Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 8 Chapter 980: Refuse to invite

Ye Mo stopped the ‘flying cloud ship’ because his ‘flying cloud ship’ had been stopped. It is not a person who blocks the 'flying cloud ship', but also a ship-like magic weapon. This ship-like magic weapon looks huge and looks like a moving land. However, the level is much higher than Ye Mo's ‘flying cloud ship’, and it is actually a product.

In fact, it can't be said that this product ship has stopped Ye Mo's 'flying cloud ship', but this huge ship has been parked in this place, and the two Jindan monks who flew down from the ship stopped it. Ye Mo's 'flying cloud ship'. From the two people's greed eyes to his ‘flying cloud ship’, Ye Mo can see that the two men are absolutely unwilling to stop him.

Ye Mo did not act rashly, not to say that people who can control such a big product are absolutely not ordinary. That is, he can play the two Jindan monks who stopped him. He can't do it either.

Because the other party is down from a flying weapon, the main function of the ship is to attack, in addition to the road, and the ability to attack, and even the defense ability is far from the analogy. Even if the opponent's real device is very large, it would be a breeze if he really chased his top-quality swordship.

Besides, the Jindan monk Ye Mo on the real ship has roughly guessed that there are nearly one hundred people, and there are two powerful atmospheres, even the Yuan Ying monk. In the face of this powerful force, Ye Mo did not even have the hope of running away.

However, this huge real ship has a shortcoming, that is, there is no way to install the general storage ring. Some can't even be compared with his top quality, and can be narrowed down by law.

Some of the Yuan Ying monks have normal devices, but there are not many such large-scale flying robots. Ye Mo estimated that this flying machine should be a tool for the power of a certain force, similar to a passenger tool.

"Golden two-story monk?" Two Jindan monks came to Ye Mo and looked at each other with a smile. Obviously in their eyes, Ye Mo Jindan's second floor was repaired. It’s not worth mentioning, and the greed in the eyes of both of them is even worse. A monk on the second floor of Jindan District also dared to drive the treasure of the Shangpin Spirit Spacecraft. What is the difference between this and death?

"Where are you going?" Seeing Ye Mo did not answer, the Jindan seven-story monk suddenly asked coldly.

Ye Mo is standing at the bow of the ‘flying cloud ship’. The tone said plainly: "Everyone who goes to the unintentional sea must report it to you?"

The monk who was on the 9th floor of Jindan stunned. Didn't he think that the monks on the second floor of Jindan in Yemo District dared to ask?

However, the two monks apparently did not dare to blatantly act on Ye Mo, although they came down from the real ship. However, there are so many Jindan monks on the ship. This kind of public murder and robbing of money is impossible. Or, they are afraid to do it.

The seven-tiered monk of Jindan heard Ye Mo’s tone without respect, suddenly felt uncomfortable, and said softly: “Going to the unintentional sea certainly has nothing to do with us, and we don’t need to report to us, but you can’t leave this route. You have to go to the 'no heart sea' and you have to detour. This line has something to do with the 'Aocheng Chamber of Commerce'. Even if you want to go from here, you must wait for our ship to leave."

Although Ye Mo would like to say that the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’ has something to do with him in the past few days. However, Ye Mo knew that the two Jin Dan monks were only errands at best. There are even more powerful characters behind them, far from being able to confront the enemy.

Ye Mo is silent. The ‘Double-Angle Island’ he is going to is not far from here. If you want to make a detour, you will still have to come here. Obviously it’s the same. The ship is parked there. Who knows when it will go?

"Do you want to go to 'Shuangjiao Island'? Although I don't know what you are going to 'Shuangjiao Island', but 'Shuangjiao Island' can't go now." The Jindan nine-story monk Jian Yemo Silence, I guessed Ye Mo’s line, and the tone eased.

Ye Mo knew that the other party already knew where he was going, and he did not hide it. Directly said: "Yes, I am going to the ‘Shuangjiao Island’. I am just collecting some ‘watery seaweed’.”

‘Water and Seaweed’ really has no value in the eyes of the general Jindan monks. Although it can’t be said to be rubbish, it’s not much different, so Ye Mo has nothing to hide.

The two Jindan monks stunned and immediately laughed.

The golden layer seven-story monk laughed and said: "You have to find something else, I still can't say it, but 'water seaweed', I will tell you, 'Double-angle island' does not.' Double angle The island 'do not say that there is no 'water seaweed' now, even if it is the taste of 'water seaweed' you can't smell it."

Not waiting for Ye Mo to answer, he continued: "Don't say that the ‘Shuangjiao Island’ does not have ‘water seaweed', that is, you will not find a ‘watery seaweed’ in a sea area with a radius of several hundred thousand miles.”

“Why?” Ye Mo blurted out, ‘water and seaweed’ is very important to him. If there is no ‘watery seaweed’, how can he refine ‘Tianhuadan’, how can he advance to Yuan Ying?

The disappointment on Ye Mo’s face is obvious. The two Jindan monks did not have to guess at all, and they knew the importance of 'Shui Ma Sea Moss' to Ye Mo. The monk of the 7th floor of Jindan took the hot iron and pointed not far away. The large ship said: "If you want 'water seaweed' is not impossible, it is our ship of the 'Aocheng Chamber of Commerce' going to the deep sea, you can take our boat to pass. Otherwise, even your spirit It’s top grade. You go to the deep sea alone and die.”

Seeing Ye Mo frowning, the monk continued: "If you want 'water seaweed', you must go to the deep sea with our sea boat, I have no vain, if you don't believe, you can go to our ship. Ask other monks on."

"Since your ship is going to the deep sea, why stop here and not leave?" Ye Mo asked, he would never believe that the other party was stopped because of a Jindan second-floor monk. Even if the two late Jindan monks wanted his ‘flying cloud ship’, they would not do so.

The seven-story monk of Jindan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you tell us. The elders of our Chamber of Commerce will soon be promoted to the late Yuan Ying, so stop here and wait for the elders to advance. You can meet us and invite you to The boat is your luck. Our ship has the Yuan Ying predecessors to follow, basically there will be no danger, but every monk who goes to our ship will pay some compensation..."

The seven-story monk of Jindan said that he had paused here and looked at the ‘flying cloud ship’ at the foot of Ye Mo.

Ye Mo sneered, he has a 'flying cloud ship', wants to get on their own boat, but also to pay for the 'flying cloud ship', not the two monks have no fear, that is, they want their own 'flying cloud ship' to be crazy .

Ye Mo guessed that even if they lick their own ‘flying clouds,’ they should not dare to be in the hands of many monks. There are so many monks on the ship, and many of them may have gathered together through this method.

The Jindan nine-story monk coldly inserted a sentence, "Although I know that you have this kind of superiority spaceship, it is normal to go here, but if you want to go back alone, it is harder." ”

"To tell you the truth, here is a seven-level monster, which is almost crazy. With a lot of low-level monsters, all the elixir in the hundreds of thousands of miles of the sea is collected. There is a 'water seaweed'. Many monks who came out to collect the elixir were also killed by the monsters. Later, a virtual **** elder of our chamber of commerce went to the sea and the seven-level monsters battled one, both defeated, seven monsters Retreat, many low-level monsters who follow the seven-level monsters are also retired."

The seven-tiered monk of Jindan looked at Ye Mo’s expression and continued: “Although many of the monsters have retired, the herbs collected by the monsters have not been taken away, still on an island. In addition to the many deep sea medicines left on the island, there are many monsters below the sixth level. So many like-minded monks voluntarily form a small team and then hire our ship of the Aocheng Chamber of Commerce. In order to support this action, the Chamber of Commerce specially sent two Yuan Ying elders. So you said that you can get on board with us. It is indeed luck, or the medicines you have allocated are enough for your Yuan Ying period."

After that, he still swept Ye Mo's ‘flying cloud ship’ and only hoped that Ye Mo was on board now. As long as he got on the boat, his ‘flying cloud ship’ belonged to them.

Ye Mo is undecided, and the words that the Jin Dan monk said were true and false. Because he has not been to ‘Fichi Island,’ he doesn’t know if it’s true, but one thing is certain, the nearby herbs have been swept away, and that should be true.

Seeing that Ye Mo was indifferent, the Jin Dan monk was in a hurry, and he could not clearly steal.

Just when he still wanted to say something, Ye Mo said with a fist: "Thanks to the good intentions of the two, I will not go to the ‘Shuangjiao Island’ and now I have to go back.”

The two originally wanted to get Ye Mo to the boat first, and then slowly swindled and threatened Ye Mo, in order to get the 'flying cloud ship' to the hand But now they talk about the dry mouth Tongue exercise, but the other party said to go back, isn’t it a bamboo basket?

It’s just that the two just wanted to say something again. The large-scale real ship made a sound, obviously it was going to sail. Although the two Jindan monks showed extreme disappointment in their eyes, they did not hesitate to go back to the ship. Ye Mo’s **** saw that the two of them soon got on the ship. After a while, the ship disappeared quickly.

Ye Mo did not leave, he was very confused, although the two said, he must be mostly true, but what makes him wonder is the attitude of the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’. Although they can explain that they sent two Yuan Ying elders, it is for the inventory of the seven-level monsters, but those who are teamed are Jin Dan monks to let Ye Mo have some doubts. According to the Lingcao resources in the hundreds of thousands of miles of waters, even the Yuanying monks will be tempted. Why is it only the Jindan monks teamed up? The only two Yuanying monks are still the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’?

Ye Mo stood in the same place and thought for a while, but decided to go to the ‘double-angle island’ first.

A few hours later, Ye Mo stood on the 'Double-Angle Island', but found that it was indeed empty, and there was not even a monster.


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