Stormwind God

Chapter 114: A hero with high hopes

The night sky of Stormwind City is as calm as ever.

The darkness of night comes as always, as people always believe that the dawn of dawn always comes every day.

In the dim night, there were red fires in the distance through the mist, declaring destruction and terror to Stormwind City, an 'enclave' lonely outside the political center of the entire continent.

In the western part of Stormwind, the starlight on the sea that has not changed since the last descendant of Thoradin the Emperor reached this land thousands of years ago. Lonely by the clear moonlight hanging on the sea, we can see the stormy harbor that was dark once a night ago. At this moment, the lights are bright and the sails are full of sails.

In addition to the sound of the billowing waves, there were also people's voices from far away.

Looking down at Stormwind, King Lane suddenly sighed at the queen.

"Dear, I have been thinking about a question ... Is Duke Marcus the destined patron saint of our kingdom?"

"If you look at the status quo, it's obvious, yes. That's right!" The queen gently held Ryan's arm: "If there wasn't his Stormport, maybe Stormwind could not hold it now."

Before the orcs arrived, everyone just thought that the new Stormport built by Duke was just a useful supplement to Stormwind's fiscal revenue.

As the battle progressed, everyone suddenly realized that Stormport and Duke's fleet actually controlled the fate of this kingdom and became its pulse.

Stormwind City is located in the southern part of the mainland. At the time when all the roads to the north are blocked by orcs, sea shipping has become the only life channel for Stormwind to connect with the outside world.

In this era, entering the port at night is extremely dangerous. However, in order to transport the scarce military supplies of Stormwind, the old captains of Stormwind and the sea kingdom Kul Tiras not only transport during the day, but also to save the location of the port and increase the volume of transportation. They even chose to enter the port at dusk, unload overnight, and leave the port at midnight. .

Thanks to the efforts of captains, sailors, etc., all kinds of material resources were continuously transported from Ironforge of several other human kingdoms and dwarves, while women and children who were in urgent need of evacuation were transported in advance, crossing the sea northward, sending To Nanhai Town.

Since the seven human kingdoms have not yet reached a unified opinion on the invasion of orcs, the assistance to Stormwind at this stage can basically be regarded as civilian.

Most of the nobles in the north scoff at Ryan's messenger's claim that “the orcs are invading on a large scale and how great the harm is”.

"What is an orc? Our trolls have not been killed for thousands of years." This is the view of most nobles.

They expressed their most malicious suspicions and speculations about the fall of Stormwind.

Fortunately, the Kingdom of Alterac agreed to lend Nanhai Town to house refugees from the Storm Kingdom. The remaining six kingdoms released the proposal for the procurement of materials proposed by Lane, allowing people in Stormwind to purchase various military supplies, and severely cracked down on unscrupulous businessmen who pushed up prices.

Lane was also allowed to recruit volunteers and mercenaries in the six kingdoms.

However, this is not enough.

Only Lane, who is facing the orc tide, knows that this requires at least seven kingdoms to declare a state of total war at the same time, merging the seven kingdoms, and even dwarves and elf allies.

As soon as he thought of it, Ryan was heartbroken.

So far, every idea that Duke has contributed is very good. For example, a new type of bunker.

That's what a guy named Duck Duck left behind responsible for.

The name is weird and it is called 'cement'.

How exactly this stuff is made, Macaroo is very tight-lipped, even in Macaroo's case, this is only a semi-finished product.

The effect is significant. The latest design of the hexagonal bunkers retards the orc's offensive.

This bunker is about three stories high and is made of this 'cement' mixed stone and sand, which can become extremely strong in just two or three days. Under the command of Edwin Vancliff, a little-known stonemason brotherhood named by Duke himself, no less than 500 were made in just a few days on the outskirts of Shuangjin Town, one of the Stormwind barriers. Such a bunker.

This bunker cannot be easily destroyed even by the orc's largest catapult. The small shooting holes made it impossible for the orcs to reach out. A large number of Javelinmen trained by Duke hid in these bunkers, and gave the orcs a severe response from various shooting holes.

Before the orcs used the roughest rushing car to destroy the bunkers, those javelins could drill through the tunnels that had been dug in advance to the next bunkers from tunnels that were small enough for humans to pass, and continued to kill the orcs.

Here are even some outstanding Javelinmen who have achieved a feat that the most brave Stormwind fighters can't do-that guy killed 36 powerful orc warriors alone, leaving the javelin marked on the orc's head, It is the best proof of this great achievement.

What makes Ryan even more ridiculous is that the Storm Kingdom has an extra formation-Murloc.

These abominable monsters that once caused the residents of Elwynn Forest a headache are now the patron saints of the storm people.

The fishermen made an inexplicable cry, "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood" of fish. They dominated almost every river in the Elwynn Forest that was more than five meters wide. Any orc who dares to go to the river to fetch water will be baptized by the dwarf javelin.

Everything Duke has done has greatly helped the entire Storm Kingdom.

Recalling Duke's change to this kingdom, Ryan was deeply moved: "I don't know how his journey with Anduin's assault went. I hope they can come back safely ..."

"It's okay. If they are killed, I think ... Sargeras will show off the first time ..." The queen comforted Ryan gently.

Ryan suddenly smiled bitterly: "My ancestors came to Stormwind City almost a thousand years ago, and they started a magnificent era for the people. I don't want Stormwind to be destroyed in my hands anyway!"

"No. You might as well think about it. If they return triumphantly, how would you commend them for their credit. Or else, make a statue for them in King Valley?"

"good idea!"

At this moment, Duke, who had high hopes from Lane and even the entire Storm Kingdom. He is facing the most dangerous battle since his crossing.

Because his opponent is Gul'dan, even if it's just a fictional Gul'dan without knowing what magical principle it is. In this bizarre chess space, Gul'dan is still extremely powerful.

Breathing the slightly cold air, Pang Duke felt **** and hot in his nose. Unbearable excitement in his heart, he was telling himself that at the moment, he was writing a legend belonging to him only.

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