Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 771 Hell Hospital (Part 1)

Malashenko was not the only one who said, "It fucking hurts." The chief adjutant, Colonel Adam, who followed Paulus's order and went to the field hospital for condolences and inspection, had almost the same mood.

The recent battles have completely overturned Colonel Adam's previous optimism.

Originally, he thought that even if Stalingrad No. 1 Railway Station could not be defeated, but with the heart-level strategic location of Mamayev Hills in hand, victory would definitely belong to his side! At best, they can just leave the train station alone and wait until the troops in other surrounding blocks have finished dealing with the Russians at hand before returning to the division to surround the train station.

No matter how you say it, this is an absolute victory for a group of people who can only win but not lose.

But when the news came that Mamayev Hill had completely turned into a Russian hilltop in less than two hours, Colonel Adam, who was making coffee for Paulus, felt as if half of the sky had suddenly collapsed. The remaining half was hanging there and there was no telling when it would suddenly fall, smashing the brains of the entire Sixth Army into a pile of flesh and blood.

Paulus, who had always been elegant and easy-going, completely exploded this time, just like an extinct volcano that had been dormant for ten million years suddenly resurrected and burst out with fiery core energy of the earth. Even the picture that Paulus usually cherished very much. The luxurious solid wood desk was kicked over and lay on the ground.

"Stupid pig! A group of sinners in the empire are all stupid pigs!"

"The hill was lost in less than two hours. What was this good-for-nothing Hauns doing in the command post!? Is he playing poker? Ah!? With his group of stupid pig-like subordinates!? "

The reporting adjutant, who was pinched by the collar by Paulus like an eagle catching a chicken, was almost frightened by the maddening roar. Colonel Adam, who was only a few steps away and accidentally dropped his coffee cup to the ground, could see clearly that Paulus's wide eyes were bloodshot and so red that they could kill someone!

"Colonel Hounshouns committed suicide, Commander Paulus. After sending a telegram to Army Group Headquarters, he committed suicide! His chief of staff reported that the bullet shattered his head through the jaw, without even a last word. , only asking his chief of staff to help take care of his wife and children. "


Paulus, who suddenly had a question mark in his eyes, really didn't expect that Haines would commit suicide!

According to the original plan, Paulus planned to issue his promotion application to Berlin at the beginning of next month. Haines was already ready to enter the general door.

This Houns' style is rigid and sticks to the rules, and he fights by the rules without any highlights. Compared with a talented general like Rommel who likes to play cards out of routine, he is as mediocre as a blank sheet of paper.

But it is precisely because this Houns leads the troops in a battle with great precision and never loses control of the battle situation and troops due to emergencies on the battlefield. He executes orders absolutely to the end without any compromise.

Paulus just left his division with some scattered small troops on the Mamayev Hills, and also equipped them with additional technical equipment that was twice as much as the regular fully equipped state.

Paulus once thought that a mature and steady man like Hauns was most suitable for defensive warfare. Those Russians would definitely meet with a bloody blow in front of this taciturn and somewhat withdrawn guy.

But the final fact turned out to be exactly the opposite. The huge irony of reality made Paulus wish he could resurrect Haines and then execute him more than a dozen times with his own hands! This idiot who lost everything in less than two hours has completely embarrassed himself!

"I have never seen Paulus look like this! First he erupted like a resurrected volcano, and then after hearing the news that the man who had taken all the blame had committed suicide, he then started to erupt like a car tire that suddenly burst. Completely discouraged, I collapsed on the chair and faced the sky, unable to say a word."

"For the first time, I was shaken about whether we could take this city. God, I was full of confidence in it yesterday! But now, everything is different! When will this nightmare end? Brutal massacre? This is like a hellish city, with terrible news coming every day. Is this Christmas really going to be spent in ruins?”

Recalling his diary of that day in his mind, Colonel Adam, who still had not recovered from the painful struggle, heard a reminder from the front seat of the barrel truck.

"Colonel, we are here. The hospital is right in front."

Colonel Adam slowly opened his eyes and realized that the car had stopped at some point, and the smell of blood and death outside the car had seeped into his nostrils through the gap in the car window.

"Get out of the car."

This field hospital, one of the Sixth Army's subordinates, is a relatively large one. From the outside, it looks like it might have been a manor used by the Russians to store grain or other things. The yard is quite spacious and the rooms are large.

The field hospital, which was far away from the frontline of the war, could not hear any roar of guns and seemed extremely quiet. But the quieter it was at this time, the more strange it was to Colonel Adam, until he felt very nervous.

Colonel Adam, who said nothing, entered the field hospital with several of his entourage and guards. Simple and ubiquitous medical equipment immediately came into view, and the beds were placed almost close to the door. It was crowded and noisy, and the air was filled with an unpleasant and nauseating smell that would make ordinary people vomit on the spot just by smelling it for a second.

"This is terrible, Colonel. Don't we have better medical conditions? Where do people live in a place like this?"

The captain and staff officer who said this had been transferred to the front line less than three months ago. In Colonel Adam's opinion, he was a brat who had just graduated from a military academy. His words were useless and were ignored by Colonel Adam on the spot.

"Uh-huh, it hurts. It hurts so much. Who can help me? Doctor, doctor, where is the doctor?"

If it hadn't been for the sudden sound, even Colonel Adam would have thought that the body lying on the hospital bed twenty centimeters away to his right was a corpse.

This seriously wounded man's body from the buttocks down was almost completely blown away. Who knows how a guy like this who was not dead was carried off the battlefield alive, but judging from his posture, he should also belong to the type where there is no tomorrow if he survives today. .

Although this is a guy who is about to die, Colonel Adam, who has been to the front line more than once, still sympathizes with the soldiers who fought bloody battles. Even if he is in a high position now, he must not forget his original intention, right?

Colonel Adam stepped forward and came to the bedside. He adjusted his tone to what he thought was a relatively warm state and spoke quietly.

"Thank you for your contribution to the country and the head of state. Can you tell me how you were injured? Sergeant."

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