Stormwind God

Chapter 183: Strong wine

For those who have not experienced war, any description of war is pale and empty.

Duke had naively thought that he could save everyone, but Lothar slightly modified Duke's plan.

It was a magical image that was almost video.

On the scorched earth, there was no sign of life, and there were thick pillars of dark smoke reaching the sky. The once rich fields have been abandoned, and the end of the horizon is all ruined. The street was full of dead bodies.

There are strong farmers, skinny elderly people, pregnant women with big belly, and children under 10 years old. Most of them have different heads, and they have started to dry and black, which proves how desolate the scene was. What a terrible scene.

Duke seemed to hear the screams, screams, and wailing lingering there.

Regardless of age, gender, or combat effectiveness, everyone was apparently pulled into the village square and slaughtered uniformly.

That was to kill the entire human race.

The game is always just a game, no matter from which angle of depiction, it is not enough to describe this unforgettable mental shock.

Lothar came over and patted Duke's shoulder gently. "Your plan is great, but you are still too young."

Duke's mouth was half-open and half-closed, and he seemed to want to argue, but in the end, his words became: "At least let me go with you and see off the soldiers!"

Lothar froze slightly, then stared into Duke's eyes, saying only one word: "Okay!"

The setting sun has gone west, the sky is dim, and the moon seems to be mourning for this stormy city that has stood for thousands of years but is about to fall.

A large number of troops gathered in the open space outside the Storm Fortress, and 10,000 soldiers stood in the shadow of the Storm Fortress, forming a large, silent square.

The torches on the continuous wall between the urban area of ​​Stormwind City and the urban area were already lit. The torches of each battlement were drawn on the city's head, and the swaying cricket long fire red light shone on the square array, and the light of the crickets of armor spread out.

That is the collection of iron and blood.

It was the reflection of hatred and anger.

It was an angry volcano that was about to erupt.

The death squads had assembled, and they waited silently for the order.

If you look closely, you will find that most of these death squads are injured.

Either light or heavy.

Severely broken his arm, and even an intestine was exposed, just carrying it with his hands.

The continuous battles have overstretched the mental powers of all the priests in the city. Medical drugs and the like were used up 10 days ago.

These people, just leave it alone, most of them are dead because of the backward medical standards of this era.

But dying is worth dying too!

Suddenly, a clear call came: "Your Majesty Wruen arrives! Salute"

I only heard a burst of clapping, and 10,000 people stood up at the same time. The injuries obviously affected them. If they are under normal conditions, the elite soldiers under Lothar's training will definitely be in step and be neat.

Duke, behind Ryan, Anduin and Berwal, suddenly had a sore nose.

Ryan, with his golden helmet and armor, stood at the main entrance of Stormwind Fortress, his facial muscles twitched.

Anduin Lothar stood next to the king, and he spread like a lion's roaring voice across the army: "The soldiers of the kingdom! Her Majesty Wrynn came over to the warriors to march in peace, all quiet!"

Nearly 10,000 people once again stood firm together.

Down the slope, Ryan and Duke and others walked slowly past the queue.

What kind of faces are that!

No vitality, no vitality, every face was full of paleness towards death.


In each pair of eyes, there was an astonishing warlike flame, mixed with hate and anger murderous!

In each pair of pupils, the fighting spirit of generosity to death flashed.

Correct! Every soldier knows that he will die.

Just before they burned their lives, they had to give the invaders a fatal blow in the most powerful way.

Duke's nose was a little sore.

Ryan inspected the familiar faces, or strange faces, and couldn't help moving. He almost patted the shoulders of every soldier in the first row. In the end, he controlled himself very well and walked to the pre-built platform.

Ryan lifted the large bowl full of wine, and the soldiers followed up with their big wrists full of wine.

King Lane's clear voice spread all over the place:

"Azeroth has been invaded, and humans have been slaughtered like pigs and dogs. But fortunately! And you all accompanied me to raise the sword in my hand to the green skin killed these days. Yeah, me and you Maybe tonight, or tomorrow, will die in this **** war. But it doesn't matter, because we die for our children and grandchildren. "

"Just hate I Ryan Wrynn can't accompany you to kill tonight! But it doesn't matter, please take a step first, and when I see you again, or I will proudly tell you that I have taken Stormwind City Come back; or I will tell you that I, like everyone else, died on the charge! "

"Now, I wish you all more orcs' heads!"

After all, Ryan raised his head resolutely and drank a bowl of spirits.

Watching Lane's squirming throat, Duke, Anduin, Berwal and others all looked up and drank.

It has to be said that this dwarf gin has a strange hot feeling. The hot turbulence rushed into the throat, flowing down the esophagus and into the stomach, and Duke felt a burning sensation.

Duke, who didn't like drinking very much, gave a shudder, but took a step back, and Duke immediately stood firm.

"Her Marcus! I heard that this battle was proposed by you, so I would like to ask the last question." A veteran with a bandage on his head and an empty left arm stood out, holding up the wine in the sea bowl, Greetings to Duke.

Buzzing whispered among the soldiers.

Duke stepped forward boldly, still spitting fiery wine in his mouth, but his mind was very sober: "You ask, I answer!"

The veteran grinned, and it was a mouth with teeth on the soil: "I'm a rough man! I don't understand anything magical, I don't understand any plan. I only know that my wife and children are both I have nothing to worry about dying in this war. I just want to ask Your Excellency ... how many orcs can I die for tonight !? "

This is not only the voice of the veterans, but also the voice of 10,000 strong men who are about to die.

Dead, they are not afraid!

The key is worth it! ?

Duke shuddered and shouted, "One for ten! And I will use the head of the orc chieftain to lay the heroic spirit of the brothers!"

The veteran laughed proudly: "Hahaha! Originally I was thinking of killing one enough, killing two was profitable! I did not expect that I could go to **** while watching the tribal chief's head! Hahaha! I am even dead I wish it! "He resolutely drank the wine in the sea bowl in his hand, cracked it crisply, and shattered it.

Behind him, ten thousand soldiers did the same action, and the crackling sound of bowling fell into one.

With tears in his eyes, Lane raised his hand: "Go!" (To be continued.)

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