Stormwind God

Chapter 253: Admiral Dai Lin

The hit rate of the fleet bombardment in this era is metaphysics.

Not to mention night battles.

This early breech gun was rough without any means to improve the stability of the shell.

Yes, there is no rifling, no sight, or even a stable firing base. Each shot was affected by the reclining force of the next shot, which caused the ship to tilt.

Without the retreat and re-entry aircraft, after firing one shot, the wheels under the gun chamber were retracted to reduce the recoil, and then the cannon was pushed back to its original position by hand.

Even the most powerful gunner, his shooting rate is still worrying.

Not to mention the orc's wonderful transport ship, without sails and no deck, is a large turtle shell. This caused Dailin a headache.

No hinge bomb that damages the mast of the ship, and grapevines that kill the enemy deck personnel cannot be used. Only the most primitive cannons can be used to blast large iron **** to see if they can hit critical parts to give the opponent fatal damage.

In the telescope, Dai Lin saw several shells hitting the enemy ship with his own eyes, but nothing happened, either he was flown by the thick iron shell above the transport ship, or he was stuck directly on the top of the ship. The orc laborer still rocked the oars and drove the ship fast.

"Hell! Don't mention the remaining 60% ... I can't even keep 10% of it going on."

The artillery was fierce and the water column was high, but there were not a few orc carrier ships that were sunk.

Admiral Dai Lin's eggs hurt.

At this time, Naga shot.

A large number of male Naga jumped into the water with fierce gunfire. They wield huge tridents and slash fiercely on those exposed oars. Often after a leap, more than ten oars were chopped off.

The orc laborers responsible for rowing inside did not know what had happened, and often they could see that the boat had started to spin. The laborers inside were still shaking vigorously, letting the outside pulp stroke the air.

"Good! Good job!" Admiral Dai Lin waved his arms excitedly: "Send a signal to let the Third Fleet disperse and approach the opponent to attack."

The high elf female mage frowned. "Be careful of the counterattack."

"What are you afraid of? This kind of transport ship without such a ship and a low shipside can still launch a white-bladed battle against our ship? Even a transport ship without a collision angle, what am I afraid of?" Dai Lin waved his hand indifferently.

So the third fleet moved closer.

As the distance approached, the power and accuracy of the shelling increased exponentially.

The most intense collision between the iron ball cannonball fired by the powerful impulse and the orc carrier!

Iron cannonballs shattered under heavy impact, as were transport ships.

At this moment, the moon suddenly burst into the clouds.

Under the bright moonlight, you can clearly see the explosion causing iron pieces and sawdust to dance in the air. The brilliance of the explosion announced that death was coming.

The shells aimed at the ship's waterline are the most dangerous and brutal. Even if the target isn't hit directly, the near-miss bombardment near the waterline of the ship is likely to cause the hull of the orc inferior transport ship to crack.

One after another the huge metal transport ships began to sink. From the noise of the hustle and bustle to the sky, we can see that each metal transport ship was full of orc warriors.

Perhaps on land, these warriors are omnipotent, and after being attacked by dozens of arrows, they are still able to charge fiercely, but in the ocean. They are no different from cowardly babies.

When the hull is tilted, most of the entrances and exits cannot be opened. The deck was originally covered with iron sheet in order to enhance the protection ability, which certainly greatly improved the survivability of the people inside when the ship sank. When the ship sank, however, it became a huge coffin.

With nearly a thousand orc warriors slowly sinking into the shallow ocean bottom.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! Playing naval battles with us in Kul Tiras? Your green skins are not enough!" Dai Lin laughed, and even unforgettable pulled Gina * Jin Jian over to sip.

In the field of vision, at least a dozen giant iron skin orc transport ships began to sink, and more than thirty transport ships lost their power due to broken paddles, floating or spinning on the sea.

"I report the situation to the deputy commander. The deputy commander urgently notified you to take down your fleet and be careful of the tribe."

"Be careful what? Be careful of these ships with low sides, no ships, no collision angles, no long-range transport ships? He is too underestimated of our Kul Tiras fleet?" Dai Lin suddenly remembered: "He is I want some military merit for his Storm Fleet, right? Let them get in later. "

At this time, it seemed that God was going to hit his face, and Dai Lin successfully interpreted what is called extremely extreme sadness.

Where [Flash] did not shine, Huo Ran rushed out of thousands of small and medium-sized transport ships. The biggest difference from previous transport ships is that the bows of these ships are equipped with sharp corners of some giant creatures.

It's not a standard angle of impact, but it's not too bad for a single use.

Admiral Dai Lin's face turned white for a while.

"Retreat! Let the Third Fleet retreat!" Dai Lin ordered a little flusteredly.

But it was late. Despite the good moonlight, when they found the swarming boats, Kul Tiras' fleet could not do much. Compared to those light, paddling boats, the sailing Kul Tiran ships are too slow in both steering and speed.

The cumbersome result was that the first ships were all besieged by tribal boats.

The Horde's small transport ship slammed into the Kul Tiran ship, and then a scene that stunned the Kul Tirans happened.

The covers of those transport ships were lifted off.

It's not a loose leaf, but it's covered like a piece of cloth. A bunch of orcs just use brute force to flip the top cover, which doesn't know how many tons, into the water, and then don't even use the grapple. The outer wall of the ship climbed onto the ship's deck.

Their climbing operation was naturally resisted by the sailors, and most of the orcs were bombed into the sea without climbing up. Can't swim, often drown like this.

However, with the increasing number of orc transport ships participating in the siege, Admiral Dai Lin, a few hundred meters away, was stunned as he watched the siege of one third ship of the third fleet. Often a warship is besieged by more than ten orc boats.

When more than 10 bright green figures appeared on the deck, Dai Lin knew that the ship was over!

"Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!" Dai Lin closed his eyes.

Abandoning the Third Fleet in turmoil painfully, Dai Lin led the remaining ships, and blasted the Horde's troops seriously with a medium-range artillery battle with a great sense of art and distance.

The tribal fleet that achieved its purpose continued to sail towards the town of Nanhai regardless of the fire. (To be continued.)

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