Stormwind God

Chapter 220: Lordaeron League (Part 2)

Archbishop of the Stormwind Kingdom ... This bet is not heavy.

Ryan has always been known as a prince. As a dwarf kingdom not far north of the Storm Kingdom, Magni obviously trusts Ryan more. As for King Terenas, who is full of mouth and has no substance, hehe ...

Magni now lifted his hammer: "I join the Alliance on behalf of the Bronzebeard of Ironforge."

Terenas is uncomfortable with Magni's fight, but he will not embarrass the dwarf in this matter, anyway, it is not his Lordaeron who confessed to donating.

"Then, let's vote!"

"The Storm Kingdom agrees." Ryan almost scrambled to make his position. Everyone knows that the Storm Kingdom, which has lost even the capital, is the most desperate. It is meaningless to pretend not to be in a hurry. It is better to be a leader and promoter.

King Daelin and King Solas almost in no particular order:

"Kul Tiras agrees."

"Stromgard agrees."

At this moment, the four countries have agreed. As long as Lord Lordaeron, the supreme nod, the formation of the alliance is a matter of nailing.

At this time, the self-assured Lord Terenas of Lordaeron gently raised his hand: "Lordaeron agreed."

As the strongest country in the seven human kingdoms, Lordaeron ’s passage was originally expected, whether it was in response to the leadership of the nations or in response to the face-beating of the former Orc slaves. Lun must join.

The addition of Lordaeron also left the slightly swaying Dalaran, Gilneas and Alterac to join.

At this point, all seven human kingdoms and dwarves have joined, and all kings and princes have set their sights on the lowest-ranking representative in the throne hall, Quark'Thalas, member of the Silvermoon Council, Dakkan.

Facing dozens of burning eyes, the handsome high-elf mage raised her long eyebrows, took a sip of the finest black tea produced by Lordaeron, and said it in an unrelated tone.

"After discussions between our Silvermoon Council and His Majesty King Anastrian Sunstrider, Quel'Thalas will not join this alliance. But as a symbol of friendship with humanity, we will give you the necessary assistance."

Not participating in the alliance?

Give the necessary assistance?

Such high-speaking words are clearly saying that to give you human assistance is completely the dog food we give to you ...

This time, several kings stood up angrily, glaring at Dr. Dakkan.

No one had thought of it, but Magni fired it: "Hey! Long ears! Don't you be afraid that those green skins will go to trouble you first?"

At this moment, Duke secretly fangs: Nima, this is all for you! ?

Correct! In 'history', it was the orcs' voyage forces that bypassed more than half of the northern continent, and ran straight to Quel'Thalas to find high elves.

I didn't want to reach Kekkan, just like the "arrogance" of Duke's "Seven Deadly Sins", refuting lightly: "The magic of the high elves is not conceivable by the dwarves who have been digging holes in the soil all day. Quel'Thalas has the most perfect magic defense system. Our security will not bother you. "

After all, Dakkan actually got up, turned around, and left!

gone! ?

Actually gone!

This is no longer the face of the Lordaerons who are the landlords. This is simply the face of the entire eight leagues!

At that moment, several kings had the heart to fight at Quel'Thalas.

After all, the human king is not the chief of the tribe. Their reason still tells them to calm down. But the king was telling himself that in case something really happened to the long ears, let them die.

Duke next to Ryan was a little puzzled. As a traversal, a **** player, he remembered most of the historical trend. Why doesn't the high elves seem to pull hatred so crazy in the impression?

Well, no matter what, the alliance was established as Duke imagined.

Nothing happened to Duke.

As the driving force behind the scenes, Duke temporarily completed his task. The rest about the distribution of munitions, the coordination of military operations, intelligence linkage, and so on, have nothing to do with Duke.

Of course, it is the king who talks with the king. Although Ryan wants Duke to help him with more ideas, Duke killed Ryan in a word.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I still have 1,300 reports and documents to review. If I continue to stay here, the number will double tomorrow. I can't rule out your failure to deal with the situation in a timely manner. The nationals and your soldiers are downsized in the winter. After all, the town of Nanhai is close to the Alterac Mountains, and the winter here is much colder than Stormwind. "

Lane had to put Duke back to the guesthouse.

Back at the State Guest House, Macaroo opened the door for Duke, and when he opened the door, Duke saw his little maid Vanessa.

Duke wanted to be corrupt, and asked Vanessa to wear a very modern black and white lace maid outfit. Then, Vanessa, who was extremely independent, ignored the orders of Duke Karazhan and Sky Mage Duke, and removed all the fancy laces, and said that the low-cut placket was removed and turned into a strict, black The skirt also grew almost to the ankle.

Don't even think about cat ears.

Ok! This is the maid costume of this era.

Whatever Duke wanted to say, Vanessa turned around with a hum, and did not look at the Duke.

Duke doesn't want to kill a 13-year-old girl, but just wants to keep his eyes on it. Don't say anything, it's all tears.

The bitter Duke was buried in massive reports and documents.

At least Duke was happy, and Ryan and Anduin were really exhausted. Meetings between nations are an almost endless rumbling.

For the benefit of their own country, the kings can be considered a fight.

It took 5 days to complete a relatively complete charter.

The alliance was officially named the Lordaeron Alliance as in history. In fact, until the 'generation' Lordaeron was destroyed and more races joined, people only took the three Lordaerons in front of the alliance. Remove the word and call it 'Union'.

One more day than the four-day meeting in Duke's memory, mainly because Ryan wasn't dead.

Moreover, the kings were reluctant to give the lord to Terenas, because all the kings felt that Terenas Menethil wanted to take the opportunity of this tribe invasion to complete the form of humanity in one fell swoop. Unify and turn yourself into the second King Soradin.

Sensitively aware of all these six kings, Qiqi resisted Terenas's full control of all lord powers.

In a sense, compromise is itself part of politics.

Perceived the resolute opposition of the kings, Terenas did not persist too much at the moment of the enemy. Finally, on the fifth day, he proposed a proposal that was very fierce in his opinion and made Lothar the son of the emperor Thoradin. Acting as the supreme commander of the alliance, and Terenas only as a nominal ally, each country must provide troops to Losa under unified command according to national strength. (To be continued.)

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