Stunning Summoner: Unscrupulous Concubine

Chapter 402: Embark on the path of finding medicine [3]

She carefully remembered that, in this way, it took a whole day to finally record both books.

Seeing the re-transcript and translation of the secret book, Bai Qingqing read it carefully again, and memorized the secret book in his mind.

It was not until the second day that she officially began to practice.

Although gluttonous food is often unreliable, it is extremely reliable in this matter.

In terms of its cultivation experience, there are indeed many wonderful doors that humans don't know. With its guidance, Bai Qingqing realized that it would do more with less, and soon entered the first level of cultivation.

The practice of this secret book focuses on the cultivation of the mind in the cultivation of the summoner, while the practice of martial arts focuses on the health of the body.

On the first page of his secret book, he mentioned: A cultivator needs a strong and tough body and a strong and powerful heart.

Her body is not strong in this life, and can only be called healthy at best, so even if she has practiced karate, she can't perform 50%, let alone practice in this secret recipe.

On the next morning, Bai Qingqing began her physical training. Every morning, she would get up for a run, jogging for an hour and running for an hour, until noon.

In the afternoon and evening is to practice the Summoner Mind Method.

Maybe she should be thankful that she is just a junior summoner, because many of the inner heart sutras in there are contrary to the heart sutra of the summoners currently practicing.

So although Zhao Xixi wanted to practice, but it didn't help him and almost went crazy.

This kid was very happy when he heard that there was a very powerful technique, but after two days of cultivation, he didn't dare to touch it anymore.

Their first journey is to go to Shenxian Island to find the bones. The Shenxian Island will appear in August every year. This is July. They need at least 20 days to go to the Shenxian Island. The time is right to go.

Along the way, many people have already gone to Shenxian Island. Every August, Shenxian Island always gathers elites from all over the world. Everyone hopes to get the bones. Soaring.

While on the road, Bai Qingqing asked Zhang Ze to change the carriage. Although Beiming Liuhua’s carriage was simple, it showed a sense of elegance in the simplicity, and even the satin used for the curtains of the carriage were covered. Good material.

Such a swagger is definitely not what she wants. At this time, she only hopes that they can be like ordinary people. So Zhang Ze changed all the materials on the outside of the carriage and changed it into a carriage that looked ordinary in appearance.

Every day, she repeats two things, running in the morning to strengthen her body, and practicing summoning in the afternoon and evening.

It has to be said that after choosing the method, coupled with the guidance of the famous teacher Yu Tie, Bai Qingqing's cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and within ten days, he has been directly promoted from the initial stage to the final stage, and can be promoted at any time.

Seeing Zhao Xixi is called envy, jealousy and hatred!

"Master Eater, think of a way to let me practice too!" I think he was a little genius at the beginning, and it took up to two years from elementary to intermediate level. This is even the fastest time right now. NS.

But the boss actually took more than ten days to be promoted. This is really against the sky!

"Zhao Xixi, you don't have to think about it. This secret recipe is not something that ordinary people can practice. First, you are now an advanced summoner. From the beginning, your cultivation method is different from this secret recipe. Changing it now is harmful and unprofitable."

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