Stormwind God

Chapter 288: Conquering Bingfeng (3300 monthly pass)

Are the three masters of the faculty all special monsters.

However, in Duke's memory, only Medivh and Khadgar were the three masters in history, and the rest were mostly fire or ice.

Although the system wizard has fully calculated the possible consequences of practicing [Crown of Ice] and considered the possibility of water and fire incompatibility, Duke still underestimates this seriously.

It stands to reason that [Phoenix Blaze], which originally occupied the home field, should have the absolute upper hand, so before reorganizing his arcane circuit and joining the [crown of ice], Duke deliberately weakened the arcane circuit's effect on the flame circuit. Arcane energy supply.

What Duke did not expect is that the optimized [Crown of Ice] turned out to be anti-customer, and claimed the energy interface of the arcane circuit all by himself.

"I'll wipe it!" Duke yelled, "System Genie !? Why [Ice Crown] would completely suppress [Phoenix Flames]? Aren't their two circuit models at the same level?"

"Oh, dear host, let me calculate a moment ... drop, the calculation is complete. It seems that [Phoenix Flames] is the basic version for novices, and [Ice Crown] is the advanced version for advanced mage. In order to allow the host to advance to the morning star mage, [Crown of the Ice] began to extract all the energy that can be absorbed around it for advanced use. "

Suddenly, Duke found that the ice circuit not only cut off the energy source of [Phoenix Flames], this overbearing magic model actually began to erode the fire system circuit, trying to transform the fire system circuit into the ice system.

"Wait! What will happen to my magic circuit?"

"Drip, the latest deduction, if the host cannot control the diffusion of the ice circuit, after the morning star is promoted, the ice circuit will occupy all the circuits except the most basic arcane circuit, and refuse to generate other types of circuits in the host. "

At this moment, Duke's heart exaggerated as if he had hit the petrochemical magic, and then a gust of wind blew ... ash! ... ash!

"Fuck!" Duke raised the table of the mind without saying a word!

How about the three masters?

How ice is enough! ?

Partial section did not end well!

Thinking back to 'History', the ice methods that specialized in the ice system have not been hanged in the end?

Anthony Das was pushed by Alsace!

Kel'Thuzad, who became the Frost Lich, was knocked down by 40 wolf-like players!

Jaina's defense of Mount Hyjal couldn't hold the attack of Archimonde!

"No! I don't want a pure frost circuit!"

"Then ... I have to ask the host to go deep into your own spiritual world and gain complete control in [Crown of Ice]. But this is very dangerous ... if the host fails, your soul may always be trapped in your own sea Deep down, you become a vegetative being. "

"No matter what! Wealth in wealth! I fight!"

The next second, Duke's entire consciousness was absorbed into a magical unreal world.

Duke looked up at this lonely mountain for a long time, he thought that the peak of Hyjal in the world of Azeroth was called majestic, and it was dangerous to cross Mount Everest, which had been killed every year before, but they stood in the spiritual world of Duke. In front of the lonely peak in Li, he should be a court official.

Duke didn't know if he should call this lone mountain a mountain.

Because this is completely beyond the scope of natural scenery.

This snow-white lonely peak in his spiritual world is completely the pillar of the world and supports the whole world. Duke is located on a platform at the foot of the mountain. The bottom is invisible behind him. Clouds are rolling in the abyss; in front of him is the peerless peak that hits the heart and makes Duke shock.

The only thing that made Duke see the target was the icy white light that kept flashing on the clouds. An inexplicable voice was attracting Duke, telling Duke that it was the most precious pearl on the crown of ice.

The system elves have lost contact, and it is clear that the strongest king system can do nothing about this inner magical world that goes deep into the spiritual level of Duke.

Duke took a deep breath, and the cold water vapor infiltrated his lungs.

Suddenly, Duke realized that he had to reach the top of this straight lonely peak, otherwise everything would be empty talk. But how can I climb this magnificent mountain without any tools?

Suddenly found that on the cliffs of Lone Peak, at a height of less than 20 centimeters, there was a small mouth diagonally above the water spray.

Water mist! ?

This is the spiritual world created by [Crown of Ice]?


Duke suddenly realized.

Walking to the edge of the platform, Duke whispered:


The ice circuit, which I do not know exists in any part of the body, flows at a high speed, absorbing the cold atmosphere around it, turning it into an ice element, and gathering under Duke's feet.

In less than one hundredth of a second, after the sprayed water vapor mixed with the ice element, it turned into a first-level sticking on the lonely mountain cliff, which extended about one meter and an extremely stable ladder.

It just happened that Duke stepped on the ladder.

Duke looked up at the sky, and if he made the ice stairs along the water vapor, from here to the top of the mountain, I really can't count how many steps I need to make.

But Duke can clearly feel that in the body, or the body imagined by himself in the spiritual world, the re-constructed ice circuit is cheering and cheering. It is constantly encouraging Duke to use it to create more stairs. , Or use it wherever the ice circuit can be used.

How long has it passed?

I no longer know.

Duke's consciousness was blurred.

There was no hunger in the belly, but in the process of using the ice circuit continuously, Duke only felt that the breath of ice had penetrated his limbs and became his body and his life.

Looking down, under Duke's side while climbing, a very long spiral ladder has been made below, each stage is crystal clear, if carved from the whitest marble. On both sides of the long ladder, there are two delicate ice handrails.

And between each long ladder, there is a thick icicle with thighs in the four directions of southeast and northwest. It seems to be a support, and it is also a marker for Duke to count the laps for himself.

In Duke's vision, the lone peak became thinner and thinner, and finally turned into a straight black line, deep in this water vapor-filled world.

What is the end here?

Duke Horan realized that if he continued this way, he would be completely lost in this world.

His consciousness, which had become muddy due to freezing, suddenly began to continue to function.

"No! I'm here to conquer [Crown of Ice], no matter how beautiful the crown is, it's just the decoration on my head. The crown is honored only because of the king's identity! It's not that I want to beg the crown for approval! Master of your crown of ice! I command you, you either destroy me! Or come out and fight with me! "(To be continued.)

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