Stormwind God

Chapter 570: Final battle

It wasn't just Duke and his party that arrived, Kilrogg * Dead Eye and Zuluhed killed with nearly a thousand orc warriors.

On the side of the Alliance, it was the Twelve Holy Horses and the entire human soldier battle. The Knights of the Storm Kings have rushed away from Orgrim's guard and rushed to Lothar to embrace the league coach.

Not only that, but more than a hundred steam tanks rushed in. The dwarf above was desperately firing, sweeping orcs across the area.

In the distance, after the tank assault group's back and forth advance, the entire orc army has been cut into several pieces. Not many tribal battle flags still floating on the battlefield. Although these clans are still struggling under the human offensive, more and more mages and heavy artillery have entered the field, making their resistance useless.

There are not enough orc warriors to gather together, it is impossible to break through the shields and swords of human soldiers, but they must be gathered together to face the magician's concentrated attack. The scariest thing is the dwarf's largest tank destroyer.

Even though it was a huge and bulky guy, as long as it was turned, then it was aimed and reloaded for a minute or two, and a round of artillery was shaken. Within the hit area, a range of more than two hundred meters is absolutely inexorable.

The orc army has fallen into such an endless loop, the assembly will be wiped out, and the scattered ones will be killed by the human shield.

Coupled with the fact that the dwarf's blitz battles have caused them to fall apart, there are 40,000 dwarf infantry dead in the back, and they continue to bleed the orcs.

The slogan of "lok-tar, ogar!" Was no longer heard, and the eyes were full of orcs who had lost their weapons and fled.

It was replaced by the cry of "Long live the Alliance!"

High above him, Duke, sitting on the tank's roof, looked down at Orgrim, and said something almost conclusive: "The alliance has won!"

Orgrim got up again, shaking his body and spitting blood. He was seriously injured and couldn't even take [Destruction Hammer], but he still shouted in a husky voice: "This time, the tribe failed. But how about that? The tribe will welcome their third chief warrior! Warriors of every race in your alliance will die under the tribe warriors! Until your world belongs to us! "

Suddenly, Orgrim shouted with all his strength: "Zulushid! Kilrogg! Kargath! Go! Hurry up-the tribe has not failed! The tribe will never fail-"

Lothar sighed softly: "Catch it!"

Even if he lowered his voice, his always loud voice, even if he lowered it, sounded like a yell in ordinary people's ears.

Headed by the twelve holy horses, more than five hundred knights raced at the same time and rushed to Orgrim.

Cargas * Blade Fist replaced his response with his actions. His gray muscles were bulging. He grabbed Orgrim with his only hand. What he wanted to do is self-evident.

Tirion Forddin is here.

With the acceleration of the war horse, a smash hit to the extreme.

"Dang!" Cargas reluctantly blocked it with his huge fist blade attached to his arm.

I didn't give him a little bit of panting, and Gavenrad and Saidan Dasuohan hit the two hammers in sequence.

"Wow!" Rao is a hero who is as strong as a dead gladiator like Cargas. Under the attack of two top human forces, he still flew more than 20 meters and played a lot of ping-pong on the ground. Just get out of breath.

Unfortunately, he has stayed away from Orgrim.

Suddenly hitting the ground with his fist, Cargas resolutely retreated.

Yes, he did his best!

Kilrogg's dead eyes wielded a sharp bone-spur axe, and an axe blasted a human knight, and the hard bone china penetrated the knight's plate armor, hooking the intestines of the guy's belly. He looked at Orgrim, who had been rushed to the side by the Twelve Holy Horses with the only one eye left. He didn't hesitate to turn around and left.

But Zuluhed ... the Orgrim's deputy, rushing over with a sledgehammer in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

That's right! He wanted to save Orgrim, rescue his most beloved chief warrior under the eyes of three female ranger heroes who were sharper than male heroes, in nearly a thousand human knights, twelve paladins who were fiercely human. .

This can no longer be said to be rational or courageous. Zuluhed at this moment is more like an avid martyr. Not only him, but more than 300 orc warriors who followed him, they were all great warriors.

"Uther!" Over there, gasping Lothar called the Paladin leader.

Needless to say, everyone understands.

Duke raised his hands and pressed the bows of Sylvanas and Winreza. Magni, who had originally ordered to fire, also let go of his hand.

This is the last battle in this battle.

The true warrior is across national borders and even across races.

They deserve respect, of course.

Uther trot with a lot of knights and let the horses speed up. At this point, no knight still has a lance.

The decision is the moment when they are close to each other, the knight's longitudinal horse technique, and the fleeting duel.

It's close!

It's close! !!


Zuluhed's orc warriors have extensive experience fighting against knights.

It is not easy to kill a knight directly. An equestrian knight can flash or use a cavalry shield to defend most attacks against his upper body.

The orc's hammer waved an arc, and the successful lucky man could hit the horse's head with his huge hammer.

Hundreds of horses fell, blood flowed from their broken skull, and their limbs twitched to death. The knight on horseback or slumped to the ground, killing the orcs, or jumped at the last moment, made a roll on the ground, and then climbed up to continue the battle.

More knights, the moment before the orc's hammer or axe hit the horse, through the control of the reins, the horse escaped death at the critical moment, and then the fatal blow with the horse's momentum.

In the first wave of hedging, the Alliance played a 118: 230 with the Horde.

Uther perfectly separated Zuluhid's attack, with a hammer containing the power of the Supreme Light, smashed into Zuluhid's right shoulder plate, almost every one paid attention to Zuluhid Everyone heard a crackling sound. It wasn't just the crackling of the shoulder armor, but the crackling of the entire right shoulder.

Zuluhed's entire right chest burst completely under Uther's blow. He held up the arm of the hammer, flew high into the air, and began to spin in the air. (To be continued.)

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