Stormwind God

Chapter 340: The Hinterlands War (4100 monthly ticket)

At the forefront of the visitors were a man and a woman.

The woman is an elf ranger, and the pride of wild light is comparable to the stars in the sky. Her proud record gives her style, including the dragon cavalry flying in the sky, and nearly four-figure effective shooting, enough to make her smile over the entire league's shooter army.

The man is an overly young mage. The star emblem on the left chest tells everyone that this is an extremely rare young morning star mage. But the most striking thing is that he is calm and free and easy, that supreme style that can make millions of troops fly away in a chatter and laughter style attracts every soldier.

And the brilliance of his eyes reveals his commanding qualities.

Ryan sighed softly. "Losa played well in Silverpine Forest."

General Simos replied, "Yes! Commander Lothar was a natural commander in nature."

While Duke was busy with the Battle of Arathi Highlands, Lothar did well there. He used the tribe's eagerness to expand the living space, pretending that the defense line collapsed, and after sacrificing the defense line nearly 100 kilometers south of the Silver Pine Forest, he organized all the cavalry teams to make dumplings from the protruding orcs, and then cooperated with the fff group flame spray Siege forces killed a total of 50,000 orcs.

This completely changed the power ratio of the Alliance and Horde in Silverpine Forest.

After this battle, the tribe basically lost its ability to penetrate the Tirisfal forest. However, in the case of Grom * Hellscream's choice to stay dead, the alliance's attack on the tribal camp also felt a little ratistic.

It is a national blessing that a country can produce a handsome talent.

Who would have thought that the two shining commanders in the entire G8 alliance were all owned by the Storm Kingdom?

Even Ryan, who was watching Duke's rising step by step, had a kind of happiness when he was starving to death and was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

After a series of wars, not only the nationals were kept, but the elite soldiers of the Storm Kingdom were trained.

Soldiers who have not experienced real battles, no matter how well trained they are, they are very easy to die. Throughout the eight nations of the alliance, where is the Storm Kingdom so happy, with the 50,000 elite soldiers originally withdrawn from Storm City as the backbone, and successfully trained enough 120,000 soldiers through two defensive battles?

This is still a rough figure. In fact, according to Duke's instructions, there was a disguised killing in the control area of ​​the Storm Kingdom.

It is also not entirely correct to accuse Stormwind of killing prisoners, because the name is a gladiator match. It is often nothing more than 10 heavily armed militiamen trained for four weeks against an orc.

The militia can kill the orcs at will, but the orcs are not allowed to kill the militia. The death of any militia will result in the decapitation of 20 orc captives.

Stormwind used this method to train all adult men quickly and effectively.

Although the Everbright Church has also criticized this kind of behavior, Lordaeron also has a arena. This form of killing captives is really speechless.

Moreover, of the hundreds of thousands of refugees in the Storm Kingdom, who has no blood debts with the orcs?

If you are really anxious about the current storm kingdom, you can pull out 300,000 soldiers immediately, and ask you orc to be afraid. Of course, before the last minute, Ryan will never send the last man in the Storm Kingdom to the battlefield. Because this is definitely a nightmare for the restoration plan.

Fortunately, King Lane had Duke.

A commander who is the most elaborate and has the least cost in exchange for the biggest win.

"Duke" saw Duke approaching him. Ryan first dismounted and greeted Duke with open arms.

"Uh." Duke was a little flattered. In his and everyone's minds, only Anduin and Medivh, the king's childhood friends, could get the treatment like Lane.

This treatment did not include Duke Boval, the heir to the Fortagan family who loyally loyal to the Wrynn family for a thousand years.

Obviously from now on, Duke Marcus will be an unshakable name among the most core ministers of the Stormwind Kingdom.

"Duke, you've worked hard." Lane's eyes were unabashed ... tears.

That is pity, sigh, more moving.

Everyone knows that once the tribe is defeated, the biggest profit must be the Stormwind Kingdom. It will re-emerge from a perishing country that exists only on paper and become a powerful country on all sides.

The people are still there, the soldiers are strong, the navy is strong, and what is lacking is just the rich land once owned.

Duke smiled when Ryan finally hugged and released from the choking bear hug.

"No, everything is worth it for the Storm Kingdom."

"Humility, we all know your achievements in the Arathi Highlands." General Simos flatly complimented Duke: "Thirty-five thousand orc warriors and 12,000 hard laborers were killed, and 23,000 were seriously injured. You ’ve fought a fierce fight. ”

Duke was a little embarrassed and wiped the tip of his nose with his forefinger: "No, I didn't do anything, the key is that I found a record of Princess Miller from the ancient book of Karazhan, then lifted her imprisonment, then Defeat her and imprison her ... well, I feel like I'm full. "

Duke said so lightly that he defeated the army of tens of thousands of orcs, and made everyone around him feel a sense of reverence.

Clapping on Duke's shoulder, Ryan stopped talking nonsense: "Okay, I'll give you the fifty thousand elite. You rescued them before, even if I have absolute confidence in you, but the words are in front. One man from the Storm Kingdom died, one less. I don't want you to lose them. "

Duke shuffled the ticket: "Rest assured. I'll take 50,000 people and at least give the league an extra 100,000 elite."

Almost the same time in the Hinterlands.

"There, my king! Look!"

Kurdran King of the Wildhammer, a dwarven king with a beard of orange flame. As the most famous Gryphon knight in the Wildhammer clan, he has one of his best partners, and that is his Gryphon Scare.

Follow his fingers, a dwarf named Flanders pointing.

Kurdran's sharp eyes caught something. He kicked Scarre with his heel. His griffin mount hissed in response, tightening his wings and starting to dive down.

Soon, he could vaguely see a lot of things passing through the forest below.


No, absolutely not.

Since the Battle of Three Hammers 0 years ago, the Wildhammer Dwarf left Khaz Modan and went north to the Hinterlands to cultivate and rest here at Eagle's Nest, and there has been no conflict with the trolls here.

The Wildhammer Dwarf turned gray and knew what the trolls looked like. (To be continued.)


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