Stormwind God

Chapter 236: Arrival of the Elves (Monthly Pass)

"Well, that's all we have."

Lothar clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention back: "I know that it takes a short time for a country to change from peace to war. Thank you Kings for their efforts and support. What we want to do now is how to rely on these Army, fight a series of beautiful victories. I do n’t need a decisive battle to immediately destroy the entire tribe, but I want to lead everyone to win, from one victory to another. ”

A crowd of king generals suddenly applauded.

At this time, Duke suddenly smiled: "Dear Commander-in-Chief, it seems that this is not the full force you have now."

"Who else?" Lothar really froze. The troops sent by the seven human kingdoms promised, except for those on the coast of Beiliu. The dwarf was too busy taking care of himself.

"How did you forget the high elves?" At this moment, Duke was radiant, and there was a little excited look on his face. The joy was so real that no one could tell how much.

"High Elf?"

"Impossible! Aren't they not joining the alliance?" The kings talked.

"That **** senator." Alterac King Aiden spit his poisonous tongue without hesitation.

Antonidas seemed to remember something, touching his pure white long beard: "If it is someone else who is the commander, it is impossible. But the commander is you ... Anduin Lothar. That is another time Something. Have you forgotten? The high elves have signed an ancient covenant with us humans since the era of the King Soradin. "

"Ancient covenant ..." Lothar murmured to himself, and suddenly he remembered that was indeed the case. But recently too many things, coupled with the high spirits' attitude so indifferent before, Lothar almost forgot this.

An old and refined Anthony Das touched his white beard, looked at the agitated Duke, and smiled: "Oh, I think it's up to the two commanders to meet them."

Antonidas is indeed stable. He knows that on the day of the alliance, the performance of the member of the Silvermoon Council Darkhan has offended most of the kings. For the sake of face, most of the kings will definitely not go.

And it's definitely not coming from the Sun King himself. If you do n’t greet it, then you can justify it.

Until then, a sentry hurried to the gate of the headquarters to report: "The elf is here."

"Oh, we already knew that," Lothar said lightly.

"Already know? We only received the report of the patrol ship when the elven ship almost broke into the five nautical miles ..." The sentry's voice, apparently from Kul Tiras, was a bit bitter.

Lothar did not blame the poor sentry: "It's all right, those who patrol the sea off the South China Sea town, as well as the deputy commander's commander Naga and the Murloc."

The sentry retreated with relief.

Lothar looked around: "Well, Your Majesty, Your Excellency, the arrival of the Elves after all represents the attitude of a powerful country on the mainland. If you like, just follow me to welcome the Anastrian Sun King's Messenger. Your Majesty, You can take a break here. "

After a little thought, eventually Ryan, Dailin and Anthony Das followed Lotsa, Duke and Turalyon to the dock.

Although Dai Lin wasn't too impassive, he was very concerned about how many ships the Elf could bring to him, the admiral and the commander of the maritime fleet.

Lane is simply hoping to see the league strong. No one at Antonidas knew what he was thinking.

At this moment, more than twenty clippers with typical high-elves characteristics are flying like arrows on the sea.

"Hahaha! I can't wait to see the humans scrambling. Just now I let my men completely evade the patrol of their ships and came in from the gap of the patrol net. Anyway, the daytime vision is so good, they will never mistake it. Did our High Elf's ship be an orc's broken ship? "

A calm voice interrupted the first one: "Sorry, humans have found us long before 10 nautical miles."

"How is that possible ?!" the owner of the first voice exclaimed.

"Intuition tells me that. Although I haven't found a human reconnaissance ship, I just feel the gaze and more than one. There is nothing wrong."

Stepping out of the command, to the top of the mountain near the sea, people set their sights on the elven clippers moving in the distance towards the harbor.

Compared to the tall hull of a human, the Elven Clippers are flatter. The long, streamlined hull is made of hard starwood only produced in Quel'Thalas Woodland. Not only hard, but also lighter than most ships.

The ship's body is not only engraved with a large number of delicate patterns mainly based on arcs, but also dozens of magical enchanted blade vehicles are mounted on the edge of the ship. The huge triangular throwing blade composed of three sharp cones is no less inferior to human ordinary cannons in range.

The bow-like appearance of the bow is a typical horned beak bird pecking. At full speed, this looks like a decorative bow can also play the role of an impact angle, allowing the Elven Clippers to cut like butter with a sharp blade. Open the hull of a medium or lower class warship and crush them completely.

"Elite destroyer." Navy expert Dailin Proudmoore said softly: "It is faster and lighter than our Kul Tiran reconnaissance ship. They carry less weapons, but also make these ships quite Fast. This is a great addition to our fleet, no, it is an excellent addition. "

After speaking, the Alliance Admiral frowned: "But it's too few, right? I only saw 8 light clippers and 16 ultralight reconnaissance ships. This is just the configuration of two combat teams . "

"Maybe there is more behind the horizon?" Turalyon said in a soothing tone from the other side of Lothar.

"No!" Admiral Dai Lin shook his head very surely: "This is not their habit, if there is no accident, this is all they have."

There was inexplicable disappointment in Dai Lin's tone. Perhaps it was Duke's generosity that gave him more expectations, and the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. In particular, after having to send troops to be stationed off the coast of Beiliu, Dai Lin had an abnormal desire for the number of warships.

He knew very well that it was impossible for this fleet to protect the coastline of the entire northern continent.

"24 ships also represents an increase in the power of 24 ships in our fleet." Duke comforted General Dai Lin: "As you said earlier, this is at least an excellent addition to our fleet. "(To be continued.)

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