Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 698 Betrayer

"You know who I'm talking about, Iushkin, rush forward and capture him alive!"

Accompanying the words he blurted out, a generous hand patted Iushkin's shoulder directly. Iushkin, who received the order from Malashenko, didn't say much.

The hands that tightly grasped the steering gear and the helicopter began to rotate rapidly to drive the black muzzle to point upward. Naturally, Iushkin, who was free and measured in his heart, could not use an 85mm high-explosive bomb to blast the German troops in front of him into the sky.

The coaxial machine gun, which is coaxial with the main gun and can use the gun scope for aiming correction, began to roar and roar, and the blazing 62mm tracer barrage was fired instantly, killing these German soldiers in the most humiliating way for a soldier: being killed from behind. People were beaten to death.

The constant falling of comrades beside them drove the German soldiers who were still alive to run even more desperately, without caring about the comrades beside them who fell with a cry of mourning. Even the courage and time to turn around and take a look had long since disappeared.

Words like ruthlessness cannot be used to describe these German soldiers on the cruel battlefield.

These German veterans who have experienced the brutal Soviet-German war for more than a year know very well that once they turn back or stop their steps, they try to rescue their comrades who have fallen to the ground.

The merciless Russians on the battlefield will shoot bullets with vengeful fury into their chests and crush their flesh and blood bones with steel tracks. The so-called mercy and noble European chivalry are full of blood in this land. Not even a fart on the battlefield.

Those Russians will not let any opportunity to put more German soldiers to death slip away from their hands, and will seize every possible opportunity to do their best to kill more German soldiers.

Similarly, the German army would do the same thing.

Human nature, in this largest ground conflict in human history, has been crushed to pieces by the roaring war machines until not even a scrap is left.

Some German soldiers who were severely injured by machine gun bullets and fell to the ground did not die on the spot. With blood flowing from the corners of their mouths and expressions of pain on their faces, these German soldiers kept groaning on the ground and tried to crawl forward with their hands in order to win the last glimmer of life.

As a driver, Seryosha had no sympathy for these half-disabled wounded German soldiers who kept calling out the names of their comrades in the hope that others would come to help them.

We don't have any extra medicine for these wounded German soldiers if they are captured. In fact, the huge casualties caused by the brutal Battle of Stalingrad have already caused the Soviet army to face a gap in the medical supplies that it had started to reserve early. and insufficient situations.

When one's own soldiers may not be able to be saved, using medical supplies as precious as life to treat the enemy is tantamount to treason.

Seryosha, who only wanted to give these wounded German soldiers a good time, stepped on the accelerator to maintain the course of the car, and continued to roar forward.

The roar and roar of the diesel engine coming from behind, for these wounded German soldiers who were in extreme pain and entangled in deep despair, was tantamount to the roar of the devil coming from the abyss of purgatory, enough to make people feel the deepest fear in their souls. .

The blood stains dragging on the ground continued to lengthen slowly. The wounded German soldiers, who did not even have the strength to stand up, used their two arms to make their last efforts like animals that were about to die of old age, hoping to win for themselves what was actually not possible at all. An illusory vitality that does not exist.

The soil and gravel stained on the steel tracks were scattered in all directions due to the rapid rolling. The tracks, carrying nearly fifty tons of combat weight, were enough to crush any creature that dared to stand in front of it.

The wounded German soldiers, who seemed to have a premonition that death was approaching, stopped crawling and turned around. With a look of horror on their faces, they waved their arms with all their strength and yelled that Seryozha didn't understand and had no interest in understanding. begging for mercy in German, but all this feebleness cannot prevent the cruelty of the final result.

"Please, don't—"




Perhaps Yelyosha, Iushkin, and even Kirill, a top student who graduated from the Music Department of Moscow State University, don’t know what language to use to accurately describe the pressurized blood in the body, which is weighed by nearly fifty tons. The heavy tank was crushed until it exploded instantly, followed by a strange sound of shrill screams.

But Malashenko, who traveled from later generations, knew.

To put it bluntly, Malashenko felt that the sound sounded to him like the instantaneous explosion of a water-filled balloon when it was thrown to the ground from the height of the fifth floor.

Scattered blood and organ fragments were sprayed everywhere under the pressure of blood circulation in the human body. The M35 steel helmet worn on the head was forced to fly because the head exploded and rolled four to five meters. Apart from that, what was in the feces spoon was a large lump of brain tissue or vague pieces of meat that had been spattered into it by the crushed lung lobes.

Like a roly-poly, before the helmet stopped swinging in place with the top of the helmet facing down, the steel tracks rushed up in a flash of lightning and crushed the relic helmet, together with the owner's flesh and blood remaining on the track pads, into iron slabs. .

Sitting in the commander's position in the turret, Malashenko's face was extremely calm and calm, and there was not even a trace of tremor between his eyebrows.

If you are a time traveler in the future, you no longer feel that such a scene is very cruel and it is just ordinary.

It is worth congratulating that the soul that controls the body has adapted to everything here and can solve all the problems it faces in a more efficient way.

This is the cruel Soviet-German battlefield.

It was also the Great Patriotic War.

There were fewer and fewer soldiers guarding Colonel Weeks. The coaxial machine gun controlled accurately by Iushkin had begun to accurately eliminate the remaining German soldiers with short bursts of fire.

While running wildly with Det on his shoulders, he would look back in horror from time to time to see how close those roaring Russian tanks were to him.

Colonel Weeks, realizing that it was the last moment, made the decision almost without any mental burden.

The relatively abundant physical strength that had been retained in the body suddenly exerted force, pushing the young adjutant Det, who was already panting while carrying more than 100 pounds of extra weight while running, to the position behind him.

With a look of confusion and disbelief on his face, Det didn't notice that Colonel Weeks, whom he wanted to protect with all his heart, was holding two shiny ring-shaped objects that had been forcibly pulled away.

Similarly, he didn't notice that there were two more smoking M39 grenades in his jacket pocket.

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