Stormwind God

Chapter 756: Spilled Jaina

Almost at the same time, on the sea less than fifty kilometers from the coast of Beiliu, a huge fleet was moving from west to east towards the beliu harbor.

The biggest ship at the core of this mixed fleet is not the flagship, and the flag flying on the biggest ship is also interesting.

There are three flags.

First of all, the national flag at the highest place is the blue-edged lion flag of the Kingdom of the Storm.

Then the flag representing the organization there is the storm flag of the Marcus Chamber of Commerce.

Both are fine, the interesting thing is that the last individual flag is the king of Kul Tiras. This means that the ship is a member of the royal family of Kul Tiras.

Generally speaking, in accordance with international practice, married princesses and married princesses are not allowed to continue flying their own banner.

There is only one reason for this strange phenomenon, sitting on the boat is Princess Fiona, the fiancee of Duke Marcus, the Duke of Stormwind Kingdom.

According to the results of the previous talks between the leaders of the two countries, Dai Lin and Lane, Jaina has been born to the Duke family and died as a ghost of the Duke family. It does not belong to Kul Tiras, so Jaina's nationality is the Kingdom of Storms .

This was mainly because at the time Dailin hoped that Jaina would get rough, so she couldn't wait for Duke to get married and kick Jaina out first.

In fact, in the past ten years since Duke disappeared, both the military and business circles of Kul Tiras really guarded Jaina.

Of course, Jaina is not Kalia, or she is extremely talented and intelligent, and she was not an ordinary woman from the beginning.

On Jaina's 18th birthday, she did not use a copper coin from the Duke family and began to form a fleet under the framework of the Marcus Chamber of Commerce. Today, the huge fleet of 50 ships including five battleships is the fruit of her efforts.

This is not easy.

In the course of her rise, she did not receive any preferential treatment, whether it was from Kul Tiras, the Stormwind Kingdom, or the Marcus family that would theoretically back her up.

Even the shipbuilding schedule, she had to find a way to clear the relationship before she could make it.

She didn't understand why Marcus's relationship was so exclusive to her.

At first Jaina thought that this was the one who was probably her fiance's underground lover, Miss Ilucia Barov, who was stealing the power of the Marcus family.

She soon found herself wrong.

The structure of the Marcus family is completely different from any family or organization on the mainland. It has an organizational structure that transcends this era.

Even if Duke is missing.

Each principal remains firmly committed to his duties.

Ilucia is in charge of the commercial part. With her excellent economic acumen, and her equally outstanding father, I provide the entire Marcus family with an amazing wealth that is comparable to the income of the Lordaeron Treasury.

Reginald Windsor holds tight control of the family's large private corps, giving him the strictest training and regular combat training with monsters as opponents. On the surface, the Marcus family has only 30,000 soldiers. In fact, the guy who returned to his hometown to serve as a militia has been disbanded in this decade. Everyone has the strength of the elite soldiers of the Scarlet Crusade. As long as the Marcus family is willing, they can pull out 100,000 elites at any time.

Edwin Vancliff is a bit special. He was born of the Stonemason Brotherhood, and is also in charge of architecture and intelligence agencies. In the end what he left behind while building the castles, and how much power he has in the dark, no one knows but him.

Casa Jurasis is in charge of the family's knights. This is a huge knights with a total of more than 1,000 people, including three hundred paladins. They are also responsible for defending Jaina, but unfortunately, Jaina knows that they will perform their duties without hesitation, but never have a little loyalty to her.

Sister Sylvanas and Lilas control a 5,000-person mountain group composed of elves and humans.

The family's great housekeeper, Makaro, is unswervingly implementing the policies left before Duke's disappearance. He is doing many things that no one else can understand. Such as tinkering with new technologies that even the smartest dwarves and gnomes cannot understand. For another example, there are a lot of things for the family that even Anthony Dass, a master of magic and alchemy, cannot understand.

Each year, on December 31, these clan ministers come together to report on their work.

Many times, there is no specific content, and only the completion degree is reported, such as 94% or 122%. Macaroo took out the schedule left by Duke that year, and scored and rewarded each person's work.

The basis of all rewards or punishments is a reward and punishment book that will be moderately increased and reduced every year. The above is even accurate enough to calculate even when a natural disaster such as a severe drought or flood occurs.

Every year the party does not hide Jaina, but everyone just treats Jaina as an insignificant observer. At first Jaina tried to act as a fiancee to see if she could control this extremely powerful family, and soon she gave up desperately.

The entire family is a huge and sophisticated machine. Unless she has the wisdom and foresight above Duke, no one will serve her 'outside' who has not officially changed her name to Marcus.

Jaina really wanted to cry without tears.

Fucked in the Marcus family, but did not get any substantial benefits of being a mother.

Of course, the benefits are not without. For example, give ‘fiancee’ a home of 100,000 gold coins per year and increase by 10% every year. For example, before the battle against Ner'zhul, Duke allowed Jaina to move to a large number of magic books in the Royal Academy of Stormwind.

It is a pity that compared with the amazing treasure house of the Marcus family, these things are only small stones on the roadside!

Most terribly, Duke's plan for this is 20 years.

No changes will be allowed for 20 years unless Duke is proven dead. Even if you want to change, you must get the unanimous consent of all the dignitaries of the family.

In order to satisfy the money needed for her magic experiment and to prove her ability, the hard-pressed Jaina could only come out to run a business ...

However, when she was 20 years old, Jaina finally came to work.

Her luck was the High Elf Advisor and Big Steward who now stood beside her.

It is claimed that she is Magna Evans, but in fact she has a more explosive name Magna Evans.

Yes, she is Medivh's mother, the former guardian of Aegwynn!

"Duke is back, what should I do?" Jaina asked Magna in a deep voice.

"Actually, you can learn from me. The Marcus family wants heirs and helps Duke Sheng. I did the same with Nilas back then, and I did n’t raise them back."

Jaina didn't miss a bite of old blood. (To be continued.)

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