Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2312 Coming (Part 2)

"If I were Mr. Komilosi at that time, I would have made the same choice as him. The strength of curiosity has nothing to do with the strength of strength. I would also be unable to bear my own curiosity and interest. , even if the body and senses have already sounded the alarm, through observation, we know the danger of being exposed to the starry sky for a long time. However, compared with the danger, compared with the life span, it will shorten some time, to satisfy curiosity, to pursue the answers to a lot of questions in the head, to know the truth, these The cost is, if not huge.”

"Whether it's human beings or surgeons, life types have changed due to evolution, but after all, humans are still used as templates. Maybe some things have been preserved to some extent."

Monikoloa has already moved downwards at a speed several times that of climbing. At this moment, he has left the starry sky and entered the deep blue realm.

"In a short time, the light of six red stars will be superimposed together. Even if you intend to protect it, all traces of him will completely disappear in this era, except for that rotten shovel like a tombstone. The person who can remember him in the end is not Do you know how many there are? The skeletons of the owners of Ten Thousand Dragon Nests that have been preserved on the Sky Island are piled up in mountains. The bones are all mixed together. There is no difference between which one belongs to which end except relying on strong perception to distinguish. Time passes one more time. Diandian, even if it were his words, the result would be the same."

The New World Tree was silent, and she thought of Perkins, a person who still remembered Kemiloshi and was deeply affected by him.

"Maybe Mr. Komilosi's influence will still exist and exceed our expectations. It's not certain. History will not remember him, but there will be others who will always remember him and pass it on in their own way. Go down. Explorers and adventurers have not completely disappeared until the current era. In every era, no matter the depth of history, there will always be traces of this group of people that have never disappeared."

"I know you're optimistic, but there's no need to comfort me. I've always been in a good mood, I'm just feeling emotional." In just a dozen breaths, Monikoloa had left the deep blue realm and gone to the quiet and clear sky. . As it answered, it jumped away from the World Tree. Its body with folded wings was shaped like a giant cannonball that fell upside down, falling straight down.

The appearance of the fog and clouds began to become clear, and then it spread its wings, glided and slowed down, and flew towards the huge sleeping rock on the island in the sky. On the way, it let out a sharp roar, and not long after, several other dragon voices responded.

When it returned to the huge rock again, the nine-headed dragons, each with a length of more than two hundred meters, and different colors, were already waiting aside.

"According to the plan, we will patrol the specified area from now on. The light of the red star has fallen on the World Tree, and the underground world under the forest must be affected. Once there is a gap, clear it immediately. The range line from the coast to the depths of the Endless Sea has always been They are all areas where gaps in the underground world frequently occur, and the situation will continue to worsen this time.”

"The polluted dragons coming from the left and right phases have a high probability of infecting the underground creatures in the underground world. Increase the frequency of inspections of that area. The young dragons in the islands and lairs in the sky... It’s time to take them out for exercise.”

The nine-headed giant dragon that arrived responded and left. Monikoloa breathed out a powerful breath and then lay down on the rock, assuming a posture that looked extremely comfortable. On the spiritual level, its conversation with the newborn World Tree has not been disconnected and can continue at this time.

"You can rest assured to draw power. When the six red stars come, the remaining will of the ancient historical world tree will be greatly affected, so it is foreseeable to recover some power. White Whale, ancient historical world tree, deep blue field and red star The connection between the two is extremely close, and there is no way to isolate it. You can only rely on yourself to bear the impact that will come later. The help I can provide is very limited."

"In the future, if your will disappears, I will also bear my own responsibility. Although I don't know how long ago it started, it is similar to the giant whale that always remembers many things because of its bloodline."

"You can't let me overgrow and become stronger to replace the remaining will of the ancient historical World Tree, and you can't let me be swallowed up in reverse under the impact of the red star." The new World Tree spoke. It wanted to show doubts, but most of the The words were filled with a declarative tone, "I have thought about various possibilities. This time, I should be able to understand why you have such a responsibility in the past."

Monikoloa laughed sarcastically, "This is not a responsibility, but something that is directly imprinted on the spirit from the moment the bullet shell is broken. Even now, I cannot erase it from the spirit body. It can only be diluted and eliminated to the extent of its impact. During the ancient historical period, other things probably happened, which caused many things to survive to the present through perfectly evolved matter."

"Not only Lake Swetsgård, the gathering place where people will follow their instincts after birth, but also the string of numbers that represent the serial number... I remember what my serial number is..." Mani Kroya closed his eyes and thought, "A very long string of numbers, from the time when he was still in the dragon egg, before it hatched, and even before his spirit was fully formed, it was passed down by the only mother of almost all dragons. , the number one general under the dragon gods in the Age of Gods will always be etched in our minds and cannot be forgotten."

"However, after Lake Sveitska disappeared along with the continental group, this part of the instinctive memory seemed to have lost its function. But after the continental group disappeared, in the second half of the ancient historical period, it probably happened at that time What could have turned the 'responsibility' in your mouth into something like this, which has always affected us now."

"I think it's probably just for balance. But for what purpose..."

Monikoloa's voice disappeared, it stopped thinking and went into rest.

The New World Tree did not answer any more. The condensed light green energy light spheres scattered into a large number of light spots, scattered like falling rain, and disappeared into the branches of the surrounding trees one by one.


Small countries, in peaceful cities.

Perkinz, who was quietly reading a book in his chair, without any warning, gathered all his senses and completely concentrated on his body. Hilary Riley and Lisa Man in the house noticed something unusual the next moment.

Although it was not obvious that something was disappearing around them, the two women, both women, sensed it intuitively at the same time.

After a brief thought, Lisa Man looked at Perkinz, and Hillary asked, "Is it already here?"

Perkinz nodded, "I will maintain my current state for these few hours. During this period, it is best for me not to get involved." He raised his head and glanced at the ceiling, "Some breath, avoiding it is the best choice. "

I’ll make up for yesterday’s chapter tomorrow (Friday). I still don’t have enough time today. Sorry.

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