Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2361 Purifier (Part 2)

"Am I dead?" Forgetting time, Trinya regained consciousness. She felt paralyzed by the pain of falling. Her consciousness seemed to have completely disappeared. She could no longer perceive anything around her except darkness.

"Are you buried underneath?" As she was thinking this, she noticed groups of lights suddenly appearing in the darkness. It was not that an extremely distant memory was recalled, but the clumps of light suddenly became clear from blur. In a few blinks, they changed from the shape of the clump of light into blossoming flowers one after another -

The flowers are huge, and the unfolded gray-white petals remind Trinya of the large round table used when the department eats together. In the center surrounded by petals, there is a cluster of flower cores. Each one is like a baby's tender arms. They are bright red in color and have a sense of transparency with fluorescent substances. You can even see the blood vessel-like structure inside the flower core. There is liquid material flowing rapidly in it, just like blood.

Trinya stared blankly for nearly a minute, completely absorbed. If the pain from her right wrist hadn't woken her up, she might have been immersed in it. However, after noticing something strange and looking over again, the strange attraction had disappeared.

Not understanding why this happened, Trinya, who had regained some consciousness, used the light emitted from the flower core to look at herself, only to find that the hospital bed that was supposed to be tied to her was missing, and she was only half-lying on a huge tree root with gray-white mucus. , but there were no other things in the memory around - other patients, various medical items, collapsed ground, etc.

When she was wondering what was going on, there was a whistling sound coming from the blooming flowers in front of her. Trinya looked up and saw that the crystal clear flower cores were growing like snakes. , turning and circling flexibly against the dark background, approaching hundreds of flower cores, all heading towards him.

There was no time to react, and her body, which had just regained some consciousness, was also unable to react. Trinya could only watch herself being wrapped around the flower cores, and then lifted into the darkness. It was at this moment that the surrounding darkness began to gradually dissipate, and other things in the darkness finally revealed their original appearance——

In mid-air, groups of wrapped flower cores unfolded in circles, and they were all swaying at the same wonderful frequency, like a hypnotic lullaby. Below, the twisted tree roots spread out in full view, and Trinya could not see the edges at all. She could only see the gray-white flowers one after another spreading endlessly in all directions, far more than the dozen she just saw.

Among these entwined and held-up flower cores, Trinya saw the faces of other people. Inside each flower core, there is a person with a gray complexion. Its skin has begun to dissolve and gradually merged with the wrapped flower core. The liquid flowing inside each flower core is actually something that has been dissolved.

And just to the side, Trinya once again saw her colleague who had fallen into the rain, with only half of his face exposed. The colleagues are still sliding towards the inside of the cavity surrounded by the flower core, and are about to be completely swallowed up and become nourishment.

Trinya wanted to shout, but no sound came out. When he regained consciousness and felt a slight corrosive pain throughout his body, great fear suddenly struck him.

"I can't die, I want to live..." Trinya muttered silently again, but it did not alleviate the pain of corrosion. She looked to the side and saw that her colleague's face was almost invisible. After struggling for a few breaths, her colleague completely slipped into the cavity wrapped in the flower core, leaving nothing behind. At this moment, when Trinya felt her sight began to drop at the same time, fear and fear forced her to open her mouth and bite the core of a nearby flower hard to prevent herself from falling further.

It seems to have some effect, and the feeling of falling vision has been effectively slowed down, but the pain of corrosion is still there.

"I can't die, I can't die! I have to crawl out." The flower core was bitten, and her mouth lost consciousness. A large amount of viscous liquid entered her mouth, and Trinya could only swallow it all. She understood that if she didn't take action, the outcome waiting for her would be to completely disappear into this strange place like her colleagues.

She tried to move her hands and feet, but she only felt corrosive pain and no physical touch at all.

",,,The will exists in your brain..." Dr. Punos's words appeared again, and this time gave Trinya a wonderful revelation. When I moved my limbs again, the sense of touch in my hands, feet and body had returned. Although it was very weak, it was enough for use.

She struggled, and when her mouth was completely exhausted and about to let go, she finally stretched out her right hand and clasped it on the gap. After taking a few breaths and gathering some strength, she struggled for a long time, and finally crawled out, lying on the top of the raised winding flower core, breathing heavily.

The heart beats powerfully, and the breathing then becomes gentle. It's just that Trinya didn't have time to feel the joy and relaxation of crawling out, and fatigue caught up with her. She blinked many times, trying to stay awake, but this time she couldn't resist.

When her vision blurred, she saw that the entire space was illuminated by dark red light, and there were strange lines in the air. And the flower cores held up in circles around them seemed to be withering quickly.

"Can't die! Can't die! You must climb up when you wake up..." Trinya kept this thought in the end and finally fell into a deep sleep.


Trinya felt a white cold light, and subconsciously opened her eyes. A light that was not very dazzling came into her sight, quietly emitting light.

"Doctor, wake up!" Adina went to the door of the ward and shouted to the side. Trinya's consciousness began to come back at this moment. After all the memories were recalled again, she sat up naturally, only to find that the leather straps that bound her were gone, and she was also wearing a set of clothes. He raised his right hand, and there were no wounds on his wrist. The skin was a normal rosy color, and the strange whiteness of gray did not appear.

When her vision blurred, Trinya realized that she had cried. The collapse of her emotions calmed down after a while. She looked at Punos and Adena who had already come over. The fear and crying in her words had not completely disappeared, "Is that a dream? I saw a lot of twisted trees." The roots, and the gray-white flowers unfolding one after another... The flower cores inside grew out and used us as nourishment..."

"Well, it's a process that must be gone through." Punos listened and replied gently, "It was just a four-day coma. According to the standards, you should be considered a talented person."

"Of course, such a result also involves external forces." Adena added, "I will explain the details to you later. Now, you have people you must see and checks that need to be carried out immediately. This is very important. If the result If you meet the standards, Ms. Trinya, your trip will become more interesting."

"Miss Trinya, while we are preparing, you have about ten minutes to rest. You can sort out the information in the dream, which is also the information we need." Adena continued, and then talked with Punos They said a few words of comfort together before leaving the ward.

Only when the two of them walked out not far, they stopped and looked at the woman who was standing aside and looking around: "Miss Ovelia, we meet again."

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