Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2298 Secrets accumulated in history (Part 2)

"It seems that you know more information than I thought." Perkinz looked at Lisaman, with an expected expression on his face, "Being the land messenger of the giant whale group, the information should also be the same as yours. Let’s share many secrets.”

"Most of them can be viewed in the super analysis machine of the Holy Emperor Hall, and the remaining few can be called secrets. There are a large number of theologians in the Holy Emperor Hall, but they are not so much studying history and everything about gods. , it would be better to say that they, like historians, are keen on going underground, digging and discovering various sites and records that have been buried underground by history."

"I have been in contact with several historians, and they all said the same thing - exploring this matter will make people more and more like it and be full of uncontrollable interest." Li Suman said in a completely cold tone. She didn't have much interest in it, or even any expectations. She just wanted to know the follow-up as soon as possible.

Pekinz rarely showed a happy look on his face, "Then the historians of the Saint Dorag Empire you have contacted really like to study history. This sentence is also widely known in the field of exploration, and in the entire Three Phases Continents, including island communities, are also suitable for any adventure team and historical researchers. When you explore a doubt point and discover a certain truth, you will immediately realize that behind them, there are more secrets hidden in the darkness. among."

"In fact, this will make the explorers feel lost. More and more secrets appear without clues. But it also makes the explorers more excited. Not only are they indeed taking another step towards the truth, but it is also the only way to be full of mysteries. The truth is worth their efforts and adventurous exploration! Everyone likes that the exploration work they are doing involves a broad aspect, because the sense of accomplishment with every step taken and every step closer is far more powerful than stimulants. Things that are strong and don’t know how many times they are.”

"Komilosi Kaloska is such a person who is deeply involved in it, and I have completely followed his footsteps in this regard. Cooperating with the New World Tree thousands of years ago, even if it is risky, I still want to Let yourself come a thousand years later, use your own eyes to truly see the red star, and seek the opportunities therein, that’s why.”

The speed of speech was slowed down by Perkinz. Telling others what he wanted to do and was doing always made the person explaining it full of power and easily immersed in it. However, he still walked out quickly afterwards and continued what he had left unfinished.

"When he actually came to the Later Phase Continent, Kemilosi first traveled throughout the Theocracy, to virgin forests, to uninhabited mountains, and with the power of the Knight King class, he excavated ancient ruins under the rock formations. Even for this," Pei Jinz changed his seriousness and became yearning. Here he also laughed and sighed, "Even for this reason, he even made a shovel-like weapon made of ultimate metal suitable for digging, specially used for digging rock formations. You guys You can imagine a picture - a strong man holding a big shovel, and every time he shovels, a large piece of rock evaporates."

"In terms of efficiency, Kemiloshi alone can be worth dozens of professional excavation teams."

"Of course, I ran into the magma of an active volcano to retrieve fossils from ancient ruins; relying on my own strength, I ran to the dragon's nest to observe the strange writings that still survived; I took a big shovel alone and jumped from the entrance to the underground world. He crawled out again after a few months. He even explored an underground world and eliminated most of the powerful underground creatures in that world, etc. He also did many such things."

"In short, it is an enviable and longing for freedom."

Hearing this, Hilary Riley and Li Suman also showed emotional smiles, "Kemisiel may not be so lucky because he could not wait for the arrival of the six red stars. But he is very lucky. Such freedom, in the Theocracy There will be no physical contact with the Natural Society and the Third General."

"So, every era is correct." Peckinz said, continuing what he just said, "In a few years, he has completed the Theocracy. To know the second type of life of a knight king, he relies on his feet. The speed is the upper limit on land. After that, he went to the Nature Association by himself. It took him a few years to complete the Nature Association by himself. Of course, many unpleasant things happened in the process. After all, his identity But it’s another knight-king class power of the Theocracy.”

"However, all the unpleasant things finally subsided under that big shovel, so that there was no movement at all."

The three people in the room laughed together as if discussing.

"This is very consistent with the way the second type of life of the Knight King class is handled." Hilary commented.

"The long-distance trip of the Nature Association brought him huge gains. It was also the main reason why he discovered the clues and decided to go to Houxiang Continent. You know that the direction in which the World Tree collapsed in ancient history was the direction of the Nature Association. Under the territory of the Nature Association, which advocates nature and conducts detailed research on second-class creatures, many fragments of ancient historical world trees have been left behind."

"Through excavation and exploration, Kemiloshi gained a lot from the Nature Association. In his autobiography, he also explained this in detail. And, in some aspects, he is actually similar to Cassia."

"Illusion!" Lisuman interjected and gave a positive answer.

Perkinz smiled and continued, "Perhaps the number of times and triggering methods are different from Cassia's, but there is indeed a description of this in the self-report. Komichir is a knight-king class, and there are no records about him except Apart from the results of the exploration, there is nothing else. But many descriptions and clues indicate that..." He looked at Hilarelli, "Komi Hill's evolutionary route should be the direction of perception. After becoming the second type of life, , as the most powerful and widely used sense, has been greatly enhanced and evolved to the point where illusions can be seen.”

"And later, with the help of what he gained in the Theocracy and the Nature Association, and after communicating with some dragons on the left and right continents, Kemihir finally set his ultimate goal on the New World Tree. .”

Taking a deep breath, Perkins spoke in a serious tone about Cormichill's autobiography of this journey——

",,,The last barrier of the Deep Blue Realm needs to be broken through other methods. This method does not exist on the left and right continents, so it requires a longer journey..."

",,,I have a guess. After going to Houxiang Continent this time, I should be able to draw a conclusion. According to the records in ancient historical sites, there is a high probability that the world tree cultivated by dead gods can be broken The barrier of the deep blue realm. As long as the new world tree does not stop it, and the creatures that may exist there do not stop it, I can rely on the world tree to climb up and finally climb out of the deep blue realm!"

"However, in the face of the conjecture that is about to be confirmed, I also have deep doubts. Is the World Tree really just to stabilize the continental group in ancient history?"

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