Super Almighty System

Chapter 93 The played Voldemort

Harry and Cedric supported each other and walked to the captain of the Triwizard Tournament.

The two looked at each other, then nodded, stretched out their hands, and then grasped the two handles of the trophy respectively.

Then, a powerful force hooked Harry and Cedric's navels, and then the two of them disappeared.

Jiang Yuan saw the two people disappear, and then cast a spell into the sky.

It's a green light that means someone is in trouble.

Then, Jiang Yuan forcefully disapparated and disappeared into the maze.

Everyone who was welcoming the return of the other two warriors outside saw the green signal flare flashing out of the maze again, which made everyone, including Dumbledore, frown.

Because after this green signal flare, a blue phoenix flew into the maze and then disappeared into the maze.

Everyone who has taken the class knows that the phoenix is ​​Jiang Yuan's pet Luanyue.

The fighting ability is comparable to that of an adult wizard.

As for why it is so clear, it is because all the Hogwarts students here have been "hunted" by Luanyue.

But what happened? Can the source guide summon Luanyue?

For a moment, there was a heavy atmosphere in the seats at Hogwarts.

On the other side, on the edge of the hillside of Gaunt's old house who didn't know how far away from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry and Cedric landed on the ground in a daze.

At this moment, a short man, holding a fat package, walked out of the darkness step by step.

The visitor's entire appearance was hidden in the hood. He placed the package on the ground, and then a heartbreaking sound came from the package on the ground.

"Get rid of anyone who gets in the way."

"Yes, yes master." The man in the hood said to the package on the ground. Judging from the voice, it was a middle-aged man.

The short man stammered, and then took out his wand. The severed finger on his left hand made Harry shrink his eyes.

"Avada Kedavra." A green light flashed past Harry's eyes.

Harry closed his eyes, and all the thoughts in his heart felt like they were frozen by the cold green.

When Harry opened his eyes again, Cedric was already lying quietly next to Harry.

No breathing, no rise and fall in the chest... dead, just dead.

Harry had never felt death so close to him. But this scene made Harry feel that death was very far away from him.

Cedric was kicked further away by the man in black.

The man stepped forward, found a black object, stuffed it into the innermost part of Harry's body, found a piece of hemp rope, and tied Harry using the best binding method he felt, and then beat him from behind. A dead end.

Harry's wand was taken into the hands of the man in black.

When the man tied Harry up, Harry also saw the man's face clearly.

"It's you, Wormtail." Harry said calmly,

There was sarcasm in his words. "Have you returned to your master?"

Wormtail shook his body and showed his white teeth: "No—no matter what, your mentor will not show up this time."

Harry's eyes twitched, as if it was true that he would never come back to a place like this for eight lifetimes if it weren't for the portkey.

Let’s answer the question as to whether Director Yuan will show up.

Then, Wormtail threw Harry next to the tombstone, and Cedric and the Triwizard Tournament trophy, which had turned into a portkey, stayed quietly about thirty meters away.

Harry looked very much like before, but his hands were tied, and his feet were tied together with his hands. He was like a ball of rice dumplings. Even if he rolled away, he couldn't get over it...

The key is that your magic wand is no longer in your hands.

Harry finally gave up, but Jiang Yuan taught him to observe carefully and calculate his own actionable route no matter where he was.

And it is best to be able to calculate your own trial plan in the shortest possible time.

As Jiang Yuan's student and one of Jiang Yuan's few friends in this world, Harry certainly learned these things.

And, it has become one of my own abilities.

As long as you have a chance to break free from the rope and get your wand, you can use Apparition to take Cedric's body to Hogsmeade Village. Or, if you can get the door key, you can go back directly. To Hogwarts.

Then, you will be safe.

Just when Harry was thinking about these things, a rustling voice appeared in Harry's ears, and a snake that was longer than the basilisk he killed in second grade appeared in front of Harry's eyes. , protecting the package that Wormtail had placed on the ground before.

When he saw the package that Wormtail had just placed, Harry had a feeling that he couldn't see what was inside the package. If the thing inside appeared, something bad would happen.

At this moment, Wormtail pushed out a large crucible from nowhere. This crucible was larger than the crucible Harry had used before.

The crucible should be filled with some kind of liquid, but it was definitely not water, because Harry knew from Jiang Yuan's training that water would not have such a heavy sound.

Harry looked at this thing and suddenly his eyes widened. It couldn't be...

Although Director Yuan only talked about it once, Harry still remembered it quite clearly. After all, this thing is said to be a reincarnation ritual that can be resurrected as long as there is a soul fragment and the necessary items...

I should be the blood of the most important enemy...

The package was trembling constantly, as if he had encountered something exciting, which made him want to come out impatiently. to prove their existence.

Wormtail opened the package, and a red baby appeared in front of Harry's eyes. Jiang Yuan next to him also took a breath.

In the original work, from the description, I knew that Voldemort looked terrifying at this time, but I didn't expect that he would become like this.

Wormtail trembled and carried Voldemort into the dry pot, and a sound like a frying pan of oil appeared in Harry's ears.

Wormtail took out his wand, then pointed at the cemetery behind Harry and said: "Father's flesh and blood, unintentionally donated, can resurrect your child."

A pair of bright red bones appeared in front of Harry.

Everyone, including Voldemort and Wormtail, had big mouths.

The bones in front of me clearly looked like pig bones... but the magical aura on them was correct... Could it be that Voldemort's father was a pig demon?

But what is a pig demon? Magical creatures don’t have such a thing...

But it's reached this point, so we can't stop.

Pork bones that had died at some point, smelling like Tom Riddle, entered the dry pot.

"The blood of your servant, given sincerely, can resurrect your master." Wormtail said, taking out a silver knife and looking at his intact right hand.

Harry couldn't bear to close his eyes.

With a pop, the hand fell into the dry pot.

At this time, the potion in the crucible had turned red.

Translucent bright red.

"The blood of your enemy, forced to donate it, can make your enemy...recover and resurrect." Wormtail stretched out his intact hand tremblingly, then took out the knife from before, and stabbed it on Harry's face. After a scratch, blood flowed out gurglingly.

But at this moment, a piece of green blood entered Voldemort's crucible.

Wormtail had no idea that after taking Harry's blood, he just turned around and saw colorful liquids appearing in Voldemort's crucible.

A man with a pig body and a flat face walked out of the dry pot, with a curved tail behind him.

"Change my clothes... hum." After Voldemort finished speaking, he hummed involuntarily.

Wormtail looked at the master in front of him in surprise, wondering why he was like this.

Besides, my own blood hasn't been put in yet, so why did the master come out?

Wormtail's face was filled with doubts, while Voldemort's face was filled with frost.

"Who is your Excellency? Please come out and see me. Heng Heng. If you don't like me, please explain to me face to face. Heng Heng. Can you please stop joking like this? This joke is not funny. Heng Heng." Some kind of domestic animal appeared in Voldemort's nose. sound, and judging from this situation, it seems that it has become a habit?

Of course Jiang Yuan would not show up so stupidly.

Wormtail carefully put on the clothes he had prepared before for Voldemort.

But there seems to be something wrong. The original adult's robe of ignorance was worn on Voldemort, and it felt like a child wearing adult clothes.

Voldemort walked off the ground, his height was not much different from Wormtail, even shorter than Wormtail.

The pet snake next to him revealed a long snake letter and swallowed it.

At this time, a silver light flashed and the snake's head fell to the ground.

Voldemort roared to the sky, one of his Horcruxes was destroyed in front of his eyes.

What it contains is the biggest fragment of my soul besides the present one...

Harry looked at Voldemort and felt a sharp pain in the upper part of his head.

It felt better when he looked away.

"Who is your Excellency? Hum, please show up." Voldemort hummed.

"I'm out, Mr. Voldemort, what are you going to do to me?" Jiang Yuan held Luanyue in his arms and said, stroking its hair.

"Hey, Harry, it looks like you're not very good." Jiang Yuan looked at Harry, who was trapped in a rice dumpling next to him, and said teasingly.

"Director Yuan, I knew you would definitely come. Please help me, Cedric is dead." Harry said, his words were plain, but there was unspeakable sadness in them.

"Okay Mr. Voldemort, you see my students can't wait any longer. Let's fight quickly." Jiang Yuan continued to caress Luanyue and said.

Luanyue narrowed her eyes and rubbed against Jiang Yuan's arms, enjoying all kinds of things.

Patting Luanfeng, Luanfeng flew up reluctantly, then walked towards Harry, grabbed Harry with his claws, then flew to Cedric's side, touched the door key, and disappeared into the hills of Gaunt's old house. above.

"Okay, some innocent people have left. Now, let's settle the matter between us." Jiang Yuan took out his holly palm wand, lowered his head to play with it, and murmured.

"No matter who you are, I will temporarily let you off the killing of my pet. You can leave quickly. We have no grudges in the past... I don't want to hurt innocent people. Hum." Voldemort turned into a dwarf. He said in a deep voice, full of threats, but the humming sound at the end made Jiang Yuan almost laugh.

Unexpectedly, a prank operation caused such a big change in Voldemort's appearance.

The hum at the end is really interesting.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

How did the dignified Lord Voldemort become such an unusual person?

Jiang Yuan laughed out loud after hearing Voldemort's words.

"When Voldemort was plundering, why didn't you think about not hurting innocent people? You had no grudges in the past, but no grudges these days? How many people were hanged by you for no reason? Resurrected once, could it be that your Voldemort Are you showing off your brain?" A series of questions appeared in Jiang Yuan's mind.

"Or are you, Voldemort, afraid of me?" Jiang Yuan looked at Voldemort playfully.

"Hahahahaha, Lord Voldemort, how can you be afraid? I just can't argue with you. Since you don't want to be kind, then...Avada Kedavra!"

Voldemort raised his wand towards Jiang Yuan...

Author's words:

4,000 completed...10,000 updates tomorrow...I have started to disconnect the Internet, so if you have any rewards, send me all the flowers.

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