Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 704 Taking the blame

Disputes or even quarrels during meetings can be said to be very common in the distant future. Sometimes it is not impossible to stage a full-scale armed fight on the spot. The same is naturally true in the military, which is an organ of state violence.

Lavrinenko had a dispute with the commander of the regiment under Commander Cherchenkov. In Malashenko's opinion, this was really not a big deal, and he didn't even bother to take care of it.

But just when Malashenko was thinking about other things and didn't want to be interrupted, the commander of the main infantry regiment who was criticized by Lavrinenko in front of so many people felt very uncomfortable. In order to save face, his face turned red and hot, and he even responded to Lavrinenko with some irritation and refutation on the spot.

"You are slandering! I never expressed the meaning of what you just said. I was just stating the best tactics and facts based on the facts! Also, please pay attention to your superiors and subordinates, this comrade, your attitude It seems a little inappropriate!”

Lavrinenko himself felt a little unhappy and extremely unhappy, and now this grinning idiot sitting opposite him actually dared to use his superior and inferior military ranks to suppress him.

Lavrinenko, who has a good temper after hanging around Malashenko, usually no one dares to talk to him like this. Even Malashenko and Commissar Petrov treat each other as equals and in consultation. The soldiers and grassroots commanders and combatants below even greeted Lavrinenko with honorifics and saluted in advance.

No matter what, Lavrinenko is still a face-saving person. This is the only thing that is certain.

The very angry Lavrinenko clenched his fists and was about to stand up from his chair when he saw the situation, letting the bastard opposite him who had refuted his face know what the iron fist of the Guards Heavy Tank Force was, but unexpectedly he was Seeing that the situation was not going well, Malashenko immediately took action and pushed him back to the chair, and sat down again honestly.

"What are you doing? If I don't stop you from quarreling, do you still want to fight? Do you plan to let the German guys on the opposite side laugh at us in the middle of the night!? There is an infantry division and a Guards heavy tank regiment. After all, we just fought side by side not long ago. We have been close comrades in arms, why are we now preparing to fight at the venue over something as trivial as how to slaughter Germans tomorrow?”

"If we really wait until tomorrow to start the fight, if your anger has not subsided, will you still have to compete on the battlefield again? Are you going to let the Germans be your referees!?"

"We are the Soviet Red Army, soldiers of the motherland, the group of people that scare the Germans the most! We are not gangsters who hang out in the streets of Moscow begging for drinks! If you think it is necessary, Commissar Petrov can emphasize it to you now. Battlefield discipline, anyone want to hear it? Raise your hand and let me see."

Malashenko neither favored Lavrinenko, nor did he favor the main commander under Division Commander Cherchenkov.

To be honest, Malashenko himself now feels that there are big problems with the previous comprehensive defense deployment tactics at the railway station. However, holding on to the railway station was a fatal order from Chuikov at the Army Headquarters. Malashenko does not feel that he deliberately Chuikov, who learned about the situation, would be happy to hear that a large piece of the train station was given to the Germans for free.

The shortage of troops is indeed an objective condition that must be acknowledged, but the railway station must definitely adhere to the same set mission goal and not violate it.

Malashenko, who had long been aware of this problem, hesitated again and again, and finally chose to follow the order of the Army Group Headquarters and planned to build the train station into a fortress to block the German offensive. Develop enough defensive power to respond quickly instead of just defending a little.

However, the intensity of the German offensive today did far exceed Malashenko's expectations.

Judging from the results of the current rough analysis, in order to capture and occupy the small Stalingrad No. 1 Railway Station today, the German army invested at least two infantry divisions and one armored regiment in this offensive direction. The troops, the miscellaneous assault artillery battalions and the like are even more useless.

The war has turned into what it is today. Malashenko asked himself that as a military commander, he had an unshirkable responsibility.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who had nothing to hesitate, immediately adjusted his voice and spoke seriously again.

"Comrades, I would like to admit my mistakes to you first. Because of my personal improper command, our defense forces and soldiers suffered a lot of casualties during the day's battle."

At this point, Malashenko, who paused for a moment, glanced at Lavrinenko, who was sitting not far from him, and then glanced sideways at the head of the main force sitting opposite Lavrinenko. .

After making sure that both of their expressions had calmed down and showed no signs of excess, Malashenko, who felt a little more relaxed, continued to add.

"Comrade Korelyuch is right. My initial plan to defend the entire train station was indeed wrong. Our total military strength does not have this capability, even now."

As soon as Malashenko said this, not only did Lavrinenko, who was sitting next to him, have an unpleasant expression on his face, but even Kore, who had just started arguing with Lavrinenko, Captain Liu Qi also looked surprised.

You must know that Malashenko is a fierce general who has been named and praised by Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin. This has been written in the propaganda materials to boost morale and is widely known throughout the front line.

At the same time, Malashenko also has many auras such as being a tank hero and the leader of the Guards Tank Regiment. He is able to save face and admit his faults and mistakes in front of so many people. It is not even necessarily because of Marashenko. The faults and mistakes caused by Shenke's own ideas are simply unbelievable to many people here.

But what many people didn't notice was that compared to the surprised expressions on their faces, the face of Political Commissar Petrov, who was sitting to Malashenko's left, looked calm and unsurprised.

Political Commissar Petrov knew Malashenko as a person and knew that he had the courage and courage to admit his mistakes.

Even if Malashenko should not be blamed for this mistake, in order to unite everyone present and enhance cohesion, Malashenko will be willing to sacrifice his own self to do so. This is what Political Commissar Petrov thinks. The most remarkable thing about Malashenko’s growth.

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