Steel steam and flame

Chapter 675 Giant and fully covered skeleton (9)

This may be the price, Cassia said to herself. Pain affects all aspects of the body to a certain extent, and the huge pain in battle sometimes interferes with one's perception. If the pain is severe enough, it is completely foreseeable that some organs and tissues will lose their function.

But losing the sense of pain is also a huge trouble. Information in battle often changes too fast. The speed and reaction ability of the surgeon, or the basic quality of the body, seem to be improving faster than the brain. Evolving. This also means that at certain times, the body's movements may not match the brain's commands.

Not only includes military schools, but also other forces, and of course the imperial military. This is the reason why these organizations continue to increase the intensity of training and continue to hone the bodies and basics of soldiers or students. . The first is to form necessary instinctive reactions, allowing the body to remember which reaction it should make at which time, how to avoid attacks, and how to fight. After all, touch sensations are not directly transmitted to the brain. They must be converted into electrical signals and transmitted to the brain through nerves for processing, and then feedback can be given to allow the limbs to make corresponding movements.

It's a short time, but it can't be that it does take a while. The military school has specially performed some major nerve replacement surgeries on their current students, but the effects will become smaller and smaller as their surgical stages advance. And this is the second purpose of continuous training. While trying to form a reflex instinct, it also allows the brain to store a given reaction. It was as if someone had a gun pointed at his head, and he would subconsciously turn his head to avoid the gun. The advantage of having memory is that the next time you face a similar situation, the brain's processing time will become shorter. It might be more appropriate to call this experience. The survival rate of veterans on the battlefield is higher than that of new recruits. It is a fact that cannot be disputed.

Pain plays a very important factor in it. It can be regarded as the starting signal of the machine. Apart from one's own perception, pain is also another main source of information that most surgeons obtain during combat.

Many organs and tissues use pain as a signal. Losing the feeling of pain during battle may be a good thing, at least in Cassia's view, he can fight more casually. But this is not the case at this moment. When the giant whale's method gradually goes silent and the bad state of the whole body is suddenly revealed, it also illustrates his shortcomings.

Without any pain, there is no accurate location in the brain to the extent of the accumulated injuries in the body. It does not seem to be a surprising thing for the body to suddenly collapse without noticing, or to die. This feeling happened once at the volcano base. I had to pay attention to it in time, but it was not something that could be avoided if I paid attention.

Shaking his head, Cassia took out the last pair of customized syringes from the gift box, fixed them everywhere on his body, and then randomly pulled out a suitable piece of clothing from the corpse at his feet and put it on.

There are not many blue and silver bullets in stock, and the number of applications for military schools has an upper limit. Cassia didn't know about this until this mission. The original plan was to replace all platinum bullets with blue silver bullets, and then upgrade the specifications of the firecrackers to the corresponding level. But it was rejected by the staff of the logistics department. Depending on the status level assigned by the school, Cassia cannot yet use that level of firecrackers. The revolver is already his limit, and he can only apply for fifty rounds of blue and silver bullets in each mission.

And not only are there restrictions on status levels, in most areas of the empire, platinum bullets seem to be the final upper limit.

"The blue and silver bullets were originally specially supplied to the southern forest. You can apply for some. This is the maximum that the military school can achieve." The staff finally gave the reason.

With less than thirty rounds left, Cassia tightened her clothes and placed a few spare drums in convenient locations. The fire gun is also hung on the body, and the forged steel sword seems to have no effect. When the pneumatic sword is not in the red-hot state, it is still sharper and tougher than the forged steel sword. The only drawback is that the pneumatic sword looks slightly larger, but its weight has increased several times.

After moving his body, there was a "crackling" bone sound all over his body. The diluted dragon blood will no longer cause muscle tissue to dissolve like last time. But the huge pressure and load brought about by scaling is not something that Cassia can completely ignore now. With two pneumatic swords on his back, Cassia listened to the noise outside the factory and went out through the barn door at the bottom of the house.

The air became fresher, with a constant night breeze blowing, and the smell of gunpowder smoke dissipated quickly. Between the mist formed by clouds and steam, the cold moonlight often fell, unaffected by the sound of gunfire.

Less than ten meters away from the warehouse door, there is a straight and wide road, surrounded by a small wilderness on both sides. In the distance, other factories shine with lights. It seemed that there was no reaction to the fighting here. The sound of gunshots and explosions rang over a distance of about a hundred meters, and then entered the factory building. Can the noise of the forging press and various finishing machines be penetrated and really reach there? In the ears of workers, Cassia did not hold an optimistic view.

The orange-yellow shadows of tracer bullets flying above the road could be seen, and the fleeting explosion flames of steel-cased bombs illuminated the uneven weedy ground. Many clumps of dead grass that had withered in winter had been artificially set on fire, and the dim firelight enveloped irregular circular areas.

Ovelia's side doesn't seem to have an absolute advantage. Compared with the team that Ye Jielin came here this time, the number of people was much smaller. The impact of the surgical stage was offset by the difficulty in numbers. The battle became more and more positional. Both sides were waiting for an opportunity to break this situation.

With the light of the explosion flashing from time to time, Cassia ran carefully among the shadows, continuously converting the scene in front of him into pictures, comparing them to find the enemy's position, and sneaking towards Ovelia.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and the Ovelia people who were pinned down from the front didn't put even a little thought into the factory on their side. Everyone's perception was used to find the enemy hiding in front. Tracer bullets will reveal the user's position, but people on both sides have certain experience. People who stick to one position and shoot have already become penetrated corpses.

I have seen someone lying there in front, firing accurately to block the enemy's position, while also relying on the function of his knees to flexibly change positions. Cassia immediately slowed down, and her breathing and heartbeat were forced to the lowest point in a few steps.

Less than ten meters away, Cassia had his right hand free, ready to sneak over and snap the enemy's neck when an untimely sound made his half-hunched body fall down.

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