Steel steam and flame

Chapter 430 Mad Dog (4)

"None of these have a big impact, they are matters above. What we need to do is to prepare tonight, especially the weapons and equipment, to find the most suitable ones. I don't need to say more about these, the base's ordnance warehouse It is full of those things, just go get what you want. There are also a series of things for food and survival in the wild. It is best to bring more bullets. Maybe after setting off with a large team, you will not be able to get it immediately in a short time. Back to the volcano base." Doyle came to Cassia and reminded that adequate preparation is also one of the main purposes. He felt that Cassia was too young.

"It would be difficult to do this kind of mission, if it weren't for the ultra-long-range sniper who was always wandering around Warehouse No. 7." Doyle's face was not relaxed, and he was about to enter middle age. I am starting to lose weight physically. I am supposed to be the commanding officer, but this time the operation may be in the mountains. There is no vehicle, so I can only walk with the team on foot.

"The leader of the team is a major, but I have never seen him in the Volcano Base for so long. Personally, it is very common in a city-like area like the Volcano Base. He is much younger than me, and his body looks... He looks very strong. I just met him this morning, and he feels pretty good. At least his aura is strong. He must have been on the battlefield for a while. In terms of experience, I don’t think you need to worry too much." Doyle said in a somewhat astringent tone. Disappointed, as a civilian, it is indeed very, very difficult for him to get a better position in the army during peacetime. "He told me that he planned to follow the field configuration of the long march as much as possible, and he also had to have Psychological preparation for backup. Because we are a special operations team, even if we want supplies, most of them will be delivered by airship, but the risk of exposure will be great. Our purpose is to find the enemy and see them arrive What do you want to do here? In the front line, the people from the Far Sea Commonwealth are much more active, and the senior officers at the base are also worried that they are deliberately targeting this place."

The specific details will be discussed later. The special team has about 500 people, but it is definitely not a collective operation, so the goal itself would be too big. If they want to encircle and suppress them, they will not be able to see enough of the huge mountain forest area next to the volcano base.

Working separately and cooperatively, the twenty teams moved forward together. The members are also selected overnight from the company stationed in the volcano base. They are all veterans who have been on the front line for many years. People in their prime are also selected in terms of age, no matter which part of the team they are. Even the communications soldiers are the same. As long as there is a need, they can throw away the equipment on their backs and hang up their guns to become a powerful veteran soldier.

"No specific notice has been issued yet on how to allocate team combinations. I think it will probably have to wait until tomorrow morning." Doyle drank the water and prepared to leave. "Gather at the airport. The edge of the base is still far away. We need to Take the airship that carries the patrol team every day, quietly get down in the middle, and then start this mission. The enemy is also a very capable person, and they are very experienced in terms of techniques. And the enemy seems to be powerful in terms of information. The character and the fact that the communication machine was deciphered also made us feel a little stressed, but fortunately the code was not deciphered, that would be a truly shocking thing."

"Anyway, be careful. I think the enemy's personnel composition will be very similar to ours. They are also veterans and a small team." Doyle finally said "good luck", closed the door and left.

After Doyle left, Cassia was still sitting at the table, worried that things might go beyond the expectations of the senior officials at the volcano base.

It can be seen that Doyle did not know about the operation, and Cassia was very sure of it. The sniper team that was discovered at the beginning was obviously the surgeon. Although I also have confidence in the empire's army, especially these selected veterans, it is indeed not easy to avoid the cold shots of snipers in the mountains. It is also appropriate to say that ordinary people have no chance to hide.

The number of enemies is no longer a small group, the number has indeed increased. What worries him is that these increased numbers are due to the identity of the surgeons. If several teams had joined together at that time, nothing would have happened. It's just that you can't attack here, and the enemy may not have the determination to attack. The chance of killing a hundred-man company without losing one person is not impossible, but it is indeed very small.

It gets dark very quickly in winter. Cassia went out for dinner at six o'clock, but it was already completely dark. The process of applying for things at the armory was very similar to that at the military school. He wrote down a series of things that might be used in the mountains and prepared to take them to his room. He was considering in detail which ones could be discarded. .

Before preparation, Cassia went to the independent library of the volcano base and asked the administrator there for a map of the area around the volcano base. He looked at it carefully, whether it was the terrain or the panorama. There are also books with written descriptions, and Cassia also borrowed one.

The content in the book was explored by the volcano base itself, just like the desert where the Gerun Oasis is located, and the routes of the stations and supply stations located there were also created in this way.

It was printed just a few years ago, and it works perfectly in areas like mountains where the terrain doesn't change much. Once you're used to reading, you don't need to keep the content in mind, just have an impression. The book only briefly introduces the trend of the surrounding environment, and the detailed situation cannot be explained in this book. After watching it until midnight, Cassia breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the time, which was around two in the morning. Then he closed his eyes and began to rest more.

At six o'clock in the morning, Cassia opened her eyes on time. It was dark outside the window, with only the street lights and the whistle lights taking turns around the building providing a little cold light. The entire dormitory building is still quiet. It is not yet time for the army to gather for morning exercises. Except for those soldiers who have patrol duties or have to go to the battle line to hand over, most people are still sleeping quietly.

The cafeteria opened very early, but there was only one window with light on inside. Unexpectedly, there was a neat and not long queue, all carrying huge backpacks. Under the guidance of human body structure science and ergonomics, some parts of their bodies are also hung with objects needed to perform tasks. After scientific design, this will hardly affect the movement of the soldiers, and can also reasonably distribute the weight of the carried objects to various parts of the body, making the load force endured by the body more reasonable, and it is not easy to damage the camouflage. The things Cassia prepared were also carried in the same way. These are the first lessons in the military school.

It seems that they are all the people selected and assigned for this mission. Everyone glanced at Cassia who had just walked in, and nodded slightly as a greeting. Although almost everyone is a stranger to each other, they belong to different teams. But in the future, they are likely to be members of the same team.

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