Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 743 Silent Killer (Part 2)

"But last night was different."

"His penultimate bathroom break in the early morning was about an hour and 40 minutes earlier than usual, when he still had time to sleep before dawn."

"I concluded that the excessive amount of water he drank before going to bed must still be in stock, and there should be a splash of urine next. Although this would not happen to normal people, it is different for him."

Wilt told Kurt these words on a pile of playing cards on the table in the camp. Kurt was holding a cigarette in his mouth. Wilt, who had never smoked, was holding a toothpick cut from a twig. The next card he throws out is the King.

"The last time he went to the toilet killed him. It was much later than the last time he went to the toilet. It had reached the point where the sun had almost peeked out. But the remaining darkness was still enough for us to retreat. The Russians' night The patrol had just left the place where he peed and headed east. If there were no gunshots today, the Russians who had finished the night patrol could probably sleep well for three or four hours, maybe two hours. No one could make it in time. Catch us as soon as the gunfire goes off."

Kurt was sucked in by the story told by Wilt and was fascinated by it. He didn't realize that the poker cards in his hand were basically being beaten by Wilt.

"Queen! Killer! You wash the lunch boxes today, Kurt."

He still had a lot of cards in his hand, but Wilt had already taken the lead in clearing his inventory and won the victory. Fortunately, this almost led-by defeat was not a loss for Kurt.

He reached out and took the cards on the table that had been shuffled into a pot of porridge. Following the principle that the loser should be responsible for shuffling the cards, Kurt honestly did what he was supposed to do. Some of the questions in his mind that had not yet been completely answered were sorting out his thoughts. After that, he blurted out slowly and slowly.

"Can you give me your recording schedule? Wilt, I want to learn your tactics. This should be very useful to me in the future."

"Huh? Record schedule? Why would I have that?"

A careless sentence has a huge contrasting effect between the speaker's unintentional intention and the listener's intention.

Holding an iron vat of freshly brewed French coffee in his hand, he was slowly blowing the steam rising from the surface and savoring the mellow and fragrant French flavor. Wilt's calm expression made him realize that he really wasn't lying, or even that there was no need to lie at all.

The originally smooth shuffling action in Kurt's hand suddenly stopped. The two cards he held between his thumb and index finger happened to be "King" and "Queen". He didn't realize that his expression had changed. Kurt was quite surprised and then spoke subconsciously.

"Could it be that those times you just mentioned, those times accurate to the second, were all written down by your brain without using pen and paper?"

He slowly took a sip of French coffee with sugar cubes in the bottom. Wilt, who had never looked at the French, loved drinking this French drink. In his own words, it is a thousand times better than the German coffee that tastes as bad as horse urine. It is one of the necessary artifacts for him to relax and regain his ideal state on the battlefield.

"The eldest sister who took care of me in the orphanage said that I was very talented in mathematics and that I would have a chance to become someone like Riemann in the future. I thought this was very unreliable. Would that mathematician take pleasure in killing people? The so-called pleasure can only be found when falling from the scope, and when drinking French coffee, even women are not interesting to me. "

"And don't do math problems on the battlefield, it will kill you, Kurt. It's the stupidest way to die. Trust me, maybe the Russians will spit on your body and call you a fool. "


If Wilt hadn't announced his family status, Kurt would have found it hard to believe that the man in front of him had almost the same appearance as the "pure Germanic man" described by Dr. Goebbels. His side-parted blond hair could make a girl pregnant and a noble lady unable to sleep. This guy could actually be an orphanage madman who is only interested in killing people and drinking French coffee but scorns women?

Kurt had heard the story of the famous British serial killer "Jack the Ripper" in 1888.

There is a saying that Jack is a handsome gentleman who is loved by women. He can lure prostitutes into his bloody trap without spending any money just by his appearance and demeanor. After that, he would disembowel the prostitutes with those bloody and cruel methods, just because Jack was a child born by a prostitute for the sake of temporary happiness and no one wanted him, so he grew up in an orphanage.

When Jack grew up, he came back to take revenge on those whores and bitches, just like he took revenge on his own mother.

Unable to control himself, he accidentally made the King and Queen cards fly out of his hand with his thumb. Kurt looked at the person in front of him who was already very familiar to him but suddenly felt quite strange. He couldn't help but want to ask. Asked if Wilt’s ancestors were British-Germans who moved from London to Hamburg.

But after thinking for a while with trembling hands, Kurt, who felt a little inexplicably scared, gave up the idea that made his back feel cold. He always kept in mind his mother's words: "Never mess with weird people." "If so, Wilt is obviously a weirdo.

The game continued as usual after Wilt took the initiative to retrieve the king and queen cards.

It's just that in the 67 poker games that lasted for several hours, Kurt never won another one, or he simply didn't dare to win another one.

The missed shot failed to kill the prey but frightened Malashenko so much that he retreated into the tank and temporarily stopped showing his head.

Wilt, who wore a necklace symbolizing a cross of faith around his neck, did not want to stay here any longer. He felt that the missed shot just now was largely due to a problem with the sniper location. To describe it in Chinese, It means "this land is unlucky".

Wilt opened up the lime-gray camouflage cloak covering himself to reveal his body and the weapon with only half of the barrel exposed. The left side of the entire gun butt was densely covered with horizontal and vertical lines with a saber. Wilt would not He didn't care whether those son-of-a-bitch military academy officers would scold him for damaging his gun.

As long as Russian officers are killed one after another, those idiots can be silenced with their heads. This is one of the reasons why Wilt is always actively looking for high-value targets.

"The guard box over there is good. When we go there, the collapsed bricks can hide us just right."

Looking at Wilt's chilling back, Kurt, who felt that he was getting more and more dangerous, muttered something in a low voice like a mosquito that he could barely hear, and then followed his footsteps and left this place. A room that smells like corpse.

"I really don't want to be like you"

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