Some of his women dared to covet it. This is a desperate rhythm.

This Ximen Shaohua really can't stay!

In fact, Ximen Shaohua's trick is indeed wonderful. If Bai Qingqing was cursed at this time, then he would be obedient to him. Then, wouldn't it be easy to restrict Beiming Liuhua through her?

After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see how much Bei Ming Liuhua spoiled Bai Qingqing.

"This kid really has a long life!" Bei Ming Liuhua sneered, almost gritted his teeth.

Several beasts shook together, all kinds of restlessness.

This young man, getting angry, absolutely terrifying!

"But I want to know, I love him so much, and I am willing to do everything for him, what's all this?"

This is absolutely super difficult to perform!

How can this be acted like this?

She hates that guy so much...

"No one knows what love is like after being cursed. You can act casually, but you can't leave us. At most, you are just making noise in front of people!"

It is naturally impossible for him to let Qing girl go to Simon Shaohua's side.

"Oh, this is easy!" Bai Qingqing smiled softly.

"Okay, then, let's start now!" Bai Qingqing suddenly exclaimed after playing with a boom.

"..." Bei Ming Liuhua, the black line on his forehead fell.

Why does he have a very uneasy feeling?

"Bei Ming Liuhua, you give me out, I don't love you, the person I love is Ximen Shaohua... Get out..."

There was a sharp cry.

Beiming Liuhua's temple flicked.

This girl, overplayed too much!

This drove him away.

With a helpless look, he quickly put the little flower snake in his storage bag.

"If you don't go out yet, Bei Ming Liuhua, you give me out, I don't want to see you again! Go out..."

The sharp screams quarreled everyone in the neighborhood.

Zhao Xixi, Bai Qingchen, Cheng Bishui and others all opened the door and came out.

"Bei Ming Liuhua, what did you do to Qing Qing?" Bai Qingchen eagerly heard her sister's cry.

The first instinct was that this kid must have done something that made the younger sister unhappy, and the younger sister would be so angry.

He caught Bei Ming Liuhua's clothes and shouted coldly, "Bei Ming Liuhua, I said that you must treat Qing well before I will marry her to you!"

"Big brother, listen to me..." Bei Ming Liuhua felt very pitiful for herself.

You shouldn't think about this kind of strategy, it's just trying to find sin for yourself!

And Bai Qingqing on the side had already secretly smiled in her heart.

Brother really is so mighty!

"Okay, say it! I want to see if you have any reason to provoke Qing Qian to anger!" Bai Qingchen obviously protected his shortcomings.

Bei Ming Liuhua secretly thought in her heart, this sweet wife, it's really not easy to marry.

"Big brother, Qing girl, she is cursed by the cursed flower snake!" Bei Ming Liuhua said sadly.

"Curse the flower snake? Curse?" Bai Qingchen frowned, looking at Bai Qingqing.

"What do you mean? Why don't I understand it?" Cheng Bishui was completely confused and completely confused.

When Bai Qingqing saw this, she began to perform vigorously: "What curse, Bei Ming Liuhua, you are cursed, I have said, I don't love you, the person I love is Ximen Shaohua. The person I love is Simon Shaohua, why don’t you understand it! You won’t find me in the future, and don’t touch me! I hate you!"

After that, Bai Qingqing turned around angrily and went back to the room.

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