Storm of Kings

Chapter 800: Let's arrange the funeral!

Since Zhou Lie felt the crisis, more than half a month passed in an instant.

Unexpectedly, during this period of time, the wind was calm and the mud monkeys went smoothly. It seemed that nothing could hinder the Lingqiu Chamber of Commerce from all the way up.

The name of the Chamber of Commerce was officially changed to the Hundred Cities Alliance, showing its powerful background to the world, and it seemed that it became a combination of forces that kept pace with the Brotherhood Alliance overnight.

In fact, the Hundred Cities Alliance is far from the Brothers Alliance, and the two are not in the same order of magnitude. If it weren’t for the Brotherhood’s need for mud monkeys to promote water tickets and were waiting for the right time to pick the fruit, how could one let a soil bun grow bigger?

The world in the eyes of the world has never been the real world. Tianjiang City is like an iceberg floating on the sea, only a corner of it is exposed.

However, the tip of this iceberg is shocking enough.

Judging from the information returned by Huoyu, the Brotherhood Alliance is not only a force composed of top craftsmen, but also involves a huge network behind it.

How strong is the Brotherhood? Even the old man who suddenly appeared in Lingqiu City twice and was called the Great Venerable by his subordinates could not extend his power here.

The clearest manifestation is that those who are responsible for monitoring the house’s eyes and feet are bound to make it difficult for them to work normally. Even if there are masters who are personally responsible for monitoring, they are still under pressure from the Brotherhood, or the suppression is more appropriate, which invisibly reduced Zhou Lie a lot of trouble.

The water ticket can be promoted smoothly, and it is inseparable from the blessing and asylum of the Brotherhood.

In fact, this situation is exactly the important point Zhou Lie and the mud monkey hope to achieve when they set up the plan, but they didn't expect the effect to be unexpectedly good, but it is too good to be too good.

Don't go too far in everything, it's easy to change the taste after passing.

From the calm of the past two months, it can be seen that the water ticket has already affected the interests of many people in the Brotherhood League, so this group burst out with great power from the bottom up to shield all obstructive forces.

The more so, it means that they will not allow accidents when harvesting, and the plunder of the Hundred Cities Alliance will be more severe.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet, those chambers of commerce often have the best sense of smell.

Tianjiang City, headed by thirteen chambers of commerce, began to more actively promote water tickets, and reached a consensus on a certain level. Since the Brotherhood has raised a big fat pig, even if you can't eat meat when the pig is killed, it will always be a turn to enter the water, right?

Mud monkeys also feel the danger, and sometimes it is not a good thing to go smoothly.

The water ticket is sweeping hundreds of cities at an unimaginable speed, and there are thousands of cities waiting for the water ticket to enter. At this stage, he can't stop even if he wants to stop.

Hiddenly, under the influence of all aspects, with the water ticket as the starting point, a terrifying storm sweeping the entire world is brewing.

The mud monkey was trembling, feeling like a wind-up puppet, performing on the stage according to specific movements.

Before taking a break every day, he felt extremely frustrated. It was a smooth day. The Hundred Cities Alliance was supported by all chambers of commerce wherever he went, and there were some top families behind him.

It is foreseeable that the water ticket will soon become an official currency that will prevail all over the world, and the Hundred Cities Alliance, which made the effort to facilitate this, will gradually be marginalized and can only be responsible for transporting property.

Under the mediation of the mud monkey, the Hundred Cities Alliance made the most of one hand, and got two or three points of benefits from it, and the remaining ninety-seven percent of the wealth would be sent to the Brotherhood Alliance.

After running for a long time, the mud monkey feels so tired, mainly because of his heart.

Today's Hundred Cities Alliance can operate as usual even without him. The previous vigor for guiding Jiangshan's career has been exhausted. Perhaps this is the price of maturity.

The mud monkey returned to Zhou Lie and knelt down and said in pain: "Master, I have a burden and messed up the matter! If there is no estimation error, wait until the water ticket is spread to two thousand cities, and the price has reached the highest point recently. , The Brotherhood will take a knife on us."

Hearing this, instead of being furious, Zhou Lie laughed and said: "You don't have to be downcast, you have completed the task I entrusted, and now you are getting closer and closer to the goal, I believe that you will be successful if you detain your property for a few days. Return."

"This is the goal?" The mud monkey was a little skeptical, wondering if the master was relaxing his heart.

"Hahaha, the times make heroes. In fact, you are on the cusp of pushing water tickets. Because the world's volcanoes erupt at the same time, the difficulty of mining ore is greatly reduced, and the price of ore plummets. Tianjiang City is also because of the millennium refining furnace. , The economic loss caused is like a deep well, I don’t know when and how long it will be filled!"

Zhou Lie pointed to the mud monkey and said: "You appeared at the right time, so many people in the Brotherhood Union saw hope, so I didn't even have a mobile phone meeting, so I practiced quietly to this day. But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going. The harder you suppress at this moment, the crazier you will be when you burst out! From now on, dismiss your confidant and try to empty out the Hundred Cities Alliance! The Brothers Alliance needs to take over the water ticket to replace the dead ghost, and the water ticket needs to fission again to accommodate more Fortune, who do you think this survivor will be?"

The mud monkey trembling chin said, "'s me, the Hundred Cities Alliance that just emerged."

"Haha, yes! Do you think that you have done a good job and can sit back and relax with those problematic goods? In fact, even if the Brotherhood and the 13 Chambers of Commerce see the flaws, they will not break this layer of window paper. Because they have to wait for the right time to be liquidated together. Anyway, you created the history of this period ~ Even if it is short, the impact is far-reaching and worthy of further study."

The mud monkey felt at a loss, his eyes were like dead gray, he was still him in the end, just a puppet, unable to be a tidal person.

Zhou Lie didn’t know when he came to the mud monkey, and he stood up and smiled and said, “Why, this is losing my ambition? Didn’t you hear from what I said, this world is not for us? Is it true? I will give you 22 places including you being a twenty-three person. You are required to be loyal enough, wise enough, and calm enough to go to another world to work hard. Maybe one day you will be able to come into contact with the real world, hope We can still stand together at that time."

"What?" The mud monkey recalled his master's usual words, which described heaven and hell. Could there really be another world?

"Hahaha, let's arrange your funeral here! The Brotherhood Alliance has shown its fangs, and has placed the Hundred Cities Alliance residence and this house under close surveillance. No wonder that old guy took his eyeliner back yesterday, dare to see it. My joke!"

Zhou Lie picked up the fire hammer and said with enthusiasm: "Their biggest mistake is to let me get this hammer. This hammer is not a simple thing. The world that respects force naturally uses force to solve problems."

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