Stormwind God

Chapter 452: answer me

Seriously, Orgrim wasn't the first time he saw this stuff.

It was this mechanical creation that he couldn't understand that ruined Zu Jin's manpower. It also turned a long run that he could have written into a textbook into a ridiculous air run.

The red lights across the mountains are eye-catching and dazzling. Seemingly meaningless, it is declaring danger to every orc.

How to do?

"Offensive! This thing is not dangerous!" Said a centurion.

According to previous experience, this is indeed the case. Such ghosts scattered throughout the mountains may blow up hidden trolls, but they are not offensive in themselves. Perhaps in human eyes, this thing is no different from the rough axe made by the orcs themselves.

The centurion was the first soldier, rushed forward, kicked up and kicked a screaming demon spirit.

Seeing that demon spirit flew away like a broken ball.

If it had been before, his experience was right, and he would have no problem doing so.

right now……


With a loud noise, the demon spirit exploded.

The huge impulse blew up the centurion, which weighed more than three hundred and four hundred kilograms with armor, and the spattered iron sheet covered his ugly face.

What's more terrifying is that, despite the armor's resistance to the killing blow, the explosion still blown him off one leg.

A centurion, who was not well-known in the Blackrock clan, was abandoned.

At this moment, the demon spirits surging in front of him suddenly rushed towards the Horde Army.

"No! Stop them."

How to stop?

The Horde has now discovered that the trolls good at long-range attacks have long since died.

A little bit forceful, throwing away the only weapon in his hand, and maybe getting back a small life, it was really close, not a powerful explosion, enough to break any arm or leg.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" With the continuous explosion, the elf ranger on the opposite side began to put arrows on the wooden wall again.

Suicide bomber attack, even if it is put before Duke crossing, is still an almost unsolvable problem. The only problem for Duke was that he hadn't found remote-controlled detonation technology. These rushed demon spirits were loaded with bombs, and then Duke detonated directly with the system manipulating the mage's hand.

Even so, it was enough to numb Orgrim's scalp.

Attack is not.

Not attacking is not.

The losses are already great.

The tribe is not afraid of sacrifice, but the tribe is most afraid of this kind of fruitless soft knife cutting meat. Ten thousand people have died before and after, except for removing the six wooden walls of the Alliance, few people have been killed.

Counting the troll's spear, the casualties on the other side of the league are definitely not more than 300.

The huge war damage ratio makes the hearts of the orcs float.

Orgrim originally had only more than 30,000 points left. There are now more than 20,000 left, and many orcs are even less morale. How else can I fight?

Duke, standing on the tower, was very patient, and he has never shot directly. In other words, it was not the time when he shot.

Orgrim's core elite remained unchanged, and that 10,000 people was the last elite of the Blackrock clan.

This 10,000 people is not simple. The system elf rarely reminds Duke that these guys have good magic resistance. Not only flame resistance, but also frost and arcane resistance, which covers most of the mainstream magic.

Orgrim himself was the one who was most frustrated by Duke. The profession of physics is different from that of law. Masters are divided into five levels: earth, sky, morning star, glow moon, and sun day. The order of the physical direction is very vague, and it is generally divided into the fields of master, strong, and hero.

According to Aurelia, as if she entered the realm of heroes, she would awaken a certain trait. For example, she specialized in speed and agility, and then awakened additional wind attributes at the Altar of Storms.

Orgrim ... didn't look for a chance to force him to take a full shot, I'm afraid he wouldn't know.

Originally, Duke wanted to drag the tribe's elite, but a line of system prompts surprised him.

"Order! Let the Silver Hand appear."

As the suspension bridge was lowered, the huge East Gate, repaired urgently by Lordaeron, opened in a boom. A cavalry of several thousand rushed out of the gate and stopped short of kilometers near Orgrim's rear.

The glorious light of the Paladin is clearly visible from all walks of life.

The number of Knights of the Silver Hand is not large. In fact, there are less than half of them in this group, and there are only sixty. And Uther who can play the best is not in the team, only Tirion Fording, and Gavenlad two early Paladins.

The holy light of the Paladins blinded the eyes of the Horde scouts. Thousands of Knights of the Alliance did not attack, but stood on the side of the tribe.

After the guy hurriedly crawled to Orgrim to report, Orgrim's face sank immediately.

He immediately realized that this was Duke's dismissal.

"Great Chief, can't retreat! Humans really have that ability, they attacked early in the morning." Orgrim's deputy Sabek shouted at this moment.

"I know."

Orgrim was very hesitant. Duke's tactical strategy is very clear, that is to kill the tribe's elite to the greatest extent. Never sticking to one city and one place, but just killing Duke with one heart, at this time he came to persuade the tribes in the east. Obviously, there must be a problem in the alliance. Duke must focus on the siege of the west at the cost of giving up the entire army of the tribe.

But what is that variable?

Orgrim didn't know.

Now, he is extremely envious of the means of communication of the Alliance. This allows high-level commanders to quickly grasp changes in the situation. Unlike the tribe's backward contact methods, almost everything depends on sending someone to give orders.

Now see Orgrim betting or not.

Even Orgrim knew that the human cavalry behind his legion was definitely not elite. He couldn't ignore the existence of this unit. It is very dangerous to blindly attack. Once the number of tribes drops to 10,000 people, it seems that the pinch attack before and after a few days ago will definitely repeat itself.

"Abominable!" The huge hammer of destruction slammed on the ground, hitting a boss in a pit.

Just then, the league suddenly counterattacked.

Guided by hundreds of thousands of demon spirits flashing red lights, nearly three thousand elven rangers came down from the wooden wall, and in the sound of explosions, they advanced slowly while shooting arrows.

Orgrim also discovered that not every demon spirit will explode. But every thing that flashes red looks exactly the same ...

Orgrim suddenly made a move that surprised all the guards, and he rushed to the front.

His huge roar penetrated the chaotic battlefield and reached the Alliance.

"Duke Marcus! Answer me if you colluded with Gul'dan !?" (To be continued.)

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