Steel steam and flame

Chapter 225 Surgery (Part 1)

Blood gushes out and runs down the skin.

The whole process is very simple. The inhibitory tube, which is also a dragon tissue, does not have much integration with the body. It can be said that there is almost no integration. Just determine the location, use a sharp knife to cut the surface of the skin, use a gentle force when taking it out, and carefully avoid the internal organs and blood vessels.

On the way, Savina returned to the kitchen and got a box full of ice cubes. She simply wrapped the taken-out suppression tube stained with blood and assembly liquid with plastic wrap and froze it inside. I don’t know what the principle of the suppression tube is, but low temperature can prolong the freshness of most things. This principle can be implemented in many cases.

The amount of bleeding was not as high as Cassia imagined. The dissection technique of the woman in front of her was extremely skillful, even though the dissected body was his.

Savina used hemostatic cotton to compress the open wound in front of her to initially stop the bleeding. In fact, this step can be completely omitted. As the operator's body, the automatic healing and hemostasis functions also increase simultaneously with the advancement of the surgical stage. This kind of wound does not hurt the root, only the epidermal capillaries rupture and bleed. If left alone, it will automatically stop bleeding in a short time and gradually heal.

But Savina seemed to enjoy the dissection process, and there were people watching at any time. Although so far, the people watching have not frowned, nor said a word, neither praise nor blame. The conditioned nerve reflex that occasionally appears on his face is probably his biggest body movement at the moment.

There was no rush in her movements at all, there was much more that Savina wanted to do. Simple removal of the suppressor tube does not require any great skill. Because the current stage of surgery does not allow the inhibitory tube to grow dendritic ganglia, its connection with the internal organs and muscle tissue in the body is simply promoted to secrete certain substances, in order to achieve the goal of inhibiting the increasing assimilation and fusion in the body. It’s just the effect of a quasi-organization.

Taking out the fourth suppression tube, Savina carefully picked it up with tweezers, which was not much thicker than her thumb. She wrapped it in the plastic wrap she found when she brought it in, and then placed it on the long table in the room. The box is kept frozen inside.

There was more than half a bottle of strong wine used for disinfection, and at this time, Savina didn't mind it and drank most of the rest. She seems to be in a good mood now and her interest is very strong, but she has no intention of taking action again.

"Remove the inhibitory tube, and it will take some time for the dragon tissue in the body to respond. It's like catching a cold, but the time before the germs invade your body is before that." Savina did not avoid Cassia at all. Looking at the eyes, he said with a smile, "I really want to see what it will be like after all the inhibitory tubes in your body are removed. The dragon-like tissues in the body crazily eat up body nutrients to the point of withering. It is said that if it is controlled properly, this time can Extended to a few days, or even more than a month. Of course, if you want to hurry up, within an hour or two, or within a few minutes, the body can also die from internal wear and tear due to the withering state of devouring each other."

Using the remaining half of the wine to rinse away all the blood that had not yet condensed on the sharp knife, Savina put the sharp knife back on the silver dinner plate and rested it.

"It will take some time to see how your condition changes, so you don't have to worry that you will die immediately. You still have a few days to survive safely. It's just that the process is not going well." Savina also took off her rubber gloves. Put it down and put it aside, "I once saw the record of the withering experiment in school. A living and healthy person was eventually devoured and consumed internally, so that not even the bones were left, only a piece of brain tissue that still retained consciousness. And the dragon organization will definitely win in the devouring battle."

"Did you know that in fact, most of the dragon tissues implanted in our bodies have something called 'consciousness'. It is a thing that cannot be explained clearly. So far, I still don't understand what it actually means. I I think except for the group of scientists in related fields in Avalon, everyone else is half-informed." She looked at Cassia's face again, "You are still in the surgical stage. Getting started. No, it may not even be called getting started. Depending on the growth status of your inhibitory tube, you may be just a simple surgery recipient now. You only need to lie on the operating table, and then be injected with tubes of various types. With the medicine, you close your eyes and pretend to be asleep, and then you become a surgeon in their mouths. The body's various abilities, from the most basic strength, speed and reaction, to the degree of resistance to various environments, injury healing Ability, and ultimately to a brain with increasingly powerful computing power, these are the most basic improvements, which are the most basic effects of surgery."

"But I don't think you think this is all about the surgery, right?" Savina smiled, looking at Cassia's calm face and continued, "So, in terms of your current state, do you think the surgery is all about it?" You still know nothing about it. The concept of surgery in your mind is just surgery, and its function is only to improve strength, speed and reaction. Maybe you have thought about it, in the empire, although the surgeon's The number of groups is not large, but based on the population of the empire, the so-called surgeons are actually a huge group. That is not to mention the half-skilled surgeons in the dark world, who have completely become inferior products produced on the assembly line. The reason why there are not many surgeons around is also because in the real life of the empire, so many surgeons are not needed to handle things. Do you know where these huge numbers of surgeons have gone?"

Cassia looked at Savina with a smile on her face and said nothing.

"I think you should have heard of extreme climates. As human beings, the huge power of nature is what we have been fighting against. The areas ruled by these climates are where the surgeons need to fight. High Danger has always meant high rewards, and there are many exciting things in it. Of course, this is only one of them. The other place is the battlefield, where the death of the surgeon is almost the same as the death of ordinary people, completely like a meat grinder. existence. But that is also the place where you can grow best as a surgeon. After all, there are not only us humans on the battlefield, but also other things. Various weapons and steam machinery are even different from those in our real life. "

There was some sighing, but Savina only said this, and the words no longer extended further, "This is only part of it. The huge amount of information in the empire cannot be understood in a short time. Surgery Giving us a longer life span may have some meaning in it.”

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