Stormwind God

Chapter 216: Throne Conference (Part I)

"Dangdang Dang"

The alarm bells representing death and crisis have actually stopped, but the long alarm bells turned into hallucinations, still echoing in the ears of every Lordaeron, every aristocrat, and every representative.

This voice is a warning to the world that the days of peace and peace are gone, and a brutal and **** war has come.

Without hesitation, the representatives of all countries called the magician, and used the expensive magic mirror to send messages, and transmitted everything that happened in Lordaeron's city back to his country.

The amount of mana gems required for such a long, large-scale magic scene is amazing, but this time, none of them represented this little money.

In the reconvened meeting, each representative carefully watched the entire video and video produced by Duke. Duke showed the king Terenas and each representative with a huge cubic cone with a length of more than 10 meters. The brutality and terror of the orcs.

That indomitable primitive madness.

That bloodthirsty and cruel horrific killing.

The violent momentum that was unwilling to stop until the last soldier died.

Each scene brought deeper shock to the delegates.

When Duke broadcasted to the conquered land at the end of the image, regardless of adults and children, civilians and nobles were lying on the ground, each representative had to admit that this is already a race for survival!

The five-minute presentation was over, and there was no other sound in the conference room except for the sound of inhalation.

"Excuse me, Marcus, can I keep a copy of this image of your king back to me?" The representative of Kul Tiras spoke.

Not only him, other representatives have expressed hope for a copy.

"Sorry, this is my unique magic technique, which has evolved from Medivh's heritage. I cannot divide or transfer this magic, but I can demonstrate it again for your Majesty in the magical messenger."

Seeing that the situation was fixed, King Terenas of Lordaeron stood up. He first set his sights on King Ryan: "Well, it seems we have reached an agreement. Then I will follow King Ryan Wrynn's request , Formally issued an appeal to the remaining five human kingdoms, as well as Quel'Thalas and Ironforge, to form an alliance to jointly respond to the orc tribe offensive. I hope that within two weeks, I can talk to you kings or messengers who can represent the will of the king Meet in Lordaeron's Throne Hall. "

In this era, travelling by the king has never been easier.

If land or sea, the furthest dwarf would take more than half a month to reach Lordaeron, north of the mainland.

Everyone knows that the orcs are on fire, so the gryphon is almost the only option except for the kings who dare to play portals.

In this era, space transmission is very unreliable. Mastering space transmission magic is no less than asking an ordinary person to choose the only correct sesame in a hundred pounds of black sesame at a distance of ten meters. Not only to lock the accurate coordinates, but also to stabilize all the spatial conditions from the starting point to the ending point.

Generally speaking, only those who have been strengthened by a large number of spells in the surrounding space are suitable as end points. Such as the magical capital of Dalaran or the high elves Quel'Thalas.

This year, I dare to play the teleportation all over the world by myself and guarantee that nothing will go wrong, only the two sun mages of Anthony Das.

The big event is settled.

Ryan, Anduin and Duke finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After returning to the State Guest House, Anduin asked the Morning Star Master to make a check to make sure that no one would overhear, and said to Duke positively: "It's probably the case, I know. This may be said by me. It ’s not suitable, I still decide to say it. As an elder and a partner who has experienced life and death together, I want to remind you that you should not contact the guys at MI7. The intelligence agencies directly under the king have always been all The king's forbidden area. Lane is a very broad man, and I know he doesn't care. I can't guarantee ... well ... Varian should be a good king as well. "

Speaking of which, Lothar seemed unhappy.

Like a successful fox, Duke squinted and smiled, and raised his right palm to swear: "I swear, my strategy will never be used against myself."

"That's it ... wait, don't you consider King Terenas yourself?"

"It wasn't before, it is now."

For Duke's answer, Lothar was really out of temper.

Ryan came in at this time, and there seemed to be anxiety in his eyebrows.

"Ryan, what's wrong?" Lothar looked a little casual when there was no fourth person in the room.

"No, I'm still thinking about a question. Alliance formation seems imperative. But ... who will be the leader?"

"Uh, isn't your Majesty Her Majesty?" Lothar froze.

Duke sighed secretly, and Lothar was still too simple.

In October, the atmosphere of autumn is getting stronger and stronger. Whether it is the growing rice ears in the paddy field or the heavy fruits, it indicates that this year's harvest will be good. This year, when the war broke out, the northern continent can usher in a bumper harvest, which is also a very good result.

It may also have been a good harvest to receive a new field opened near the refugee camp in Hillsbrad Foothills, and Ryan and Anduin came over and patted Duke on the shoulder.

This is simply incredible.

If there is no Duke to cut off first and then open the field and ask the Barov family for permission, if there is no Duke 'willing to go alone', all the war horses in the army will be forced to pull to open the cultivated land, if Duke did not buy it from everywhere Back to the cattle.

This is simply impossible.

Without a surprise, a summer crop can be harvested at the end of the month. This has eased the food crisis near Nanhai Town. Don't look at the first batch of 5,000 tons of grain that Duke bought at a high price sounds like a lot of fish catches, just enough to eat nearly half a million people for two months.

However, there is a new saying from the Hillsbrads that the Stormwind Kingdom is preparing to actually occupy this land.

Especially, have you seen the refugees open the field and fill the whole area?

From the edge of Nanhai Town, Kaitian has been driven to the foot of Alterac, almost every inch of the plain has been cleared. Every wild wolf in the mountains was used to fight teeth. A cave full of snowmen ... Now the snowman naturally killed the light, and then the cave was used to store food for the winter.

But the news came from all countries that they would form an alliance, suppressing all the objections below.

On October 8, a large number of dignitaries arrived at Lordaeron.

The conference, which was hailed as the most important in the future, was finally formally held. (To be continued.)

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