Stormwind God

Chapter 213: The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield


The gladiatorial directors who dealt with the ferocious monsters all day, and the guards responsible for the slaves, were all stunned. The humanoid monster in front of us is beyond the scope of human imagination.

Despite the mysterious merchant's repeated instructions, the guards saw that the orc's burly body was still imprisoned by the trolls. In their opinion, even two trolls could not break free.

They were wrong.

The power of the orcs was above the trolls, not to mention the violent orcs who had drunk the blood of demons.

With the roar that shook the whole arena, one hundred violent orcs broke free from their cages and went out to the bright place.

Every human being is definitely a powerful man of Kong Wu, like a child in front of them. The whip or something used to punish the slaves will only arouse their greater ferocity.

Huge fists smashed into the scars of the guards who looked extremely fierce, and the invincible forces easily shattered everything they touched.

The cheekbones collapsed instantly, followed by the temples and mandibles, and then the entire brain crumbled. The human body's cervical spine has not yet been supported or cushioned, and the crazy force has broken the entire skull.

The yellow, white, red, and colorful syrups stained the blood of slaves before they turned into black gladia court walls, stained with the color of the abuser.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at at atlanta, it was like a vicious guardian and slave master dominated by all life in the world. At this moment the cry was like a woman.

More guards arrived and they brought the best equipment they could bring.

However, this is not very useful.

These violent orcs can make a fist with a straight fist, and they can set off a wave of blood and rain with one arm swing. When the orcs returned to God, there was no living person in the lower chamber of the entire gladiator field except the orcs.

The inexplicable voice seemed to be guiding them, and they seemed to be roaring at the indomitable and angry soul of the chieftain's black hand.

The black hand, led by "lok-narash," shouted guarding the orcs to arm themselves.

They quickly got all the heavy weapons they could collect, smashed the gate of the gladiatorial arena, and saw the light ...

"Lok \ 'tarogar!"

Don't win or die!

In this unknown country full of human beings, in this place where the enemies are surrounded, the glory of the tribe, and the blood of the raging demon in the body are driving them to the tallest and most gorgeous building. charge.

The city guards were alarmed, and when they heard the news, they saw a group of peerless creatures with green skin.

"Don't be afraid! These are orcs! Form a formation and besiege him ..." The captain's shout had not yet finished, and a huge iron pillar thicker than a human thigh had swept across.

The black hand guard who took the lead gave a great lesson to these human warriors who had never played against orcs. This lesson is called power!

The round shields lined up neatly did not look like shields at all, and were easily swept away by the heavy iron pillars in one breath. The rustling sound of the iron-clad shield was mixed with the screams and wailing of the city guards, which deeply stimulated the nerves of every city guard behind.

Fear grabbed their heart easily.

For a moment, even the heart forgot to beat.

The dilated pupils of three meters in height are reflected in the enlarged pupils of each eye. This is not like a creature at all, but more like an ancient demon!

"Ahhhhhh" The first row of city guards with shattered arms issued a scream. The second row of city guards was almost choked.

They paid the price of their lives for the short absence on the battlefield.

The orc's guarded muscles swelled to almost explode. Under the strength of giants, the ultra-long iron pillars that had been fully swung out stopped abruptly within half a meter, and in turn swept again!

The fall fell to the ground to avoid a disaster, and eight people in the second row of the city guards in the same place were stopped and swept away.

The scene was so **** that it easily overwhelmed their reason.

"Ahhh! I don't want to die!" These city guards who can only bully rogues and thieves on a weekday, suddenly lost the will to fight, they collapsed, discarded their swords and shields, and embarrassedly tried to escape from this terrible Shura field.

Coming out of the arena is Lordaeron's first avenue known as Gladiator Street.

This main street selling swords and weapons has always been a favorite of dignitaries. The general public is not eligible to enter this street. As a subsidiary industry chain of the gladiatorial arena, this street not only has a large number of fine weapon armors that far exceed the standard weapons, but also a variety of rare equipment and accessories.

A gladiator with a ragged sword and a trash shield will not get much cheer, no matter how good his skills are.

Noble officials who own gladiators will invest in gorgeous armor accessories on their favorite gladiators. After all, this is where their face is.

Therefore, the leading black hand guard found a huge hexagonal rhinoceros skull. This huge skull has been so hardened that it has been soaked in molten iron. With six huge horns extending forward, this is a complete terrorist equipment for offense and defense.

The only problem is that this stuff is too heavy, even the troll slaves can't move.

But now, all cheap black hand guards.

Holding it, the black hand guard easily caught up with a carriage with a gorgeous aristocratic coat of arms, and the hard and sharp horns hit it. Half a second later, the entire carriage was smashed, and together with the people inside it turned into scarlet scum.

Blood and viscera stained the entire Gladiator Street.

When the orcs killed from this end of the long street to the end of the long street, what appeared to the orcs was a huge square with a fountain, and a huge building with pure white walls.

"Lok \ 'tarogar!" The black-handed guard roared again.

Without any hesitation, it was such a hundred orcs who launched the offensive against the most guarded and most defensive Lordaeron Palace.


When Lordaeron's palace was too late to retract the suspension bridge, and even the gates of the palace were breached, not only Lordaeron's high-rises, but also a priest preaching in the temple of the palace were shocked.

"There are actually enemies in Lordaeron's palace?" Listening to the shouting and killing not far away, a burly male priest stood up suddenly: "Mr. Fao, let me have a look."

The archbishop sighed as he looked at the disciple who easily lifted a heavy hammer. This disciple is good at everything. His piety to the Holy Light and his sacred faith are unparalleled. But I always feel that he is a bit out of step with the pastor!

"You go!" (To be continued.)

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