Stormwind God

Chapter 640: Teacher Duke (on)

A seventeen-year-old teacher! ?

Any mage who reaches the level of ** division will inevitably become a guest of honor in any kingdom.

At the age of seventeen, he was the only one besides Medivh for thousands of years.

Countless people were shocked and lost their language skills.

"That's too ... exaggerated, right?" King Thoras Trollbane was silent for a long time.

"Haha! If Dukeken considers himself a dwarf, I must give him the Ironforge Honorary Warrior Medal." Magni Bronzebeard laughed.

"We dwarves have no mage, and Duke is not a warrior." Muradin * Bronzebeard grumbled at his elder brother.

"Why isn't he a dwarf?" Gelbin said unfortunately.

Of course, the happiest is the Stormwind Kingdom.

Ryan received the news. He was very clear that Stormwind Kingdom was in the process of resurrection. The Ministers of the Interior had clearly wished that a copper coin could be split into two halves. He still announced on the spot that Stormwind Kingdom would hold a large banquet tonight to celebrate Duke's promotion.

Ryan was talking to Dai Lin about bilateral trade. As a result, the two kings could not wait for Duke to return from the teleportation team and came together to welcome Duke.

Just halfway through the venue and the teleportation team, they received Duke, who was already surrounded by Windrunner's sisters.

"Duke!" Ryan's face was full of surprises. "Aren't you going to the ceremony of the Dragon Sleep Temple? Why did you suddenly get promoted?"

Dai Lin: "I'm also curious."

Duke said with emotion: "Well, the king of the blue dragon, Marigos, thanked me very much for revenge on killing his wife. He took me and had to teach me some magical experience. The king of magic is so kind and I ’m not good Pushed it. You were promoted by accident! "

Aurelia, who was to the right of Duke, had a hard time, but she was a general woman who barely managed to laugh.

Winessa, on the left, wouldn't do it. She covered her mouth secretly, because she was afraid she might accidentally laugh out of an internal injury.

Two minutes ago, Duke told them that it was shameless that he asked Marigos to pay back his debts. Then something happened and he was saved by Alekstasak. He was promoted directly with the assistance of the two dragon kings.

In the presence of the two kings, how could he become the proud blue dragon king who licked him and promoted him.

Windreysa is not a person who is good at concealing emotions. Aurelia also has flaws, but King Daelin didn't care. Dai Lin valued the fact that Duke was promoted.

The rise of Duke Marcus is legendary throughout the league and the entire human world. The only flaw in this legend is Duke's personal strength. Although Duke also had the record of killing the other Swordmaster Chief, whether compared with Uther or Anduin who rushed into the battle, Duke's combat power was significantly lower than that of Antonidas.

Now Duke's last short board is made up.

Presented in front of Dai Lin is a perfect Duke.

Dai Lin spoke a compliment, but no one knew what he was thinking inside.

Anduin came over there. He was also attending another meeting, and he also rushed to the horse with the participating Mograine.

Did not say anything, went up a bear hug.

"Cough! Let's die! Let go! You orc in human skin" Duke yelled.

"Hahahaha!" There was laughter everywhere.

It is also a pleasure to be able to bully the newest teacher at the muscle level.

Ryan was very pleased that Duke's timely promotion made him re-see the hope of the revival of the Storm Royal Masters. Many of the mages that Duke had originally enveloped in the Karazhan Library had secretly complained in private that Duke did not have enough time to instruct them. Others saw that Duke's order was not high, and his heart was born with his mind.

All this was resolved with Duke's promotion.

Not every mage apprentice or junior mage can be taught by Antonidas, not to mention Sun King Anastrian, who will not teach outsiders. Being able to get the guidance of a Huiyue teacher is already the ultimate goal that most potential magical apprentices can count on.

It had been thought that without Medivh, Stormwind Kingdom would be slumped in the mysterious realm, but now it does not seem so. As long as Duke can be promoted to Mage Xiri before the age of 30, no, and 50 years old, Stormwind's position in the mysterious realm will be as solid as a rock.

Unfortunately, Duke told Ryan that Karazhan was a bit unstable, otherwise Ryan would really be willing to celebrate three or five days.

However, this does not affect the dinner tonight.

The Gate of Darkness was held on January 2, 3 years, and the New Year's banquet was just held last night. Most of the wealthy people did not expect it to be another grand banquet.

A large banquet originally required a lot of preparation, but since December 25th, there are banquets almost every day, so the manpower and ingredients are readily available. As long as you can afford the money, it is really luxurious.

Standing in front of the banquet hall of the State Guest House of Stormwind Kingdom, King Ryan, Anduin and Duke, the protagonist tonight, accepted the blessings of every guest.

"Congratulations! Your Excellency Marcus!" No one expected that Lordaeron was actually Prince Alsace. Today Alsace is dressed up in a black evening dress tailor-made by the tailors of the royal family. fit. Although Alsace is only 13 years old, Alsace's gene is not only tall, but also has the potential to be handsome.

"Thank you, Your Highness Menethil." Duke responded respectfully.

"Actually, I'm not much younger than your Excellency. If I can, I still want to call you Brother Duke. You can also call me by name." Alsace's handsome face, like a spring breeze, makes it difficult to refuse His passion.

"All right! Welcome, Alsace!" Fucking like Duke, secretly carrying magic on his arm, at this moment, Duke was almost like an ogre possessed, a bear hug, and saw Alsace thoroughly Exasperated.

The 13-year-old was not well developed and Arthas lost directly.

Er, everyone said that Duke was weak and not like him!

After finally coming through the air, Arthas, who had been crushed by Duke with his strength, blushed. "Sorry, my father is a little uncomfortable today. Let me come and bless you Duke for him."

Uncomfortable? Is Terenas heartbroken?

The kingdom gangsters who heard the words beside them were all laughing.

One after another, the connoisseurs came to congratulate Duke. Except for Quel'Thalas and Gilneas, who have resigned from the league, the big names of all countries came.

The only unexpected guest was Krasus, who came with Ronin.

After a few greetings, Krassus split his head and said, "Duke, otherwise, would you be a teacher of Ronin?"

"Ha?" (To be continued.)

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