Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 773 The Butcher and the Pig

Colonel Adam's expression first became absent-minded, then thoughtful, and then continued to turn slightly displeased.

All expression changes are completed in just ten seconds.

A veteran in his forties noticed Colonel Adam's displeasure, and boldly raised his hand to signal to Colonel Adam that he wanted to speak.

Colonel Adam, who was attracted by the raising of his hand, cast his eyes towards the veteran. He could clearly see that this was a veteran who had lost three fingers on his left hand. The scarlet bandage on the broken finger had obviously not been replaced for some time. .

Colonel Adam, with a hint of sympathy in his eyes, nodded slightly, indicating that the polite but timid veteran could speak.

The veteran who received a clear reply signal from Colonel Adam did not answer directly. Instead, he tilted his head and thought for a moment before speaking slowly.

"Mr. Colonel, I can prove to you that what the three of them just said is all true. I like reading newspapers and have the habit of reading our army newspapers every day. I read in the newspapers that those Russians have no power. , this city is almost ours now, and the remaining stubborn resistance will soon be completely wiped out by the heroic imperial soldiers. "

"This is a joke, the funniest joke I have heard this year, Mr. Colonel. We are still laughing at those Russians until now, saying that they organized workers and farmers to attack us with work tools and farm tools. You Don’t you think this is ironic?”

"In this devil-like city, what we fear most is night fighting. During the day, we can still capture some neighborhoods with the help of aircraft and tanks, but at night, these iron guys are of no use."

"Those Russians launched a fierce attack on us under the moonlight, driving us out of the streets we had just captured during the day. Sometimes even the tanks would be captured by them because they were confused about the situation. I do not question what our superiors told us. There will definitely be news of victory, but I’m worried that even if we can capture this city, it may take us longer than Christmas or even longer.”

Colonel Adam wanted to give the wounded veteran in his forties some heart-warming answer that would boost morale.

But before Colonel Adam could speak out the answer he had just prepared, voices of agreement rang out almost in unison in the casualty reception hall, which had just been audible.

"He's right, Colonel! Those Russians are simply devils. They are servants of Satan. They climbed up from hell to hunt us! Stalingrad is a slaughterhouse, and the Russians are holding Sharpened butcher’s knives, and we are just live pigs being transported into the city by the truckload!”

"Yes, that's it. I have dug several pits to bury people. I buried all three of Konis's brothers with my own hands."

"I want to go home. I want to spend Christmas with my mother. I promised her that I will go back this year."

"Colonel! When can we capture this city? I don't believe those bullshit newspapers and loudspeakers. They are all lies and nonsense. Come and tell us the truth!"

Before coming to the field hospital, Paulus had calmed down and regained his energy to command the battle. Before leaving, Paulus specifically told Colonel Adam to try his best to cheer everyone up in the hospital and restore their morale. Once these injured veterans return to the army, they will become a key force that can drive the overall combat effectiveness of the army, so their importance is placed first.

Colonel Adam promised Paulus that he would definitely find a way to do it. In fact, Colonel Adam did not lie. The ultimate purpose of his trip to the hospital was to cheer everyone up and boost morale.

But right now, Colonel Adam felt like a weirdo among the vast crowd.

Everyone is complaining about the brutality and terror of the Russians, and complaining that this damn city is as terrifying as the devil.

Colonel Adam suddenly felt that nothing he said now was of any use. The power of one person was not enough to change a group of people.

What's more, those who fought and died with the Russians on the front line were these wounded veterans who were lucky enough to save their lives, not me who sat in the office and circled around Paulus all day long.

When it comes to understanding the battlefield and the Russians, I am nothing compared to these wounded veterans who have the most say. I am not qualified to reprimand and educate these veterans who have shed blood on how to fight.

After all, Colonel Adam failed to complete the task entrusted to him by Paulus. He felt that his strength was simply too small in front of the unanimous voice of the wounded in the entire hospital, just like a small broken ship drifting with the current in the vast Atlantic Ocean. No matter how high-sounding lies he told or what unrealistic promises he made in front of the wounded, it was of no use.

Colonel Adam, who was silent along the way, returned to the convoy with his entourage and guards. He stayed in the hospital for less than an hour, which made the driver who mistakenly thought it would take several hours and was waiting boredly. He looked surprised and didn't even notice that the cigarette butt in his hand was almost burning on his fingers.

"Where are we going now? Colonel."

Colonel Adam closed the car door smoothly. This trip to the hospital could be said to have really mixed feelings in his heart at the moment.

"Go back to the headquarters. I have something very important to report to Commander Paulus in person. Drive faster."

"Okay, Colonel."

Colonel Adam quickly returned to the army headquarters in almost half the time he had arrived. What awaited him was Paulus' long, pale face that looked as if he hadn't slept in a month.

"You're back, Adam, tell me what you went through in the hospital? What's morale like now?"

Colonel Adam looked silent and didn't even know how to describe it to Paulus. He thought about it for a long time before speaking to Paulus in a way he thought was more appropriate.

"It's terrible, Commander Paulus. You could even say everything is terrible."

"I forced myself more than once to carry out your orders, but it was in vain. The whole hospital was shouting about how terrible the Russians were and what a hell Stalingrad was."

"The morale of everyone, even the doctors and nurses, is very low. Most people feel that this Christmas may have to be spent in ruins amidst the greetings of Russian guns and guns."

"I just thought about deceiving you and describing the tampering with words that would make you feel comfortable, but it's really useless, Commander Paulus. You and I both know that the newspapers are full of lies. , now even the soldiers don’t want to believe it.”

Unexpectedly, Paulus did not get angry like he did when he lost Mamayev Hill. He just sat on the chair and said nothing like a flat tire that had been flattened and could not burst a second time. His eyes were cloudy and bloodshot, and he seemed to be thinking about something that Colonel Adam didn't know.

"But at least, we still have to complete the task assigned to us by the head of state, and we must complete it, right?"

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