Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2342 The precursor of a heavy rain (9)

Letitia sat up straight, opened the suitcase she caught, checked the weapons in it, and continued her own words, "Nowisas and Stant will go to the Houxiang Continent in the near future. The estimated time is After the second batch of contaminated dragon species has been bred and all awakened members have returned to the passing state, they will go together to strengthen the control of the Far Sea Commonwealth so that the logistics, support and supplies of the war can be fully guaranteed."

"The extreme field surgeons who died in the Far Sea Republic must have stimulated them greatly. The strongest among us and the awakened members became corpses without any recruitment, and the on-site survey and investigation could not find any effective results at all. Information. Until now, the intelligence they obtained is still directing their attention to the unknown extreme field operator in the small countries.

For Nowisas and others, this has become a problem that must be solved. Of course, we will face the same situation in the Flame Alliance. "

Lavia sat aside and said with doubts: "Isn't it the enemy from the small countries in the Hou Xiang Continent? The intelligence said that the enemy in the extreme realm can use the frozen breath of the giant whale and the breath of the dragon at the same time."

"At the beginning, all the intelligence pointed to the enemy you mentioned, including Novisas and I. However, after the intelligence was shared, I asked three people who had gone to Houxiang Continent and actually fought with him. After the subordinates, I got the judgment that maybe they are not the same person. There is a 10% probability that they are not the same person, the probability they gave."

"Probability is not what I'm good at." Lavia said, sitting upright and then lying down, "So the reason for sending the awakening members so early is just for this 10% probability?"

"This is the charm of probability. No one will care about the remaining 90%. Even if the final result is it, as long as the members on the Houxiang Continent are cautious and any actions are carried out in the form of a small team, can avoid most risks, and the enemy is not willing to deal with extremely difficult obstacles continuously. But if it is the ten percent probability...

To make all the high-level combatants on the Houxiang Continent feel scared and put them under tremendous pressure, this was a mental exercise for them. The serious impact is that all actions cannot be carried out. When stress and fear turn into fear of death, the enemy's goal is achieved.

The actions of our senior members are all suspended, while the enemy has a freer range and scale of movement. "

After briefly explaining the relationship, Letitia closed the suitcase, praised "It is indeed an optimized work of art, it will be perfect if it can be further improved", and put it aside on the chair.

"Do you understand the meaning of this ten percent?" she asked Lavia, and after seeing the slow nod, she put on an unworried look, "So, you just need to wait for the time to pass, and Houxiang Dalu will Give us a surprise. The probability is already quite high, and it is my habit to trust my intuition. Nowesas and Stant are also worried about a series of situations that will arise from this 10% probability."

"The second type of life besides Eleanor Kiraandi. At present, we don't have any information about other knight-king class powers. They have been in the dark, except for us, Novisas and Stant. , even the awakened members will feel threatened. The unknown is fear, especially the unknown that can endanger life." Lavia was full of interest, "So, you want to tell me that the trip to the Houxiang Continent should be confirmed as soon as possible ?”

"The state has been stable for less than three weeks, and it will take several more years, and the improvement will be relatively slow. If you go to the Houxiang Continent, there may be opportunities for rapid growth. The premise is that you don't encounter Elinor alone..." Thinking Lavia quickly answered, "Be sure of the time. You will eventually set foot on the Continent of Houxiang. It's just the difference between early and late. But time has almost no effect on me."

This was the answer that Letitia had expected. "It's a week later than Novisas and the others. I'll walk on the bottom of the sea and you'll walk on the sky. In addition, although it won't take long to reach the Houxiang Continent, because of the high altitude in the sky, Through the cooperation between the tower and the Holy Cross Research Institute, transactions with various dragon leaders were carried out smoothly. There are some remaining materials in the transaction, which are used as rations. They will definitely not help your dragon become a knight-king class power, but Stabilizing its status in the extreme field will obviously help.”

"Of course, I hope that there will be a dragon leader of our own within the association. By then, your intimidation will be equal to that of Eleanor Qiraandi."

"If evolution and enhancement of strength can be as simple as you say, you will be a temporary god on the Three-Phase Continent. All rules will be made by you."

"Thank you for your expectation, I will work hard to achieve my goal." Letitia replied with a smile, closed her eyes again and rested.


"It's not without reason that the Avalon Institution can be ranked alongside the top research institutions of the two super countries." On the bare mountain rocks, Perkinz looked at Grote beside him, and finally returned to the snow clouds in the sky. Part, "But it's a little tall. I remember that the skeletons in that cemetery were not this tall."

"You must have remembered it wrong, I think. Macquarie said that this height is the result of Avalon adjusting it as much as possible. Otherwise, according to the original skeleton, a height of more than two meters would be inconsistent with me in history. Increase It takes time to use and assimilate. But even so, without going to the Avalon institution in person, assimilation is still difficult. Without their help, my recovery speed is also very slow."

"Compared to yourself in history, how much have you recovered?"

"Just with the help of this body created and cultivated by the Avalon Institution, it should be slightly inferior to the previous popes of the Theocracy. But with the help of the giant whale group, the result will be improved a lot, but it will only be a little higher. Seen as It's not bad to be even. However, with the weapons you brought, with the goal of dragging the two of them down, the pressure we face is still acceptable. It's a small challenge." Grote looked at the second-generation holy sword in his hand. Full of memories, "As expected, I left it on purpose before. Although I forgot why I kept it, it will definitely be a good thing. The materials are all made of ultimate metal, which is the treatment of the first-generation holy sword."

"...I borrowed it from Cassia, and I have to return it to him." After a moment of silence, and after seeing Grote finish recalling, Perkins spoke slowly.

"...He won't need it for the time being. Tell him to borrow it for a while."

"I brought a communicator, and since you know each other again, it would be better if you opened your mouth. There is still time. He must not be resting, and he is very energetic."



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