
Chapter 190: Definition of truth

No one spoke for a while, only the sound of water droplets dripping down the stalactites remained in the empty cave.

Ann unbearably extinguished most of the light balls, and let the two exaggeratedly high doors hide into the dark, so as to maintain the mental health of his teammates. It's a pity that after knowing what the darkness covered up, the faces of most of the people present didn't look much better because of it.

"I'm going to take a break," Nemo said sullenly, moving away from the door with great determination. "This thing... I just touched it with the shadow a few times, I have to slow down."

"Mr. Dylan." Oliver said politely, even in the dim lighting, his face was still surprisingly blue. "Can I trouble you to deal with this?"

"Why me!" Jesse yelled immediately, taking a step back from Adrian.

"You look calmest."

"No, that's what I'm scared of." Jesse replied immediately.

"I remember when you introduced yourself, you said you were a 'thief'." Oliver stared at Jesse's face, determined not to look at the corpses that melted into a large mass behind him. "Now it's time for you to do your job."

"...I have to say, your reason surprised me. Mr. Captain, you can obviously do it yourself!"

"I can't control my strength. I want us to push the door politely instead of destroying it completely. Mr. Cross can't use magic, and Ann is our employer. Only You are left."

Jesse instantly turned his eyes to Bagelmoru who was on Ann's shoulder, and the grey parrot raised his head majestically: "In the end, I still want to come, it's just a puddle Rotten meat, tsk tsk, so fragile—"

The gray parrot flapped its wings, opened its mouth, and blew a jet of black flames towards the pile of corpses pasted on the door.

But the flames did not work, not even a black beetle was burned. The dazzling golden light instantly illuminated the cave—a beam of golden light projected from the crack of the door, knocking the grey parrot up and slamming it onto the rock wall opposite the door.

Half of the parrot's hair was lost, and it slipped out of the hole blasted by the light and fell softly to the ground.

"It's a resistance spell to abyss magic." Nemo resisted and glanced at the door covered in flesh and blood, "The specific principle... er, I don't want to probe, but it looks like conversion and bounce back."

"It seems that this gentleman not only does not welcome visitors from the surface, he does not welcome all living creatures." Ann approached Bagelmore and carried the dizzy demon inside. The poor parrot didn't seem to recover, it hummed weakly, and the feathers began to recover on its own.

"Mr. Dylan?" Oliver twitched a few times and asked politely again.

"Oh, I really can't help you, I didn't want to use this trick." Jessie sighed sadly, raised her right-

Oliver and Nemo looked nervously at the one.

However, there is no complex magic array or spectacular spell array lit up. The white one just reached into the neckline and took out two high-level spell scrolls in a thin copper tube.

Oliver: "…"

"What's your expression? These two little things cost me ten gold coins! That's all my private money."

"I...I thought you..."

"Why do I have to work hard for something that can be solved with money?" Jesse pouted and unscrewed one of them gracefully. After the scroll was ignited by magic power, it floated towards the quiet mass of corpses like a feather, stuck to it and didn't move.

The next second, the black vines shimmering with scarlet shimmers shot out with the scroll as the heart. They quickly covered the mass of corpses sticking together, forming a huge net that tightly wrapped them. The dark vines lined the pale and dark red, and the atmosphere in the cave suddenly became strange.

When the vines stopped moving, Jesse unscrewed the second copper cylinder.

The fire followed.

The white flames burned rapidly along the vines, and the sparks from the flames were like shards of gold. The pitch-black rattan net turned into a flaming fire net, and the corpse quickly turned black, and then fell into slag, which fell loosely on the ground. The outside of the flame was not scorching hot, bringing the user and his companions no scorching heat—the temperature on the outside of the fire net was even pleasantly warm.

But the smell of the air is another matter.

The special smell of scorched meat fills the air instantly, except for Jesse and the gray parrot who is unknown, the faces of everyone in the tumbleweed begin to turn green.

"You did it on purpose," Nemo complained weakly, and stopped breathing very simply. The others weren't much better - Ann pulled off a piece of the lining of the leather armor, drenched it with spirits, and pressed it tightly to her nose.

"I remember that you are not afraid of stink, Your Highness." Jesse put away the copper tube with a smile. Before he could finish his words, the large corpses pasted on the door collapsed along with the remnants of the vines, turning into black debris on the ground.

"I'm not afraid of odors." Ann didn't bother to bother with his name, the wet cloth made her voice a little dull. "...but I still want to eat some more barbecue in my life."

Nemo is moving very fast now. After commanding the shadow to pull the door open, he quickly placed another shadow above the mound-like corpse, so that everyone would not step on the filth to enter the door.

The world inside the door is much better than the outside, dry and clean, free of cobwebs, moss or dust. Someone should be cleaning here from time to time, and Nemo finally found a breath of life in this dark tomb.

As long as there is no exaggerated design that makes people nauseated, the rest of the road can be considered a good walk. After entering a relatively spacious burial chamber, they were even able to stop and rest for a while with relative ease - except that no one, except Jesse, wanted to touch the food that was intended to be grilled.

Although Andrew used a dozen cleansing spells, the unbearable smell seemed to stick to their nostrils.

It was not someone who broke the silence this time.

As soon as Nemo took a bite of the dry biscuit, the black seal on his chest vibrated like crazy. The unlucky cookie choked directly in his throat, and while coughing wildly, Nemo took off the black stamp on his chest.

He was not the only one who went crazy.

"What's the situation?" Nemo called out the screen suspiciously, but he couldn't find any great notice on it.

"The black chapter itself." Jesse carefully buttered the dry cookies. Apart from the knight commander who had no badge and only had a ring, he was the only one who didn't take off the black badge to look at. "Look at the front of it, dear Mr. Wright."

Nemo swallowed and swallowed the food stuck in his throat. Unlike humans, if he really wants to look closely at something, he can't use too much light.

The snake head on the black seal disappeared, replaced by a strange five-eyed creature.

Nemo wiped his face fiercely, Oliver, who was sitting beside him, sighed, and a whining grunt came from Ann's throat.

"Sea Scorpion." Adrian didn't seem surprised, "Here it is."

"Ed, look at how cute they are still fantasizing about hiding." Jessie scratched her chin, "Your Highness Princess, do you still have a bar? Or do you all honor this time? Upgrade toast?"

An decisively pointed at him.

Don't we have to get ready sooner-"

It won't be counted in the scope of the investigation, I promise."

"It should be Godwin Lopez's report." Adrian said calmly, "According to the way the Pope handled it, it is very normal for us to be promoted to sea scorpions. Very good, If Mr. Ramon's true behavior is detected by the guild, we may suddenly rise to the top."

Mr. Ramon squeezed the pie in melancholy, his eyes blank, while his lover rested his head on his shoulder with a dull gaze.

Perhaps sensing the laxity of the crowd, a shriveled snake jumped out of nowhere and bounced straight towards Jesse's face. Adrian turned it over, grabbed the daring snake, and mercilessly flung it to another corner.

"I'm so touched." Jesse emotionally picked up the buttered, already eaten cake, and stuffed it under the knight's long nose. "Please accept my love, Ed."

The knight commander coldly pushed Jesse and his buttery "love" aside.

"Admit it, you still like me a little bit." While the rest of the people were still worried in the shadow of the sea scorpion, Jesse was very generous in provoking other topics. "How did that line come from... 'My charming knight, you will shield me from all storms and misery.'"

"No." Adrian replied softly.

"...I'm going to cry." Jesse sighed sadly, licking the butter on the pie.

"Speaking of suffering... Dylan, I have something to ask you." Nemo lifted his head from Oliver's shoulder, his tone suddenly hardened.

"What, are you going to block me? That's not good. I'm all on my Ed now—"

"No, about the events of the year." Nemo gritted his teeth, "Medeth's possible testimony is on the one hand, Mr. Magical Diviner, maybe you can deduce one or two?"

He accentuated the pronunciation of the words "magical fortune teller", Ann raised her eyebrows curiously, and Oliver's body suddenly tense.

"I don't know what's going on in the abyss." Jesse put away her teasing expression and stared straight at Nemo with her beautiful blue eyes. "Don't talk about the bottom of the abyss, the shallow ones don't know, those are not mine... um, the calculation range."

The two looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.

"As for the events of the year..." Finding that Nemo had no intention of speaking, the blond young man stretched and continued flatly. "I think you'd better ask Medes."


"It's simple, I can tell you who ate what when, did what, and even killed who. It's so simple that even civilians who don't want to pass by can get this level of Information - if you just want to define 'facts' as 'actions'."

Nimo pursed his lips.

"It's like Ulysses wiped out generations of expeditions, this is an undoubted fact." Jesse's voice was still smiling, but those ice blue eyes were dark and piercing. A little cool. "But I think what you want is movement, emotion, reason. Like that snake just now, or earlier, those beetles crawling around, you know what they do, but you know they were What are you thinking?"


"Hmm, me too."

Jesse gave a big smile.

"But I can tell you, as a side note—Meddes knows enough to satisfy your curiosity."

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