Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 793 9:30

"Definitely, absolutely, one hundred percent"

"These are words only used by unskilled doctors or medical fraudsters to treat patients and their families, Comrade Leader."

"There is never one hundred percent and absolute in medicine! A small cold or even a food allergy may kill a person, not to mention this is a war. Human beings are such fragile creatures! But fragile humans can create A terrifying weapon that can kill you hundreds of times with even one ten thousandth of its power sounds ironic, right?”

"But the fact is that humans have always been the most self-destructive creatures, always!"

"There are no absolutes and guarantees from me, but I can say that I will do my best at any time! Whether it is when I am operating on you, or when I am saving those ordinary Red Army soldiers, or whether it is now to help the basic... Lear Diagnosis.”

The silent ones were not only Malashenko, who was touched by his words, but also Karachev himself, who felt that what he said might be a bit too much.

It wasn’t just the silence that lasted for a few seconds. The first person to break the silence was Malashenko.

"Sorry, I was too anxious, Karachev. Forget about it, I don't mean to blame you, I hope you can understand me."

He was obviously surprised to hear Malashenko say such words, but Karachev, whose expression quickly returned to normal, replied in a normal tone.

"Me too, comrade leader. I'm very sorry for this, very sorry! I always do this when I hear others question my ability and my job. I offended many classmates in college because of this. They all said that I came from Russia. A medical monster. Only my mentor can understand me and always comfort me and tell me that such an attitude is valuable and that I should continue to do so."

Kalachev obviously has a tendency to talk a lot, but in fact he only does this in front of Malashenko. During his daily work, Kalachev is a person who talks less and does more. Apart from daily work communication, he hardly interacts with others. There was no other daily communication, he had said to Malashenko before.

Although Kalachev himself is not very clear about this, Malashenko understands that this is a state that only people who are lonely in their hearts and choose to close their hearts to protect themselves can see this based on Kalachev's growth experience. Not surprising at all.

Only in front of someone who can make him feel safe to open up his heart and reveal his secrets, such a closed-minded person will reveal his other side, or the true personality that has been hidden in his heart. Malashenko knows very well that he has a deep understanding of Karachi. For husbands, this is the existence of such a trustworthy person.

Having said this, Malashenko also had a rough expectation of Kirill's next specific situation. The professional medical skills and meticulous attitude that Karachev has shown so far are indeed worthy of Malashenko. Give it your trust.

After a brief dispute, Kirill, who was a bystander, had obviously improved a lot and was even able to stand up again without support. This situation naturally strengthened Malashenko's trust and judgment in his heart.

After instructing Iushkin and Seryosha to continue to take more care of Kirill, Malashenko, who didn't even notice the tank hat hanging on his head and didn't take it seriously, then turned away and prepared to do some work. one thing.

At this moment, Malashenko is still wearing a hospital gown that he hasn't had time to change into, and he is wearing a tank hat with a tilt on his head. Don't mention how awkward he looks. It's like he's in a mental hospital with epilepsy and mouth. The lunatic who shouted "I am the commander of the Red Army Guards Tank Regiment and a tank hero!" ran out from the collapsed wall and caused chaos in society and frightened the people.

Although Malashenko didn’t shout that, he also didn’t go crazy wearing a hospital gown.

If he really shouted like this, he would probably frighten the surrounding soldiers into silence.

Malashenko, who kept passing corpses of various postures and uniforms from the two armies under his feet, quickly found the person he was looking for.

As usual, Lavrinenko was commanding the troops to assemble and prepare to wait for the next order from the regiment leader. Cleaning the battlefield was something that the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment generally did not bother to do. What's more, after having the Bobosha submachine gun, there is no need to pick up those self-defense weapons with mediocre performance from the corpses of Germans.

"How is it? What are the losses of the troops?"

Lavrinenko, who had just gathered his troops together before he had time to take a breath, turned around, reached out and patted the two dusty black leather gloves in his hands, and then spoke quietly.

"Those Germans were probably beaten stupid! We lost 9 tanks in this battle. Three of them were T34s whose tracks were broken and they abandoned the vehicle in time to escape. Karamov has already taken people to repair it. It is expected to be repaired soon. We can start moving again. But two more heavy tanks were lost. In one, all the people inside were killed, and in the other, even the turret flew more than 20 meters away. "

"What do you think? I think this result is a bit unbelievable. How stupid are those Germans to be beaten like this by us? At first, I thought we would suffer more than half of the casualties like the last battle at the tractor factory. This is simply a Miracle!"

Another heavy tank that had not yet been replenished was completely lost. This was indeed a bit distressing for Malashenko.

But while feeling a little entangled in his heart, he turned around and looked at the wreckage of more than 30 German tanks, which accounted for the majority and were burning and smoking. At least the victory-loss ratio of 9:30 still made Maratha Shenke felt a lot more relieved.

"Actually, I think our losses are a bit too high. If the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment was still in full strength and every crew had a radio station instead of using it on their own, our casualties might have been much smaller! This battle itself is our tactical advantage, and it is not surprising that it can be fought like this. When the T34 group rushed to the butts of those Germans, they were already destined to face such a defeat. "

After hearing this, Lavrinenko looked at each other and smiled with Malashenko, who seemed to have an unusual understanding of each other. He shook his head. The two people who have compatible personalities, know each other well, and are almost completely consistent can form a pair. This is very important to Lavrinenko. It's simply a wonderful thing to say.

"You are probably the only one in the entire Red Army tank unit who can say this. With a battle loss ratio of more than 9:30, if it were placed in other tank units, it would be directly reported to the front army headquarters for credit. But you are still mumbling here with a dissatisfied look on your face, it’s really your fault!”

Lavrinenko, who lightly punched Malashenko on the shoulder with a joking look on his face, was about to say something more. Unexpectedly, a figure running towards him forcefully interrupted him before he could say anything. And arrived.

"You must be Comrade Malashenko! Haha, you are the great savior of our regiment! Comrade Leader!"

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