Steel steam and flame

Chapter 239 Contact

Ten minutes later, several different limo cars arrived with a roaring sound. But except for the two corpses in the room and the messy ground behind the house, nothing was left.

"Continue to pursue! Call all the people nearby who can be sent over. Others who are far away, as long as they don't have important things at hand, have to rush over for me. Do you hear me!" The person on the other side of the microphone is angry. He yelled, "Also, tell the people in the defense team about this and ask them to look for it too. Don't let them run away!"


Before the person on this side could reply, the other side had already hung up the communication.

The people next to the communicator glanced at each other, and then looked at the unrecognizable hall, with nothing but helplessness on their faces.


It was not yet late at night, the roads were crowded with vehicles, and the sound of horns had not stopped since Keshan drove the car onto this road.

The streetlights are very bright, and after filtering through the car window glass, they can also illuminate a rough outline of the scene inside the car. Keshan was watching the car carefully from the driver's seat in front. She held the steering wheel tightly, and while her eyes were observing the road conditions ahead, she was also looking at the situation around her. The crowded traffic and slow speed made her calm heart feel restless.

Behind the car were Taranto and the others.

Cassia was lying on the limo seat, with his head resting on Doris's legs. His face was calm but white, and his breathing was slow, but his feeling of being as peaceful as a corpse showed that his state at this moment was not Not very good. The heartbeat is very weak and may stop at any time.

Doris was gently rubbing his swollen temples, hoping that the pain in him would be alleviated.

Keshan originally wanted to find a hospital as soon as possible so that Cassia could receive simple emergency first aid. But the unusual atmosphere she felt in front of a hospital, as well as the increase in disguised personnel, she already knew that the matter was exposed.

Now they were driving in the other direction of Oria, completely away from the house they escaped from. I don’t know how long ago checkpoints were set up on the main roads for more stringent inspections. After Keshan finally squeezed out of the crowded vehicle and saw the inspectors in front of her, she could only naturally turn off all the lights on the car, then drove the car to a side road and drove towards a city and suburbs. transition area.

But she was still afraid of exposing her whereabouts, so Keshan stopped the limousine halfway and decorated the car with black soil from the roadside, at least making it no longer look so eye-catching.

Nearing late at night, I finally found a simple travel hotel and asked for a rather large room there. Keshan carefully avoided the eyes of the hotel owner and the customers, and moved Cassia and Taranto in.

After going out for a while and buying simple medical supplies in several stores, Keshan quickly implanted twenty-four suppressor tubes back into Cassia's body, and also briefly treated some small wounds on her body. Seeing that Cassia's condition improved a lot after that, Keshan and Doris beside them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The only thing left is to wait." Keshan said sitting on a chair nearby and sighed heavily. There was a dim lamp above her head, and the light was very dim, casting a large shadow on her face. In order to save costs, the travel hotel owner saved everything he could. Even the curtains were temporarily made by Keshan using a bed sheet.

No one spoke in the light, except what Keshan said just now.

Taranto has been handling the communication machine with one hand, adjusting its parameters to ensure that it can be used immediately when Cassia wakes up.

Doris was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at Cassia. Her eyes were always red. She had too much to say and didn't know how to speak, and the person in front of her couldn't hear her voice.

The three of them were still sleepy and sat in their respective positions for a long time, thinking about things.

Then, Doris and Taranto fell asleep one after another due to physical reasons. Keshan persisted for a long time. This was not a safe place, and someone needed to keep watch. But she was not in a good condition and finally closed her eyes in the early morning. This time the rest was very heavy, and Keshan felt as if her head suddenly fell into a mud pit in the swamp and could no longer be lifted up.

More than half an hour had passed when she woke up. Keshan's body felt like someone was staring at her. It was a very dangerous feeling. Although there was no hostility in the gaze.

"Keshan..." Cassia's throat became completely hoarse.

"Alas!" Keshan exhaled a long breath, and finally a feeling of relief appeared on her tired and serious face.

"You're awake, monster with amazing resilience." Not knowing what to say, Keshan thought for a long time before saying this.

"It's a monster," Cassia replied, and her chapped lips made the smile turn into a rather painful thing. "But now is not the time to talk about this. I shouldn't have slept for long, right?"

"It won't be until midnight." Keshan walked over and said, getting a glass of warm water for Cassia, "It's morning time now."

"Can you wake up Taranto? Now we need him to contact someone for help. We have to leave Oria as soon as possible. It's too dangerous here."

"Alone?" Keshan asked, helping Cassia to drink water. He now didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

"Yes, I'm alone. I'm not a loner." After Cassia drank the water, her throat felt better and her voice no longer felt tearful.


There was electronic noise of waiting coming from the communicator. This was already the third person to transfer the call, and the final call had to be approved by his coach. Although I learned from the first person's staff that the school's ban on going out had been lifted, applying for communication with a student inside was too restrictive.

"Hey, I'm Bei." The electronic noise finally disappeared, and a familiar voice came from the microphone, "Cassia?"

"It's me, coach." Cassia replied weakly, "I want to find Ye Jielin, please coach."

"Okay," Bolei said from the other side, "What happened over there? Your situation seems not to be good?"

Cassia smiled, but no laughter passed through, "It's been solved, don't worry, coach. You'll be back in a few days."

"It's okay, otherwise a bunch of people will be in big trouble." Bolei sighed, and then there was a clear report from the other side, and the person Cassia was looking for had already arrived.

"Is there any trouble? I still have some family authority. If it doesn't work, I can ask Atuohuan to help." Ye Jielin said unceremoniously.

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