Steel steam and flame

Chapter 737 Continuous Incident (3)

When I woke up, the sun was streaming in through the window.

When we went to the cafeteria, the hall was almost decorated. As long as the final modifications were made, it would become a good venue for a party. It seems that those people worked overtime last night. There was a band trying to rehearse the music for the party there, and there were passengers nearby who stopped to admire it and asked what was going on here.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed map of the empire for sale in the store. What Cassia has in hand is only an abbreviated version with a more objective resolution. I thought about sneaking into the airship's control room to call up their route maps, but later gave up on this plan. Anything suspicious may arouse the enemy's suspicion, but what Cassia needs is to delay the enemy from finding him as much as possible.

"Mr. Tussos, it's so early." Shako said hello as she stood at the door. Her appearance changed slightly without wearing glasses, but she could see the books on the table in the room from outside the door. Without a good rest, Shake studied until late at night last night after getting a series of strange texts from Cassia.

"I wanted to come over and ask you about the place names." Cassia said, shaking the map in her hand, "I still haven't found it. I hope you can help me mark a rough range on it."

"Okay, okay." Shake nodded repeatedly, took the map, and let Cassia enter the house.

The bulging bag was placed on the chair next to the bed. Except for a few simple clothes, the rest was filled with books of varying thicknesses. Cassia glanced at the names of those books, and Shaco also put on his glasses at this time, pushed a piece on the table, and spread out the map.

"This is it." Shake pointed at the map and drew a circle with a pen. "It's in the southern part of the empire, close to the huge forest."

"Where in the southern forest?" Cassia looked over.

"This map looks very close, but in fact it is still a long way away. The southern forest is a primitive forest that was marked as a very dangerous area as early as the Mano Kingdom. If you are in it, Mr. Tussos, you You can’t get past it.”

"That seems to be the case." Cassia replied with a smile, "By the way, Shaco, do you usually read books on ancient creatures? I accidentally took a look at it just now. You seem to be very involved."

Shake looked back at her bag and thought for a moment: "It seems that as long as it is anything related to ancient times, I am very interested in it." She walked to the big bag and took out a book with yellowed pages. of thick books come out. The writing is so corroded that the specific name cannot be clearly seen, and it looks like it will fall into pieces at any time due to frequent flipping.

"This is my favorite book. I take it with me almost wherever I go." Shaco showed off to Cassia like a child. "Maybe there is only one book like this in the empire. It was given to me by Grandpa Dullison." mine."

Shako turned to a chapter at random, and the ink text on it also faded to gray. The title was - The White Behemoth on the Ice Field.

"It is said to be an introduction to paleontology, but Grandpa Dullisen and I both think it is a wonderful fantasy of a zoologist when he is bored. There are many, many short stories in it, and each one is very attractive. And the author's descriptions are extremely realistic, which makes It feels like the real thing." Sha Xiaoxiao said, "But it's definitely not real. There are zoos of different sizes all over the empire, but I have never seen an animal like the one described in this book."

"For example, this,,,, white giant beast on the ice sheet." The Klans Kingdom in the northern part of Houxiang Continent, bordering the Endless Sea, began to purchase a large number of animals from the Sacred Shiluo Kingdom of Zuoxiang Continent via waterways in 1872. Engineering machinery and mining giant machinery mined the necessary meteoric copper ore on the uninhabited frozen soil in the country, and the harvest was huge. One day in the winter two years later, three days after the heavy snow stopped, Laikawei, a geological engineer in the mining area He and his assistant Milo went out to explore other mineral veins, and saw huge fresh footprints on the frozen soil for the first time on the way. After reporting it to the management, they went to explore again as a team the next day, and this time they followed the footprints for about It’s ten kilometers away,,,’.”

",,,In order to capture this strange huge white beast (which was finally identified as a strange tundra white bear by professors and experts, and classified separately in the animal family), the Kingdom of Klans sent troops three times to transport supplies. It was enough to support a small battle, and four round-up operations ended in failure, but they also severely damaged the white giant beast. Five months later, the white giant beast retaliated and attacked the mines of the Klans Kingdom there. More than half of the machines were destroyed, and more than a third of the army was damaged. The news later leaked out for unknown reasons, and the country was shocked. The current king was condemned and was replaced by the new king three months later. Subsequently, all the machines in the mining area were moved away and listed there. For no one's restricted area..."

",,,,Five years later, due to the shortage of domestic meteorite copper resources, the permafrost mining area was restarted. However, less than two months after the reconstruction work, the white giant attacked again. This time, the size of the white giant increased by about five points. One of them completely destroyed the mining area within three days. And then, a white giant beast turned into two heads (the other one was later believed to be its mate), left the mining area one after another, and began to attack the nearby cities of the Klans Kingdom. The army went to encircle and kill, but it did not stop the giant beast. A week later, because it could not bear the huge losses, the Kingdom of Klans asked its ally, the Kingdom of Mano, ah, this is our empire, for help. But there was no After receiving the response from the Kingdom of Mano, the cities around the tundra began to evacuate as a last resort. Three months later, the army sent out an exploration team and found that the white giant beast had left..."

"Then there was the reconstruction of the destroyed city, and the Kingdom of Klans asked the Kingdom of Mano as an ally why it didn't help them." Shake glanced at Cassia, "Actually, I am also very confused here, as an ally, such a disaster We were supposed to help before. But soon afterwards, the Kingdom of Mano tore up the alliance agreement and started a war of expansion. The Kingdom of Krans was the first country to be annexed by the empire."

After speaking, Shake sighed, and his face turned red due to faint excitement.

"There are many, many little stories like this, such as the deep underwater shadows of fishermen in awe, the red-eyed wolves in the wilderness, the bronze islands floating among the clouds, the strange sound of falling leaves in the wind, etc. In short, they are all above Some wonderful fantasies, but they are really beautiful. This is how my interest in paleontology originated. By the way, here are the paintings of the white giant beast. Here, here..."

Cassia looked at where Shake was pointing. It was a very simple sketch with good foundation. With a few lines, the specific appearance of the white giant beast was outlined. There was an adult standing next to him as a reference. The white giant beast was about seven meters tall. It was indeed huge. But what attracted Cassia the most was the most detailed part of the sketch, which was the pair of eyes, a standard cross star.

"Is it a second-category creature?" Cassia already had the answer in her heart.

"Actually, sometimes I really hope that the things mentioned in the book will appear, and my initial interest in paleontology also originated from this. When I think about it before going to bed, I feel,,,, well, it makes me unable to sleep..." Shako nodded in self-recognition, but then thought that he seemed to have said something wrong, so he quickly added, "Actually, I can sleep."

"The author of this book is also someone I admire very much. He is obviously a zoologist, but he can have such imagination. Ah, he seems to also like ancient things. There are other books about the study of ancient ruins. Speaking of which, I like history, ancient cultural relics and ancient biology, and it seems that it is all because of this author's books." Shake carefully turned the book to the end. Although this is not the original, the handwriting has been somewhat blurred by the erosion of time. .

"Peckinz Chilis?"

"Yes, Peckinz Chilis."

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