Steel steam and flame

Chapter 574: Networking (2)

"Sister Lin!" Atuohuan looked at the open space next to the bend and said solemnly to Ye Jielin beside him. One hand left the steering wheel and grabbed the firecracker beside him.

"I saw it." Ye Jielin's tone was serious, her eyes quickly swept across the open space, and the woman on the billboard also fell into her eyes. Her expression became a little unnatural, and for a moment, Ye Jielin's thinking was close to a state of concentration.

Why are they here? This is a question shared by Ye Jielin and Atuohuan. According to their plan, everyone should stay in the limo to face the problem. It was impossible to reveal the plan. Ye Jielin had absolute confidence in the loyalty of her men.

"Put down the gun. It's just the two of us. Even if we have a chance, we will pay a heavy price." Ye Jielin asked A Tuohuan to park the limo at the corner. She needed to talk to those people. Not only did Ye Jielin know these people, many of them were also Atohuan's friends from childhood to fourteen or fifteen years old.

Their relationship could be called acquaintances, but now it seems that as time goes by, they can only be called acquaintances. Other than that there is no other contact.

Dellin and Vog heard the roar of the limousine's engine. I originally thought it was just an ordinary vehicle passing by, but the unique engine sound is very special. Only the engines of high-end vehicles can emit such high-quality engine sounds.

Vogel had already walked to the fence of the highway before, and originally wanted to reach out to remind the car owner that there was danger ahead and it was best not to go over. He thinks that he has always been a warm-hearted man, in matters that have nothing to do with him. Delin kept calling this behavior "hypocrisy," and it was one of the things she found disgusting.

But that was no longer necessary. The limo had slowed down on the way, slowly drove towards them, and finally stopped on the side of the road.

Dellin, Vogel and Lopp all watched carefully as the limousine stopped. Luopu had already stood up straight, and at some point, the dark bag was hung on his back again.

The appearance of the limo was very ordinary. It was a common model on the roads of the empire. There was nothing eye-catching about it. They recognized it as a high-end vehicle at first glance. This seems to be a natural talent born into the Webley family. The eyes of the three people have never deceived them.

"Atuohuan!" The black car window turned transparent at this time. Vogel recognized Atuohuan sitting in the driver's seat at a glance and yelled out in fake surprise. This is conveying an important signal to Lopp in the distance and Dellin on the billboard without losing grace.

Woge walked forward with a smile and stopped on this side of the fence. He squinted his eyes and looked inside the limo while greeting Atuohuan: "I haven't seen you in two years, and you have gained a lot of weight."

His eyes immediately left Atuohuan's face and stayed on Ye Jielin's face: "I didn't expect to see you here, Ye Jielin. We were all surprised by your changes along the way. In two years, everyone has Everything is different from before. Your sister is right here, why don’t you come down and have a chat?”

While Vog was speaking, Lopp had already walked aside carrying the black bag. Dellin was putting on her high heels on the base of the billboard. With a "ticking" sound, she also came to the side of the limo step by step. .

"I forgot to introduce you, this is one of the new succession candidates, Lopp." Vog said with a smile, not trying to cater to the increasingly cold atmosphere around him. "You should not have the impression that it is us. During the same period, those who were trained as the second batch performed well in extreme areas, and their strength was recognized by the family, and they were added as successor candidates."

"Your sister, Delin. You will never forget it, right?" Vog moved away a little, and Delin behind him nodded with a smile, with a mocking look on his lips.

"We all thought you were in the woods in front." Vog added at this time, regretfully, and spread his hands.

Ye Jielin and Atuohuan watched quietly, trying to get some information from the faces of the three people. But there was only a smile that represented schadenfreude, just like his father's secretary-general.

For some reason, Ye Jielin thought of her father's secretary-general and the sharp voices that had just appeared in her ears not long ago.

"I had the same idea. I also thought you would be in that grove." Ye Jielin controlled her emotions, her face still had a serious expression, but the next moment it turned into a smile, "Just treat it like meeting you. This is the last time we meet. Although I don’t know who gave me this opportunity, please thank him on my behalf and send my most sincere greetings.”

Dellin and the other three watched the limo drive away from them, slowly heading towards the woods.

"Who do you think the person who gave us the information will be?" Vog asked at this time, he was also curious.

"I don't know, but the relationship between that man and Ye Jielin must not be very good." Dellin said easily. As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of explosions penetrated the woods, and the thin mist hit the ears of the three of them.

Less than a breath later, gunshots sounded like rain, densely echoing around.

Dellin and the three of them all looked towards the grove. After looking at each other, they jumped onto the highway and ran towards the grove.


After everyone had left, Cassia packed up the necessary equipment on her body, leaving only a revolver equipped with large-caliber platinum bullets and several steel-cased bombs. The rest was thrown away.

He stood up and left the bunker. The four limousines on the road had not moved until now. Carefully walking around not far from the limo, Cassia came to the small woods on the other side of the road. It will be more complete here, with these trees as cover, which can block a considerable number of bullets. And by borrowing dead leaves on the ground, Cassia can also use ropes to make some simple, but crude and effective traps.

While the four ceremonial cars were silent, Cassia walked in the grove, selected a large tree with unusually thick branches, and climbed into the middle. Here he can get a broader view, just enough to include all the areas around the four limousines in his field of vision.

While adjusting his breathing, Cassia checked the revolver in his hand. If there are no accidents, there are five goals in total this time. There can be no mistakes, but Cassia is fully confident in his marksmanship. There was only one chance, which was the short time when those few people got off the limo.

The people surrounding him had left, and Cassia thought the people in the limo could feel this.

And they are also waiting for something, Cassia's intuition told him so. Not just waiting for the people surrounding them to leave, they were waiting for something else important.

reinforce? Cassia thought of the phone call she had with Ye Jielin not long ago. The only one who can make Ye Jielin make compromises is her own family.

On the big tree, Cassia carefully adjusted the position of his body. His abnormal weight gave him the illusion that the tree trunk under him would break at any time. He ran away immediately after shooting. There were at least forty people left in the four vehicles. That was not a number that he could deal with all by himself. As agreed with Selmer, a preheated off-road vehicle was parked behind the woods. As long as you get in the car, you can drive onto another highway in less than a minute. The specific escape route has long been planned, and the key now is how to leave the woods safely.

Already a safe distance away from the four ceremonial cars, the aura of Cassia's whole body slowly disappeared, and the strength was accumulated in her body, just waiting for a full explosion at a certain moment.

At this moment, the sounds of multiple steam engines rang in my ears, coming from the direction of the Webley family headquarters. Cassia was sure in her heart that the people in the limo were indeed waiting for reinforcements. She could understand Ye Jielin's intention of leaving him here alone.

At this moment, breathing becomes more and more gentle. On the other side of the road, a passenger truck tore through the fog on the ground and rushed in with a limousine. They saw the row of construction bulldozers parked on the road and braked quickly. But the huge inertia and their seemingly panicked mood meant that their result was no better than those of the four limo cars. The only difference was that the two limousines behind them successfully crashed through the fence and rushed into the wilderness on the side of the road just as their tires were about to rub against each other and burst into flames.

Cassia smiled and had to praise the practicality of this method. Because this is what he came up with.

The armed soldiers on the truck rushed out of the truck, bypassed the bulldozers, and formed a defensive circle around the four ceremonial cars, focusing on observing the woods. Several people also got off the other two ceremonial cars at this time. They are all wearing black dresses with neat logos and pointed black leather shoes. They are also about the same age and half of them are middle-aged.

"Ye Jielin!" Several people's faces turned red. They looked at the bulldozers and were a little angry. One of them seemed to be the person in charge this time, and he yelled at the people around him. The voice was loud, even deafening, but no one around answered.

"Ye Jielin!" The man shouted again with a louder voice, but there was silence around him.

When he received no response, the man vented his anger on the four ceremonial cars in front of him. Looking at the four ceremonial cars, the man's expression became more indifferent.

"What are you still doing sitting in there? People will have left long ago when you come down." He gritted his teeth and spoke with hatred.

The limo, which had completely lost its original shape, finally opened the door at this moment. Some of the warheads embedded on it fell down and hit the ground with a "ding" sound.

The people returning this time came down from the top in an orderly manner and stood beside the limo. Two people walked out of the crowd, apparently wanting to come forward and say something to the person in charge.

Then, just when everyone thought the matter was over, explosive gunshots rang out in the woods nearby. The heads of two people who were walking almost side by side also exploded following the sound of gunshots. Two puffs of blood mist rose, and blood splattered from the broken neck. The person in charge reacted instantly, and in a flash, he rushed towards the direction where the gunfire came from.

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