Stormwind God

Chapter 544: Tribal Twilight (limited to one more)

? 9 = dvh? C? M ?? n6.rrrm5oev? & T7` ?? p ??, the cold wind in autumn makes everything on the burning plain look drier. r

The dry and barren land is rising with almost endless heat. The source of heat is naturally the high active volcanoes on the plain, including the Black Rock Mountain in the northwest of the burning plain. These volcanoes are constantly blowing lava. Blazing lava is changing the landscape of the plain almost every moment. r

Sitting on the east platform of the Black Stone Tower in Black Rock, the chief warrior Orgrim stared blankly at the distant view. r

It's a black stone tower, but from the outside, this 'tower' is not obvious. r

Because the entire 'tower' is embedded in the towering Black Rock Mountain, dozens of hot lava flow down from the lava spout on the mountain body, and visually create many vertical lines to divide the gray-black Black Rock Mountain into vertical Many parts. r

The so-called Black Stone Tower should actually be called the Black Stone Fortress. r

Orgrim didn't know that the platform on which he was sitting would become the burial place of the black dragon prince Nefarian. He just stared blankly at the scenery outside the platform. r

To the north is a scorching canyon that also emits high temperatures and heat. The black iron dwarves who recently reached a cooperation agreement with the tribe are in the rough stove in the canyon to build weapons for the tribe day and night. r

To the south is the Burning Plain, where more than 150,000 orc warriors are camping in a slightly flat area under Black Rock. The orcs who have just crossed the dark gate and just arrived in the world of Azeroth are unaware of the terror of the Alliance and the Red Dragon Army. They are waiting for the arrival of this glorious battle. r

And the 100,000 orc hard laborers are also excited about being distributed to the fine weapons, they feel that this is an opportunity to change their status. r

At this time, Zuluhed, chief of the Dragonmaw clan, came. He glanced at Orgrim sitting on the edge of the platform and said rudely, "Great Chief, the new tribal warriors want you to say something." R

"Talk? I'll go. But not now." Orgrim didn't look back. r

"Why? You know that none of us have much patience? After all, they all drank that thing." R

"Yeah! Maybe we should thank the blood of the demon for making the orcs fierce and belligerent without having to worry about morale." Orgrim had an unabashed irony on his face: "Yes, because of the blood of the demon, We orcs still have absolute confidence in victory, and we can tolerate me, this terrible guy, to continue to sit in the position of chief of war, instead of having a warrior launch Mackora to kill me. "R

Zuluhed was silent. r

Black Stone Tower saw that most of the orcs below were newcomers to Azeroth and had a stupid brain. They didn't realize the kind of helplessness that prevailed but could not win. I haven't experienced the painful despair that occupied most of the continent but was eventually killed back by humans step by step. r

Where are the strongest clans in the tribe? r

The Blackrock clan can almost declare the extermination. After experiencing the burning of Elwynn Forest, Stormwind City, the battle of the sea crossing and the battle of Lordaeron, plus the black tooth clan split by the Blackhand brothers, all fell strongest in the year. The Blackstone clan, which has nearly 300,000 soldiers and nearly 200,000 soldiers, now has less than 5,000 people. Not even a third-rate clan. r

Under the leadership of the Blackhand Brothers, the Blackfang Clan was pitted by Duke in the Arathi Highlands, and then after killing Gul'dan, it killed a few thousand people of the Storm Predator clan, and then disappeared. Everyone knows that the Black Hand Brothers are intentional. r

The battleable clan of great fights collapsed, and the remaining clans, under the leadership of Grom, hid in the deep forests of Tirisfal Glades. r

The blood ring clan also collapsed, basically losing to Dunmolo's Ironforge. Most of the early deaths were in siege warfare. Recently, it was because of the execution of the chieftain's fortress tactics that the Red Dragon Army had been swept away. Kilrogg was so dead that there were less than 10,000 people left. r

The Frostwolf Clan was exiled by Gul'dan to the Alterac Mountains on the northern continent in the early days of the First World War. After Durotan was killed, the Frostwolf clan completely cut off their ties with the tribe. r

Under the rebellion of the Red Dragon Legion, the Dragonmaw Clan was subjected to the worst bloodbath, and Zuluhed had less than a thousand people left. r

The Fireblade clan was originally a sparse clan. When Dal * Triple Blood Blade and Samuro died, the Swordmaster team was also severely damaged, and there were less than 10 Swordmasters in the tribe. r

Former Storm Predator clan and ogre-dominated Twilight Hammer clan, not to mention these two betrayal clan. The ghost knew where those dead species had gone. r

The Black Scar clan ... After Kashdrak died in the Grim Batol fortress, and most of the people were also killed by the angry red dragon, it is reported that Kashdrak's cronies took the next chief, young Nazgrel passed through the Arathi Highlands and took refuge in the Frostwolf Clan before the Alliance launched a counterattack. r

The Broken Palm clan is okay. Kargas * Bladefist, a fighting madman, also called on the chief warrior yesterday ... r

However, as long as the orcs with a little brain know that the tribe is going to lose. r

Orgrim had no intention of making things difficult for his deputy. r

He sighed longly: "I'm thinking about the meaning of this impending war." R

"Meaning?" R

"Yes!" Orgrim looked up at the sky to the north. r

The first year of the dark gate in the mouth of human beings was the most magnificent and glorious year for the entire tribe. The territory of the tribe expanded wildly toward the entire north, and the territory it opened up was almost equivalent to all the territory known to our world. r

This is also the year when the entire tribe has the strongest war intentions and the chiefs have the most ambitious ambitions. r

Thanks to those veterans who have experienced the war with the Draenei, it is these elites that easily destroyed the resistance of the Storm Kingdom. r

However, like all fantasy dreams have beginnings and ends, the tribe's arrogant dreams that occupied the entire world of Azeroth within three years reached its peak in this year. Then in the second year, he bumped into the cold and cruel wall of reality, which seemed accidental, but it was bound to be torn apart. r

Orgrim sighed deeply: "In retrospect, even without Duke Marcus, we must fail." R

"Why?" Zuluhed was puzzled. r

Orgrim's rough face was full of regrets. r

"We are too arrogant. At the beginning we almost slaughtered all the intelligent races that can be seen in the world. Almost all intelligent races have been pushed to the opposite side of the tribe. If time can go back in time, I can control the tribe earlier , I will take more gentle measures, such as first occupying all the wilds where no intelligent race lives. Then destroy those weak races to make more room for the tribe. When finally gaining an absolute advantage, then destroy the possible alliance. " (To be continued.)

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