of King Eagle, Ye Tian naturally had the confidence to leave here in the first time.

   Actually, Ye Tian didn't run far.

   Under the cover of night, in order to appreciate and confirm the results of this battle, Ye Tian stayed high in the sky from beginning to end.

   With the help of excellent night vision capabilities, coupled with a telescope, Ye Tian can have a clear view of everything on the ground.

   After confirming that many devils were poisoned to death, Ye Tian was very happy.

   After waiting for the devils and traitors to abandon the Okamoto Airport, they felt that it was almost time, and then Ye Tian left with a smile.

   Ye Tian’s next goal is Tianjin Railway Station.

  The reason is very simple. The north section of Jinpu Road is the main channel for the devils to transport arms and troops.

   During the Republic of China, most areas in China had very poor road conditions.

   Simply let the light infantry march on the flat terrain.

   But If heavy infantry, especially troops with cannons and cars, are marching, most of China's roads are not very suitable.

   To be precise, the marching speed will be slow and scary.

   There is no way. According to the reality that most of China's roads are in poor condition, the devils have to rely on rail transportation.

  According to the posture before the crossing and some recent information, Ye Tian knew that Tianjin Railway Station was naturally an extremely important place for the Japanese and puppet coalition forces.

   In fact, in the real history of the War of Resistance, especially during this Xuzhou Battle, most of the battles started around Jinpu Road in the north-south direction.

   Jin on Jinpu Road refers to Tianjin, and Pu refers to the Nanjing area.

   Thinking of this, along the route on the military map, sitting on the Eagle King, Ye Tian quickly flew to Tianjin Railway Station.

   I have to say that the reason why Ye Tian chose to go to this place at this moment is really very meaningful.

   On the one hand, he wanted to determine the results of his affairs at Okamoto Airport.

  By the way, look at how many devils can be killed or injured by these special gifts.

   Second, Okamoto Airport is about 200 miles away from Tianjin Railway Station.

   If he rushed to the past in minutes, and started to do things right away, the amount of information would be too much.

   Although the devils are trivial, they are not stupid.

   If the distance is so far, and the time interval for doing things is still so short, it is strange that the devils are not thinking about it?

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