buzz buzz...

The sound of the bell fluttered over the entire Shenjiao City, and with the blessing of spiritual power, even if the sound of the bell floated more than ten kilometers away, there was still no attenuation.

"It's the bell of the Faling Pagoda, and the Master Arcane Master has been promoted!" The citizens are very familiar with the bell.

"I don't know which master arcanist it is."

"Is this the first Master Arcane Master to be promoted this year?"

"No, no, it's the only time the bell has sounded in the past three years." There was an old man in Shenjiao City, lost in memory, "Master Arcane Master is not something everyone can do. We in Shenjiao City often have a few years Only one can be born."

"Are there so few arcane masters?" Someone was puzzled.

"Of course it's missing. Spirituality only favors those dragons among people. Even if ordinary people open the spiritual sea, it's just a few more opportunities to get close to spirituality. How can they expect to be embraced by spirituality?"

The bells had stopped.

The public is still interested in discussing the newly promoted Arcane Master. Even if they don't know anything about the newly promoted Arcane Mage, it will not reduce their enthusiasm for discussion.

After all, the status of an arcanist in the Seven Towers Federation is unparalleled.

No one, no profession, can compete with the Arcane Master.

The singer of the national idol is not good, the graceful beauty in the slideshow is not good, and the bard or great writer whose works are widely circulated is not good.

In the Seven Towers Federation, there are and only Arcane Masters, and they are the only focus.

The people were enthusiastically guessing the identity of the newly promoted Arcane Mage, and many people in the many Mage Towers outside the city were discussing enthusiastically after hearing the bell.

"Who is the one?"

"Guess it's a nobleman's disciple, or a mage's disciple?" A spiritual apprentice asked loudly.

There are basically only two mainstream identities of Arcane Masters.

One is the outstanding children cultivated by the aristocratic family founded by the arcane master; the other is the commoner's children who learn from a certain arcane master and gradually become talented.

"Children of the nobles, more and more arcane masters have joined the pioneer sequence and created noble families over the years."

"Although nobles have the blessing of blood, blood is not a kind of imprisonment. I think it is easier for common people to produce talents." The spiritual apprentice said seriously, "The inheritance between teachers and students is the best way to break the hierarchy. Way."

"Yes, I also support the children of the common people. There are more and more nobles, and they are almost carve up spirituality. This will definitely do more harm than good to the future development of the Seven Towers Federation!"

"True spirituality cannot be divided, it will only care for those who should be cared for."

"Having said that, spirituality cannot be divided, but the spring of spirituality and the power of spirituality can be divided up. Imagine that you and I can't even touch the power of spirituality. Even if spirituality guides us, how can we get ahead?"

Class solidification is a problem that any society will encounter.

Obviously, this group of spiritual apprentices working in the mage tower has also realized this and is deeply worried about it.

However, a 1st-ring arcane mage passing by outside the door glanced at the spiritual apprentices who were discussing fiercely, and quickly walked away quietly.

He has become an arcanist.

No matter how solidified the class is, what does it matter to him?


"Congratulations, Duke, congratulations on joining the Falingta family." The chief director, Orucci, gave Duke a warm hug after ringing the bell.

It was a lie for Duke to say that he was not excited. After traveling through the extraordinary world, until today, he finally had a sufficient sense of security.

To become a registered Arcane Master of the Faling Pagoda is to become the natural ruling class of the Seven Towers Federation.

He will be under the protection of the Seven Towers Federation. As long as he does not make principled or subversive mistakes, no one can shoot him at will.

To use the catchphrase of the Seven Towers Federation Arcane Masters.

He is now a person who is favored by spirituality, a member of the supreme palace of spiritual mystery, and the cornerstone and future of the country.

"I'm so honored," Duke responded.

After the bell-ringing ceremony was over, Oruchi dismissed the employees of Faling Pagoda gathered on the top floor and returned to their respective posts.

Only a few directors were left to chat with Duke.

As a newly promoted 1st Ring Arcane Mage, Duke has too much knowledge to learn, and the director of the Faling Pagoda is his best teacher.

And among the departing staff.

Tom grabbed his sleeve and couldn't hide his excitement. After seeing Duke, he finally remembered.

When Duke first came to register as a spiritual apprentice, he took Duke to go through the formalities.

"At that time, his talent was only mid-to-lower, and I didn't seem to be enthusiastic enough... It doesn't matter. I believe Lord Duke has forgotten it. When I find an opportunity to curry favor, this is the best entry point... If I can become the follower of the arcanist , oh my god..."

Tom fell into a deep fantasy, and he couldn't wait to go up and curry favor.

On the other hand, Wei Gang, who left with the staff, didn't have so many thoughts of fawning, but was full of emotion in his heart.

At that time, he concluded that Duke could not become a success.

How can a spiritual apprentice who can't figure out his talent, chooses meditation ideas at will, and changes meditation ideas at will, become a talent.

However, the reality is that it took Duke only one year to be promoted to a ring 1 arcane mage.

"Am I wrong?" Will just looked at the scenery outside the window, and fell into a deep self-denial, "The idea of ​​meditation is not what I understand, but is it really suitable? It's the spiritual apprentice who thinks it is suitable, and it is true." suitable?"

But he quickly dismissed the idea.

Except for Duke, among the other spiritual apprentices he has seen who like to change meditation methods, basically none of them have become successful.

"Furthermore, these five meditation methods are all continuously improved by the great arcanists of Offa Tower. Each meditation method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and needs to be adjusted according to the talents of spiritual apprentices... Perhaps, Duke The aptitude is not good, but the comprehension is very strong.”

Think here.

He turned his head and glanced at the big clock on the top floor, followed the crowd into the spiritual ladder, and thought in his heart that if he had a chance, he must ask Duke himself.

How to judge whether a meditation method is more suitable for you.


The green spell cards representing spiritual apprentices are replaced with blue spell cards representing level 1, level 2, and level 3 arcane masters.

At the same time, he also received a set of arcanist robes and a book "The Spirituality of Heijiaohe Land" that requires a contract to read.

"We in Faling Pagoda revise this book once a year as an introductory guide for newly promoted Arcane Masters." Orucci said, "It contains introductions of all Arcane Masters in this area, as well as research summaries of scholars. Of course, it is only a rough guide. refer to."

"I'll read it carefully."

"When you apply to study in the Mage Tower, or go to work in various towers, you will definitely need to settle in the city. The Faling Tower has a special guide. You can apply for a guide to serve you exclusively."


"Another point." Alucci glanced at the several directors next to him, and said seriously to Duke, "As a sixteen-year-old arcane scholar, you have enough time to choose your research direction, don't worry, be patient , understand?"

Duke nodded: "I understand."

There are not many Arcane Masters in Shenjiao City, less than three hundred, but he has already vaguely sensed that there are quite a few factions.

I really need to look at it more before making a choice.

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