Steel steam and flame

Chapter 263 Alone

The two people looked at each other with countless confusions in their eyes. After Lina was brought out by the staff in the trading building and handed over to Rox, this mutual gaze in an attempt to convey information through their eyes was interrupted. .

"Bringing it back like this, aren't you afraid that the slaves will find opportunities to escape? There are also many powerful people among the slaves. I think these buyers will not let the danger lurk around them." Cassia looked deeply. Lina, who was wearing a dark trench coat, left and turned to ask Soda.

Soda shook his head and said: "No. Since they are essentially treated as slaves, the slave owners doing business will definitely do something to their bodies. They spend a lot of money to hire professional doctors to work for them. Each slave has a microbomb implanted in his body, which is a reduced version of the steel-cased bomb, except that it no longer relies on a ring to detonate, but uses a radio signal to activate the gunpowder in the microbomb. The bomb is implanted in A small amount of explosives on the back of the head can make the heads of slaves trying to defect bloom like flowers. Every time before new goods come in, these slave owners will show the effect of this device to the new slaves. So. Although slaves running away happen all the time, the probability of it happening is not high and it belongs to a very small number of people."

Cassia thanked Soda for his answer, and after walking around with them for a while, he found a suitable time to express his intention to go back.

I apologized to Soda for not being able to buy the product, but he said he didn't need to worry so much. He said that business has been bad recently due to the actions of the Three Primary Color Group, and it was also a very happy thing to go shopping with him and Thor at work.

After getting off the building, Thor called Cassia the steam limousine. The time now was around 11 pm, which was not very early. He originally thought that Cassia wanted to go back to the hotel to rest. But when Cassia said she wanted to go to a certain place by car, Thor felt a strange feeling in his heart.

As two people in an employment relationship, Thor has the right to refuse his employer's request and resolutely protect Cassia's safety. If something happens to Cassia tonight, it will not only affect Thor's credibility in protecting the guide, but also the hotel where Cassia stays will be affected by this incident.

But under the premise that Cassia repeatedly emphasized that he was just going over for a look, Thor saw that the atmosphere tonight was really terrifyingly calm, and finally had no choice but to agree to his request.

"Mr. Cassia, if you don't really have to go, I hope you'd better take me with you." Thor said from the car window, "I hope Mr. Cassia, you understand that doing our job of protecting guides is not a good thing." To a large extent, we do not rely on the strength of our guides themselves to protect you, but rely on the deterrent power of the forces to which we guides belong to act as a certain protective umbrella."

"I know about this, thank you for reminding me." Cassia expressed her gratitude. "I still have one of your pistols on me. If you are in danger, take it out. I think the iconic pattern carved on it should be the same." It will have some effect. Please don't worry, I'm just going to have a look and won't do anything else."

Thor could only choose to believe what Cassia said sincerely in front of him.

The limo quickly drove out of the area covered by the lights of several trading buildings. There were only a few limos returning on the road. Now was the time when the night world really began.

The light of the street lamps was always dim. After being away for a long time, Cassia finally saw the groups of moths hitting the street lamps again, and her eyes couldn't help but be blurred on them for a long time.

"Uncle driver, please stop the car. I remembered something urgent." It was estimated that the distance between here and those buildings was almost the same. Cassia withdrew her gaze and handed the driver a thousand-yuan holy coin.


Rox walked to the front left corner of the VIP room, replaced the film machine with a new vinyl record, pressed down the thimble that had a sense of time, and music with a little "sizzling" sound suddenly sounded melodiously from the brass speaker. The ground floated out.

Waving his fingers in the air like a baton, Rox walked to the oak table and sat down, grabbed the wine glass and shook the crystal ice cubes inside, looked at the movement outside the window, and then drank the fragrant wine inside.

"Ask them to prepare camouflage clothes and borrow a few large trucks for transporting goods. Waiting here is not a good idea. The manpower at the base may not be able to arrive as scheduled. Then sit down While we are spending time here, Delya's manpower might come in advance, and then we would have no choice but to hide in the trading building and not be able to get out." After looking at the time, Rox stood up and said, "Pack your things. Let’s leave now.”

Relying on his acquaintances in the trading building, Rox quickly disguised himself as a courier delivering goods and quietly drove out of those buildings.

During this special period recently, Rox, who was used to being reckless, also restrained his temper and did not want to cause big troubles or small-scale exchanges of fire in some avoidable situations. It would be best if he could successfully escape Delya's roundup today by relying on disguise. If not, he wouldn't mind another confrontation with Delya. But now he still wants to take a more stable route. He only spent 50 million not long ago. He will not be able to withstand the financial burden caused by a large number of casualties in the future.

And in the eyes of many insiders, Delya has a gentle and quiet appearance, with a cold surface and no hint of madness. But Rox had been fighting with her for so many years, and there were constant frictions, big and small. He knew that this girl, Delya, was ruthless under her pretty face. If she can't get that slave Lina back tonight, she will most likely use extreme methods to kill Lina, causing Rox's own plan to completely fail because of Lina's death. This is what Rox is doing now. Things to worry about. The fifty million holy coins spent were not pictures printed on printing presses and paper, but real numbers in the golden bank account. He didn't want the last person he brought into the base to be just a corpse.

"No matter what kind of resistance you encounter, you have to send a group of people over here immediately, fast! I don't want to hear your reasons!" Rox hung up the communication with a bang. Before hanging up, the very clear sounds of firefights could still be heard from the receiver. The explosion of artillery and the sound of bullets being fired seemed to be behind the correspondent. On the other side, his men and the blocking personnel that Delya rushed over have been running into each other for some time.

Because of Delya's early ambush, although the number of people who rushed to stop Rox's men was very small, they still relied on the favorable location and ambush to catch them off guard, leaving both sides with a stalemate. At present, no one can catch up.

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