Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 781 Stalingrad veteran driver

Malashenko's complaints were purely blind and random. At this moment, an unprecedented super air battle was breaking out over the heavy industrial zone in the north of Stalingrad.

The first wave of Soviet fighter jets that rushed over after receiving the news of the German air raid almost pushed the throttle valve full all the way and risked a crash if the engine cooling water boiled.

This first wave of Soviet fighter jets rushed in from three different patrol airspaces for support. In addition to the latest mass-produced La-5 fighter jets, there were also some MiGs that had not been completely consumed in previous battles. 3 fighter jets, the total number is only a pitiful number of 18.

In terms of overall fighter quality alone, the Soviet army is far inferior to the entire BF109F4 German escort fighter group.

The principle of the barrel effect is well known to the world. What determines how much water a barrel can hold is not the height of the longest board, but the length of the shortest board that is crucial. When placed in a large building that requires tacit cooperation, The same is true in large-scale air combat.

MiG-3s, which accounted for more than half of the total number, lowered the overall combat strength of the Soviet fighter force that came to intercept. According to the past combat style of the Luftwaffe veterans, these MiG-3s with poor low-altitude performance will definitely become priority targets. The target, La5, who has stronger performance, first uses the energy advantage of occupying height to fly the kite.

After the MiG-3s are almost wiped out with the high-speed penetration and one-shot breakaway tactics, we can then deal with the remaining La-5 fighters. We will be able to fight with ease without any unnecessary interference. We can fight like this. Why not fight against the wind?

Seeing the Soviet fighter planes below, they pounced directly on the bombers that were licking the ground frantically at low altitude. The German fighter groups, which naturally believed that the Soviets had taken the bait, separated most of their forces and swooped down.

The huge backward thrust caused by the high-speed dive pressed the German pilot firmly on the seat. The joystick tightly held in his hand controlled the BF109F4, which had not very good high-speed directivity, and aimed it at the target. A battle between volley and counter-volley. The fierce air battle began.

To say that Malashenko, who has experienced many narrow escapes on the battlefield, is really courageous.

Less than half a minute after the bombing above his head stopped, the courageous Malashenko was already like a mouse waking up after hibernation, quietly sticking his head out of the entrance of the air-raid shelter and looking up into the sky. , tracer barrages scattered in all directions, and several fighter planes, unknown whether they were the enemy or mine, were burning and falling downwards in the sky at the same time. Such a fierce air battle scene was really rare in the sky above Stalingrad where the air raids had gradually subsided for many days. See.

"Damn it, are you risking your life? What on earth are you doing today with such a big show?"

Complaints were made, and Malashenko, who did his leg work without missing a beat, ran out of the air-raid shelter as quickly as possible, carrying a Bobosha charge temporarily requisitioned from a Red Army soldier. The gun, the look of wearing a hospital gown and carrying a bobosa in his hand is ridiculous.

Malashenko clearly remembered that the rest and recuperation station of the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment under his command was less than a kilometer away from the field hospital, and was on temporary standby for rest and recuperation in a small playground a street away.

The distance of one kilometer can be said to be long or short. If you are driving, it is basically as long as you step on the accelerator and release it.

But Malashenko is currently walking on the No. 11 bus, and there are those fierce and crackling air battles above his head, and the barrage of ground anti-aircraft artillery fire that is roaring with full force, plus those dumplings. The fighter planes that kept falling down, whether they were the enemy or mine, crashed to the ground and exploded.

People who have not experienced it personally can never imagine how refreshing it is to run wildly through the deserted ruined streets with your ears almost exploding.

"Gan, don't be beaten to death on the street! If you really want to die here, the only one with a fucking nose will be killed!"

Malashenko, who kept mumbling while running wildly, finally made a surprising discovery after running forward for more than 300 meters.

A Gas Jeep rushed out of the corner of the street at high speed, running rampant and unreasonable like a drunken man.

The large number of ruins left by the air raids scattered on the streets cannot stop this car's extremely coquettish movement. If the experienced driver who drives this car is left in the future, he will definitely compete with Akinayama and Fujiwara Takumi's AE86!

What surprised Malashenko the most was that the pretentious little red flag hanging on the front hood of the car was printed with the emblem of the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment designed by him. Emblem: A white bear's head that has chewed up the Iron Cross.

"Damn it! Who is driving this!? Comrade Political Commissar? No, how can he drive with only one arm? Who the hell is this? Why didn't I know that I had such a coquettish old driver under me before!?"

Just when Malashenko, who was temporarily hiding with his back against the ruins, was wondering, the GAZ Jeep, which had already locked his position, accurately stepped on the brakes next to the ruins, and stopped the car with a precise dragon tail drift. The front of the car was swung 180 degrees, pointing in the direction it came from, so that it could be easily driven away at any time when the driver stepped on the accelerator.

Such magical driving skills simply stunned our group leader and comrade.

Before Malashenko could react, the car door that was kicked open already told Malashenko the identity of the veteran driver. This person was the captain and commander of the field maintenance battalion under Malashenko. The 1st Guards heavy tank broke through Karamov, the commander-in-chief of the regiment.

"Gan! Why the hell did this guy drive here to pick me up? Wait, why is he so good at driving? When did he learn this???"

Not wanting Malashenko's head to be filled with question marks, Karamov opened the car door with his kick, but on the contrary, he looked anxious.

"Comrade leader, get in the car quickly! There's no time to talk anymore, hurry up!"

Malashenko, who was only shocked for a moment, reacted very quickly. After Karamov's reminder, he immediately picked up the Bobosha at hand and jumped into the front passenger seat without saying a word.

With a full kick of the accelerator, it suddenly started to rise again. Malashenko, who still had many questions in his mind, immediately asked questions.

"How is the situation in the regiment? Are the political commissar and deputy regimental commander comrades okay? What are the troops doing now!?"

Malashenko fired off a lot of questions, but Karamov always needed to answer them one by one.

"Everything is going well in the regiment, comrade leader. Comrades the political commissar and deputy regiment commander have already started to mobilize troops in an emergency. Our regiment has received orders and is ready to rush to the direction of critical situations at any time. Those German planes did not see through our air defense. They all went to bomb factory areas and important targets in disguise, and basically no bombs landed on our regiment’s head.”

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