Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 761 Moment of Victory

The battlefield filled with artillery fire left little time for Malashenko to think about everything he had experienced and the changes in his body.

Even though the Red Army, which had already reached the top of the hill, was full of momentum and was about to kick the Germans off the hill by singing triumphant songs all the way, Malashenko still did not dare to completely relax his vigilance before all this really happened.

The word "win" is a word that can only be uttered when stepping on the opponent's corpse after victory. Any "soft talk of victory" before that may turn into nothing due to sudden unpredictable variables.

So even though he looked like his right eyeball was about to fall out, Malashenko still did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately ordered the crew to rejoin the battle, while he himself carefully put his face into the car He seemed to be afraid of knocking off his eyeballs before using the periscope, so he quickly re-entered the battle with a high degree of concentration.

Fortunately, the German army, which only carefully managed the first and second lines of defense, deployed the deep third line of defense at the top of the hill and the "fourth line of defense" that was not even a line of defense. In the eyes of the Red Army soldiers The fierce and powerful offensive did not last long.

Just over an hour later, the German troops who had been entrenched on the top of Mamayev Hill for nearly a week were quickly driven off after paying a heavy price in casualties, leaving behind corpses everywhere that they had no time to restrain. and a large number of weapons and equipment, including the eight 150mm evergreen heavy howitzers that were left on the top of the hill and could not be taken away.

As the saying goes, defeat is like a mountain falling.

The German army, which was not good at defensive warfare, was actually defeated at the first moment of Malashenko's extremely dirty poison-raising conspiracy. Its final failure was doomed by a domino-like chain reaction.

After falling to the enemy for nearly a week, control of Mamayev Heights, a strategic location that determined the final winner of the Battle of Stalingrad, finally returned to the hands of the Soviet Red Army.

It's just that what Malashenko doesn't know at this moment is.

If he hadn't made too much noise at the train station, Paulus, who had already dispersed all his troops and had no reserves available, would have been forced to withdraw from the strategic rear of Mamaev Hill. A full infantry division was mobilized and rushed to the railway station to rush to the emergency rescue.

It's hard to say who will win the battle on Mamayev Hill.

Chuikov once silently made a wish in his heart, hoping that Malashenko could create a miracle for him.

But when Malashenko only took half a day to put the miracle before his eyes, Chuikov felt as if he hadn't woken up yet, as if he was in a dream, but he felt a little confused and couldn't believe it.

"Victory! Ulla! Victory! We are victorious!"

"Mamayev Kurgan is ours! Ulla! Ulla!!!"

"The great Red Army is invincible, go and eat shit, you Hitler's lackeys!"

Although Chuikov didn't quite believe that everything before him was real, the cheers of the soldiers coming from outside the army headquarters silently explained to him the authenticity of everything.

This brutal battle, which lasted for a week and almost half of the hillside of Mamayev Ridge was stained red with blood, finally came to an end with our side regaining control of the theater.

"It's over, Comrade Commander, the battle to retake Mamayev Hills is over! Victory is ours! We won!!!"

The excited words of the chief of staff infected Chuikov, who was somewhat absent-minded.

Chuikov finally realized that all this was true and let out a long sigh of relief. This brutal battle of recapture, which almost crushed him alive, finally came to an end in a victorious manner.

"Yes, we won. The First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment created a miracle! Comrade Malashenko won the victory for us!"

"Record all this truthfully, and immediately report it to the front army headquarters together with the battle report! Spread the news of the victory at Mamayev Hills to the entire Stalingrad Front! Let comrades share this victory to boost morale and teach a lesson These half-dead fascist lackeys!”

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

Malashenko came down from the hill to report to Chuikov in a heroic manner. Of course, he came with a swollen right eye that was still the same as a zombie.

Chuikov and the chief of staff, who looked confused and full of questions, looked at me and I looked at you. From each other's eyes and facial expressions, they could only find "unclear". What kind of cruel battle can the child be killed? Injured like this?

"Malashenko, have you checked your right eye with a military doctor?"

This was the first sentence Chuikov spoke after Malashenko met Chuikov and fell into an eerie silence for nearly half a minute.

"Not yet, Comrade Commander, but I think the problem is not big. My vision is not affected in any way and I can see things very clearly. Please don't worry."

Malashenko answered truthfully.


Chuikov felt a little unconvinced. How could his eyes almost fall out of their sockets and be okay? Malashenko must be forcibly comforting himself, or he may not understand the seriousness of the injury. After all, he is not a military doctor.

In any case, we must not let the Red Army's most popular tank hero be blinded. This matter will not only be held accountable by General Zhukov, but also the Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin may be held accountable.

As the commander of the 62nd Army, Chuikov knew that for every day of the battle that Malashenko held at Stalingrad No. 1 Railway Station, General Zhukov truthfully reported to Moscow in the summary report of the day's battle situation.

Would the loving father Comrade Stalin not care about the specific battle conditions on the most important battlefield of Stalingrad? If you think about it with your head, you will know that this is completely impossible, let alone a battle at a key strategic point like Stalingrad No. 1 Railway Station.

Malashenko's name may have been read by Comrade Stalin every day in recent days, Chuikov thought with great conviction.

"Okay, Malashenko. The battle on Mamayev Heights has come to an end for the time being. Those Germans will definitely not give up. But after learning from the experience and lessons learned from the last loss, we will be more careful and rigorous this time. Arrange a defensive plan to ensure that Mamayev Heights will not be captured by those Germans again. "

"After the offensive battle is over, there is no special need for tank troops. The rest can be left to the infantry."

"Your First Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment of the Guards has fought many brutal battles recently. Your regiment will be temporarily arranged to a relatively safe place to rest and recuperate. The most important thing is to wait for the replenishment of technical equipment."

"Although I haven't read the battle report yet, I estimate that your regiment has less than thirty tanks left now, right?"

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