Stormwind God

Chapter 262: Death Knight (2500 monthly ticket)

Haas's Knights of the Eagles attacked the Horde along the riverbank below the hills to the east.

In the absence of two fierce men, Antonidas and Gul'dan, in order to attack the eastern hills in a more all-round way, many tribes first came to the river beach and then deflected the hills from the side.

When the Mountain Eagle Knights arrived, the defense on the mountain was already very tight. In frontline positions, it is often seen that Tirion and General Tom are leading the reserve team as firefighters to fill holes in the position. From time to time even Lane has to lead the army himself.

The only good news is that the Reserve for Stormwind is quite adequate. It's just that the war loss ratio is startling.

In this situation, the Knights of the Eaglehawk circled to the side of the tribe that attacked the mountain.

"Placing the rifle!" Haas shouted.

The knights lowered their spears, nearly four meters in length, to the flat end, driving the mounted mountain horses to charge from the side.

Alterac's Mountain Eagle Knights are not traditional heavy cavalry. Considering the mountain terrain, this knight's armor is between light cavalry and heavy cavalry. No heavy armor, only lighter chain mail plus a layer of leather. And the war horse was only equipped with a piece of leather in the front gear.

On the complex terrain of the riverbank and the hills, the Knights of the Eagles performed quite well.

With the sound of heavy hoofs, the knights dispersed quickly, and they were looking for their own goals. When the target was more than two meters apart, a shot was passed, and while the opponent was hit, the horse's impulse deeply penetrated the lance. At the same time, the precision designed and manufactured gun rod could not withstand the strong reaction force and began to burst to the side.

The stabbed unlucky ghost fell to the ground, and the knights abandoned the remaining half of the gun body, pulled out Alterac's unique double-edged wide-bladed sword, and chopped it towards the neck of the Horde warrior.

The rapid assault cut off the onslaught of the Horde.

But Haas didn't stop, took his men around the beach, and quickly evacuated from the river.

A cavalry who has lost speed meets a tall orc, which is not even as good as the infantry. Moreover, in the fierce charge, the loss of the Mountain Eagle Knights is not small.

Conventional forces are dealt with by conventional forces.

The extraordinary monster is naturally carried by the strong perverted paladin.

Uther in the charge quickly saw Duke's opponent almost chosen for them.

They all covered their faces with headscarves, so they could only see their eyes, and everyone had a huge two-handed sword.

The cavalry from Lordaeron regarded them as fools, and they were going to teach them how to be humans with a lance.

In the cavalry, they charge each other with lances, which is absolutely common sense. There is no way to take a epee against a rifle. They were crying with luck in their hearts, ready to take advantage of their own rifle advantages to collect a round of heads first.

Uther heard countless strange hums.

Still 30 meters away, the cavalry in the charge state fell directly in front of these guys. Not only did the horse lose its forefoot, but even the Lordaeron cavalry who did not fall dead on the spot, when he got up, he did not pull out a sword to attack, but felt as if he was about to bleed in seven holes. unit.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at all of it, all the cavalry rolled in pain.

"In the name of the Holy Light!" Uther saw it all with his own eyes, and at this instant he fully understood why Duke named the Knights of the Silver Hand to these cloaked guys: "This is the demon! They use Evil magic comes to attack us! "

After that, Uther lifted his warhammer high, and several Holy Inca bets on it, the top of the warhammer glowing like a silver moon.

"Stand up, soldier!" Uther shouted in his loud voice: "The light will drive away the darkness, but you must defend your glory with your weapons!"

The dazzling light spread from the warhammer, and in harmony with the brilliant light of the morning light, instantly drove the darkness away from this land. The light shone on the soldiers, and when the cloaked men raised their hands again, no one fell.

Although the climbers and the cavalry behind were still a little timid, when they found that no one had fallen, they gathered their courage again, issued a shouting shout, and killed the cape knights.

However, at the moment of the fight, not only the cavalry, but Uther was stunned.

Because of this group of guys, they wore the standard armor of the Storm Kingdom Cavalry. The only difference was that they used spiked shoulder armor commonly used by tribal warriors.

"No reason!?"

Lordaeron cavalry screamed. In these days when they assembled in Nanhai Town, they were repeatedly asked by the governor to clearly identify the equipment of the allies. Suddenly found that their 'ally' had stood opposite, and they could not accept it. At the moment of cyanosis, many of them fell down.

Uther looked again at his face.

Pale, dead gray, without any blood color, a pair of eyes revealing evil blue light had clear hostility. Most importantly, Uther didn't feel any breath of life in them.

"Blasphemy! The filthy tribal warrior actually raised the dead into a moving corpse !? The silver hand, defeat them!"

Uther waved a huge two-handed hammer and easily knocked down a death knight from the undead war. The golden light of Pran was poured into the body of the death knight. The guy had been blown apart by the light before he reached the ground.

The Alliance soldiers cheered once again, inspired by the Paladin's amazing skill and strength.

Turalyon in the later battle was very contradictory. As a Paladin, he should be with them, and as an assistant to Lothar, he should stay in the center of Nanhai Town and accompany Lothar on-site command.

The battle between the paladin and the death knight began, and neither side prevailed.

At first Uther smashed four or five Death Knights, but he immediately met his opponent. A tall, self-proclaimed Talon Gorefiend actually stood up to Uther's attack.

Turalyon saw a death knight grabbing Dasuohan's arm with one hand while fighting for strength. The rotten palm radiates darkness.

But Dathokhan dispelled the darkness with the divine light. Immediately, Dasuohan gave the guy's head a hammer directly while the guy shrank. The brain is shattered, like broken porcelain. Turalyon noticed that there was no drop of blood flowing out of the brain, all of which was dry brain.

The death knights, against ordinary Alliance cavalry, are victorious.

Turalyon suddenly noticed the signal from the hill. (To be continued.)

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